The post Love Letters | Own It appeared first on Sensei Victoria Whitfield.
]]>Source is sending you a wave of confidence and productivity right now.
It's time to step up and take responsibility for shifting your energy - no more waiting to be saved!
Watch this week's 10-minute Love Letter video to start taking ownership of yourself and your life!
"Why didn't I follow my gut feelings?"
This week in particular, Source is saying it's time for you to own it. Own it.
Whatever's coming up, when we say own it, it's time for you to take ownership.
This is about taking personal responsibility, about claiming and really accepting into you something that you may have been hiding, avoiding, or when it comes up, you push it to the side. Especially, the guides say, own your natural intuition.
What does that mean? What that means is develop, accept and cultivate your relationship with your natural intuition. Learn about her. Practice using her. Own it.
Don't dabble here and there or believe but then if someone asks kind of couch away or cower away from it. No, no, no. Own it.
You know, you know that that was the right decision for you and when you didn't make it you're kicking yourself in the face like:
This is a little bit of tough love, but it's because I believe in you. We believe in you here at the tribe at the dojo. Source is behind you always. Own it this week.
It's not just your natural intuitive sense, which by the way, which everyone has. I don't care how un-spiritual people want to say others are or how people want to say that they are. "I'm not into that woo woo stuff." Yeah, okay. You get hunches as if that is an intuition. I'm going to leave that there because I can go on a whole rant and we want to keep this to a reasonable amount of time, but it's time that you own it.
It's not just your natural intuition though. It may be that you messed up and because we are taught perform and perform at a high A level, right? A for awesome. Always get As. There's no other letters in the alphabet because there's only A.
We're taught to perform at a high level, and A means not just awesome, but acceptable. If you don't do an A performance or produce an A level product, then you're not acceptable. Own it.
If you have an ear that's out to the side or a chipped tooth or a gap in your teeth, right, or you have a mole or you know, a little bit of extra juice in your shape, own it. Rather than punishing, punishing, ignoring, down playing, hiding. Own it.
I myself, I used to have a lot of self-consciousness about the gap in my teeth, especially because from time to time it makes me whistle unexpectedly, but I wouldn't smile because I was so shy to do it. Right? To show that oh, I don't have perfect teeth. No, I've never had braces. It took a dentist who has a bit more of a spiritual mindset to say, "No, Victoria, your teeth come together so beautifully. God created them so beautifully. No, you don't need braces." For him to be so passionate about the natural shape of my smile, for me to say, "Wait a minute, maybe I don't have hideous teeth. Maybe it's okay for me to have a gap in my teeth." Then one of my aunt's just flat out said, "You know it's sexy. Madonna has a gap in her teeth."
Own your imperfections. Don't let them slow you down. In fact, the mistakes of our lives and the imperfections that we have and have to deal with not only color our lives and make you unique, but it also gives us depth.
If you have been able to make a mistake and come out on the other side of it, that means you have a depth of wisdom. You've gone another level knowing what not to do. You have a new depth of wisdom that wasn't there before. Accept, integrate, and own that wisdom.
Own the fact that it happened and that you can own this present moment being the best version of yourself, the highest vibrational version of yourself, the most present moment of yourself. Don't let it weight you down.
I'm hearing the Oracle Cards calling the energy. The deck this week in particular is life purpose oracle cards deck, so the angels are showing up more of our sense of direction as well as giving us inspiration if we feel a little bit stuck and crusty energetically.
Angels, what do we need to know right now about owning it? Is there something that we're not owning about our brilliance that maybe you could tell us? Oh my. Children.
Oh my goodness. Your life purpose involves helping, teaching, and healing children. This ... I'm being guided to speak to someone very much so in particular.
I won't say your name, but the guides are telling me you're going to watch this love letter when it airs or whenever you click on it. You know that you're supposed to be working with children, but you think because I don't have my masters of education with kids or because I don't have kids of my own or because my kids are a certain age, you have this story.
I really don't know who I'm talking to, but I'm going to stay specific. The guides are telling me to do so. I'm getting really warm right now.
You have a story that you keep telling yourself to avoid the fact that you are supposed to be working with children. Maybe you're afraid of what they may do.
Kids can smack you in the face or say the most rude things, or even simply by them being children can bring up scary parts of our own childhood. It's time for you to own it. This week in particular.
It may not be like, "Oh, I'm going to take that job working with kids or start that part of my business giving back to kids" or something like that. It may be just this week really journaling and saying, "You know what, I've been avoiding this about working with children and it's time for me to own that."
The minute you're aware of it, it starts to heal, but especially if you're called to work with children but you're having a fear around it, thinking that. Or telling yourself a story that you're not good enough, the guides are saying you need to reach out and get help with that.
Whether it's working on your energy here at the dojo to raise your vibration open enough to share with children and cultivate that vision that you see or if it's going to a therapist and really a psychotherapist, so you can process what aspects of your childhood are coming up for you when you see children.
You really have to own it this week in particular. It's time to take action.
Send me an email back. Comment below. Tell me what's coming up for you. I'm curious to hear, who out there am I talking to? Was it you?
You don't have to say what your situation is if it's quite private, but just give me a post below and say, "You're talking to me." I get those all the time and I love to see who source had be channel to in particular. I never know. I never know unless you tell me.
Make sure you subscribe on YouTube so that you get your love letter first and share this with someone. All right, I'm sending you so much love and blessings and you ready for it? I'll see you next week
In Love and Light,
Just for Today...
Own up to what you have been avoiding confronting lately.
Journal about what you've been side-stepping and why; own the fact that you're afraid, that you were wrong or failed, etc.
Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!
SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!
The post Love Letters | Own It appeared first on Sensei Victoria Whitfield.