The post Love Letters | Loving Your Mindset appeared first on Sensei Victoria Whitfield.
]]>Over time we convince ourselves to be careful about not getting to happy or positive, because it leaves us more vulnerable when things don’t work out.
But sometimes this negative mindset takes the ball and runs with it, making sure we are next to never happy, so that we are always feeling “safe.”
Watch this week’s 12-minute love letter video, the third in our four-part Deep Dive on the Power of Loving Yourself, to discover how to start releasing our addiction to negative self talk.
"I'm not smart enough."
This week is week three of our four week deep dive into loving yourself. The power of loving yourself. Knowing how to build self love enables you to love others in a big way, and that's why we're talking about this.
You already want to show up and service, and give big in life. And we're here talking about exactly how to support you doing that for the long haul, by learning how to fill your cup, first and foremost.
So last week we talked about loving your body. And exactly how to take something that you don't like, and use that as inspiration to share love with yourself.
This week, we're talking about loving your mindset. Loving your mindset. Negative self talk ... Negative, fatalistic, perspective is super killer. The reason why it's killer is because negative mindset cuts your dreams off at the conceptual level, before they can even make it out of gestation, and the manifestation, and out in fruition here.
Out in physical reality. Before they can even get that far, at the conceptual level, negative mindset cuts them all off. The vision that I get from my guides is just someone coming and cutting all of the roses off of rosebushes as the buds are trying to come out.
So be kind to yourself, if your mindset is what's holding you back.
What it would look like if that has been happening to you, is that you're surrounded by all the resource that you could possibly need. Right, you have people that want to help. People are capable of supporting you. You're surrounded by all these great groups, where they have ideal clients of yours.
But because, up here you're saying, "I'm too fat. I'm not smart enough. Nobody will pay for that. No one will love me, I'm not lovable. I'm not enough, I'm not worthy. I'm not really supposed to be in business." All my entrepreneurs, I'm talking to you. Because mindset is everything in business.
But to all those who are leaders and caregivers in your own right, the healers out there. We stop ourselves from sharing our light. Or if we're talking in business terms, we stop ourselves from sharing our gifts, our work.
The wonderful services, or products and visions that we've created to make life easier, brighter, better for others. And we keep cutting those roses off before they can even bloom in our mindset we cut it off at conception. And you want to be kind to yourself.
If that's you, it's time to shine more love into your mindset. And the way that you have a more loving mindset, is to have an abundant mindset.
A mindset and a mental state, a point of view, that has abundance. And the assumption of abundance, as its foundation. Rather than the assumption of lack, or struggle, or competition, etc. holding you down. And that being your assumption of what's behind what's going on around you.
If we can get your mind right, if we can love your mindset. Shine more love, send more healing energy to your mindset. Honestly this week can change your life completely. Because Tony Robbins brilliantly says that, "The biggest resource is resourcefulness."
So if you're able to get your mind right, where you see that you have everything that you need. And you see that you have permission to utilize and mobilize everything that you need, for the greatest good. Not only your greatest good, but the greatest good of all. We all win.
So we want to have an abundance mindset. And abundant mindset is one that is based on faith, and positive expectation. It assumes universal abundance. The lack mindset, which is the opposite, is based on fear. And it assumes that negative things are coming.
That there's going to be more trouble. There's always something to do, there's always another fire to put out. The fear mindset of waiting for the other shoe to drop. And my guide said, the mantra for this week in particular, is going to come from embracing distraction.
So, a natural part of life in general, is that you're going to get distracted. But there's one way to let distraction rule you from a fear mindset, and another way of looking at distraction as fuel. Fearing, or fueling you. Making you fearful, or making you feel fueled by this distraction.
And here it is ... So this is a reframe. The same way that we reframed last week, loving your body. Seeing the parts that you hate the most and saying to them directly, "Okay, this is my opportunity to love myself. I love you anyway." And challenging that self hatred, and using it instead as an opportunity for love. This week, we're going to use distraction as another opportunity to love yourself.
The next time you're feeling distracted ... And this is probably going to happen when you're avoiding some responsibility. Or maybe when you're just getting overwhelmed, and there's not enough awareness of your own boundaries. The next time you're feeling distracted, the mantra of the week is, breathe into the distraction.
Deep breath in, breathe into the distraction. Breathe into the distraction, breathe into the distraction. Deep breath in. Now this is loving to yourself in a myriad of ways. One, on a physical level it oxygenates your blood, which cleanses all of the physical systems of your body via the circulatory system. So we're building on last week's loving your body. But also, this is loving your mindset by helping you slow down and become present, and embrace the distraction as your training partner.
Now, it's important to see distraction, and things that would challenge your mindset, as a training partner. Because training partners are there to train you up. They're there to make you stronger, through resistance training. You have to push against it. And in the pushing against it, you become stronger in the process.
So the next time you have a client that sends you a text, or an email, or a call ... Throws you a curve ball. Breathe into the distraction. Deep breath in. Versus, "Oh my God, what am I gonna do?" Nourish yourself in that moment, breathe against it.
Assume that this is working out for you. Something good is about to happen. We're breathing into the distraction to prepare for something good that's about to happen. This is a challenge, it's easier said than done.
I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the week to encourage us on our path. This deck of the week is angels of abundance, oracle cards deck. Thank you Julie Shopa, She donated this lovely deck to the dojo. Thank you goddess. So let's check this out...
Angels, what do we need to know this week in particular, about loving our mindset? Beautiful, this is so juicy: Partnership.
Allow helpful, supportive partnerships into your personal life and career, and both parties benefit as a result. You are receiving help from heaven, and from a person who brings needed skills and resources. So this is super powerful, and this is where we're going to leave off this week.
If you're watching this, chances are you are a leader, manager, caregiver, healer of some sort, you're an entrepreneur and business owner. Partnering. There's this thing where amazing leaders think, "I can do it all by myself. I do things better by myself." No, breathe into the distraction. Something good is about to happen.
When these people are in your life, you've got to become resourceful, and look for the positive aspects.
As I work with teams and help them to heal together, we celebrate the diversity of opinions, and personalities, and viewpoints. We celebrate that, because that means we have diverse ways of problem solving, rather than just doing everything the same way, one way.
If you look at nature, we have biodiversity. And that what makes nature so powerful, and so strong, is that diversity of opinion. Allow others to help you. But breathe into the resistance that you may have this week in particular, to receiving that help, or that partnership.
Send me an email back, comment below. What's coming up for you around having an abundant mindset, and receiving help.
This is like ... I'm hearing bombs going off, and the energy.
Some people are like, "NO, no." So be kind to yourself if that's you. Breathe into the distraction. Something good is about to happen.
So make sure that you subscribe on YouTube, so you get your love letter videos every week. And I'll see you soon. Bye.
Just for Today...
Breathe in to the distraction to open up your mindset.
When you feel scattered, anxious or triggered, PAUSE and take a deep, cleansing breath.
Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!
SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!
The post Love Letters | Loving Your Mindset appeared first on Sensei Victoria Whitfield.
]]>The post Love Letters | Feed Your Faith appeared first on Sensei Victoria Whitfield.
]]>We want to stay positive and we want to accept the best, but to be honest, that sure takes energy!
So what do you do when you're out of energy to fight off the negative crusty crabs in your mind and life?
Watch this week's 9-minute Love Letter video to learn how to feed your faith!
"I can't seem to trust myself."
This week, the guidance that I'm hearing from source in particular is for you to Feed Your Faith. Feed your faith this week.
Now, what exactly does that mean?
Did you know what faith really is? Faith is actually a substance.
It's a thing; a thing that can be acquired, he same way that we can acquire clothes, or we can acquire possessions and things. It's important to see faith as a substance. A substance that specifically needs to be fed and replenished.
Okay? I want you to visualize this. I'm not saying that it's this little animal or something that needs to eat and blah blah blah. Of course, this is all for illustration's sake.
The guides want you to perceive faith as something that is substantive, rather than some abstract concept.
This week in particular, your challenged to see your faith as a substance. Specifically, one that you can acquire. Acquire more of it, and you'll be able to do more with it. The same as currency.
Specifically the guides are saying the same way that if you acquire more money you're able to do more; it doesn't make you better or worse than anybody, it just gives you more agency because it's a currency.
Current, energy current, with more energy comes more ability. The same is with faith.
Now, if you don't monitor your money and if you don't work on your money, you can't really expect to acquire more of it or the ability to do more with your money. The same goes with your faith.
See your faith as a substance. It is the substance or the currency that you exchange in order to ground your hopes, your visualizations, and your dreams.
In the sacred texts it said that faith is the substance of things that are hoped for. It is the physicality and the thing that we acquire, the currency, with which we ground our visions and manifest them into reality.
Source is saying "feed your faith," this week because: have you been? Feeding your faith?
This is a real question behind this message.
What do you do regularly to reinforce, fortify, and encourage being in a positive state of expectation. Not where we're expecting things from people to live up to our ideals and our dreams and things like that.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
There's an aspect of positive expectation and faith. It's confidence, right? It is the substance, the currency, with which we receive that which we are envisioning and desiring, conjuring in the energy.
I'm hearing the Oracle cards calling in the energy.
This week in particular, talk to us about how can we feed our faith? It's the Healing With The Fairies Oracle cards deck, another Doreen Virtue deck. Fairies, angels, what do we need to know right now? How can we feed our faith this week?
Feeling Safe.
Here's where we'll leave off.
I'm hearing my guide say that the feeling safe card came forward, to say that you who is watching right now, there are a lot of things going on that make you feel completely unsafe, doubtful. That reinforce a sense of fear or need for protection, and second guessing and unsure.
I don't know who I'm speaking to, I don't know who's watching right now.
My guides are saying the feeling safe card in particular has come forward to say your need to feel safe and the deficit of feeling safety is draining your faith.
That hit the pit of my stomach like a rock, so I feel you. My heart is opening, and I'm feeling very soft. I'm a little bit watery in the eyes right now as I share this with you, because there's such a thing as protection obsession. That may have to be another video, but when you're so concerned and worried.
When we're a worry wart or constantly preparing preparing or protecting and trust no one is our mindset, play it safe or don't reach out to far. That doesn't really reinforce having a faith-filled energy.
That drains your faith bank account. That sucks up the substance of the faith in your energy, and drains it out into protection obsession mode. Especially if you're highly sensitive, tend to be prone to protection obsession.
Next week, I'm going to tell you a whole lot more about this, but just for this week in particular what can you do to feed your faith?
It's important that on a daily basis you do something to acquire more of the substance of faith.
To acquire more of the currency, that currency. Think of it as a thing that you have to get and receive. Even like food, eating food. How have you fed your faith today?
Comment below, send me an email back. What's coming up for you around this? Is this arriving just in time? Was I speaking to you? Tell me, is the email to send it to.
Make sure you subscribe on YouTube wherever it is on this page, so that you get your Love Letters first every week.
See you next time!
In Love and Light,
Just for Today...
Do something that feeds your faith, belief in yourself and positive outlook.
Listen to an inspirational "how I did it" story from a loved one or Youtube, for example.
Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!
SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!
The post Love Letters | Feed Your Faith appeared first on Sensei Victoria Whitfield.