Natural Intuition Now: Book One – Beginner

naturalintuitionbookpagesavatarHave you ever wondered what it would be like to receive intuitive guidance for yourself? 

Wish that you could understand, or even pick up on, the signs and signals your spirit guides send?

Or, are you already having paranormal experiences - communicating with angels, deceased loved ones or even your pets - but have a hard time controlling your ability to sense their energy on demand?

If so, please know this: You are not alone.


This book is dedicated to helping you discover, heal and connect to your Natural Intuition, now.


Believe it or not, you have an innate gift and ability to communicate with your world on an energetic, spiritual level. And you have this gift for a reason: to help and heal you world.

Now's the time for you to begin learning how to cultivate a natural relationship with your intuition. It's the key to manifesting the life, abundance and relationships your soul has been seeking.

In this brief 70-page introduction, you will discover the first three of six natural arts to practice that will awaken your innate spiritual senses.




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Let this book be the catalyst to you fully embracing your healing journey. And the journey begins right here, right now.


victoriapurplesmileABOUT THE AUTHOR 
As an internationally recognized holistic stress management expert, speaker and spiritual teacher, Sensei Victoria Whitfield is evolving soul; her fun, bubbly, peaceful and loving messages make spiritual development and healing accessible to the everyday person.
A gifted psychic channel and empath from early childhood, she has spent most of her personal life exploring parapsychology, world religions, bio-energy, psychophysiology, quantum mechanics of attraction and metaphysical studies. Her favorite system of techniques mixes shadow work with Native American Shamanism, and she is a trained Sensei (or Master-Teacher) in Tibetan-Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki and Holy Fire Reiki.
Actively researching and practicing diverse traditions of meditation, crystal healing and divination since 2004, in 2011 Victoria began her professional commitment to sharing healing energy part time, and then by 2014 built a successful full-time spiritual practice – all before the age of 30 – which continues to grow to this day.