Visionary Shaman Circle Group Program – Spiritual Support for Entrepreneurs

The Visionary Shaman Circle


Do you feel LOST on your entrepreneurial journey right now?

Struggling to continue to serve and support others because, deep-down you know that YOU need healing now?

Scared that if nothing changes, you're gonna burn out and sabotage your business?


You are not alone.



It's time for you to ALLOW yourself to RECEIVE support, instead of only giving it away all the time.


See if the following describes you:

  • You have a business, or would like to birth one
  • You desire to have a life that is spirit-filled and spirit-led
  • You can't shake the feeling that you have a higher purpose that you haven't stepped in to yet
  • You are a spiritual, naturally intuitive person
  • You believe in angels, guides and the wisdom of the Earth and animals
  • You have been receiving signs from spirit lately
  • You wish you had more understanding of your gut feelings
  • In fact, you'd really like to receive guidance from spirit on demand
  • And while we're at it, you'd like for Spirit to tell you exactly how and what to do to recognize, create and receive increasing abundance and ease in your life, body and business, every single day

If so, then this is an opportunity for you to activate your Divine Contract.

A Divine Contract is a connection, experience or relationship that Source is holding in spiritual escrow for you that is specifically designed for your soul's expansion.
And, personally, I only work with Divine Contracts.
I can now say, with deep gratitude and quiet joy, that because of my personal Shamanic Journey practice, I've built a now 6-figure spirit-filled and spirit-led business that is internationally recognized - all in under 3 years and before turning 30, with no business degree whatsoever... and honestly, I feel like I've barely gotten started.

And how I did it was simple: I GOT SPIRITUAL SUPPORT.

And then my guides started whispering in my ear, repeatedly:
"Share Your Wealth Now. Your Tribe Needs You Now."
And so I made the leap and created The Visionary Shaman Circle in 2016. Watch the original invocation, to witness the beginning:

(Runtime: 45 minutes. )
I desire to see you healthy, wealthy and wise.
I desire to see you so joyful that you are OVER-joyed.
I desire to see you grounded and confident in your Source connection.
I desire to see you surrounded by people who love, honor, respect and truly feel you...
I desire to see you fully aligned with abundance and fulfillment in all areas of your life - experiencing financial, physical, emotional, social, spiritual, sensual and purposeful abundance.
abundance quote

#Together, we can make that happen.


Our Vision for Our Members:

Provide consistent, high-vibrational support, inspiration and spiritual direction for entrepreneurs who are today’s leading-edge creators and lightworkers, through the power of the ancient, profoundly grounding and healing principles and techniques of Shamanic Journey Meditation...

Co-create, connect and awaken our WORLDWIDE TRIBE of like-minded visionaries, who are driven to step fully in to the shared life purpose Source has called us to of being HEALING ENTREPRENEURS AND LEADERS in the world, by encouraging each other to continue walking The Shamanic Path, together for our souls’ expansion...

Heal, inspire and uplift our own personal lives and communities AS we grow our businesses because we are unapologetically shining our lights personally and professionally, from the natural overflow of feeling safe, loved and grounded.


What You’ll RECEIVE with Your Membership:

  • 1 Initial 2-Hour Shamanic Journey Orientation and Training Video to learn how to do shamanic vision journey meditations
  • 1 Initial 1-Hour Private Grounding Session with Victoria to ground and clear your energy and prepare for manifesting at higher levels by strategizing your next 6 months
  • Monthly 2-Hour Shamanic Vision Video Conference Calls (via Zoom) on the 3rd Thursdays* each month (*usually, but sometimes dates are moved because Victoria's traveling around the world or at school), 10:00am-12:00pm EST which include:
    • Training in Shamanic Vision Journeying for spiritual business guidance
    • 2 15-minute journeys followed by 5-minute journaling breaks
    • Q&A and group wisdom sharing time
    • Channeled guidance on Abundance Mindset and Manifesting best practices
    • MP3 and Video recorded for your convenience
  • Monthly 1-Hour Centering Video Conference Calls (via Zoom) 2 weeks after the Shamanic Vision Call on a Thursday, 10:00-11:00am EST, which include:
    • 15-minute Grounding and Clearing Meditation
    • Vortex of Abundance tune-up
    • Q&A and group wisdom sharing time
    • MP3 and Video recorded for your convenience
  • Exclusive Quarterly "Strategic Spa Days" in New Jersey for bonding with your Visionary Shaman Circle Tribe IN PERSON
  • Private Visionary Shaman Circle Facebook Group, which includes:
    • Exclusive access to MP3 library of all call recordings
    • Exclusive community of successful, visionary and leading-edge professional lightworkers like you who are excited to support your exponential growth
    • Weekly member video reports of healings and manifestations
    • Inspirational reading and viewing lists personally curated by Victoria
  • Daily Celebration Checklists Emailed to You for keeping you in the vortex and moving forward in life and business
  • Free Admission to Weekly Monday & Thursday Night Group Meditations @ The Dojo in-person, or remotely via Zoom Video Conferencing
  • Free Admission to Monthly Abundant Business Circles @ The Dojo in person, or remotely via Zoom Video Conferencing


What You’ll GIVE with Your Membership:

  • Commitment to Do DAILY Shamanic Vision Journey Meditations on your own for receiving daily guidance on self-healing, and moving your life and business forward
  • Commitment to Do WEEKLY C2R2 Video Reports on your own schedule in our private Visionary Shaman Circle Facebook Group
  • Commitment to Participate in our MONTHLY Zoom Calls either with your live attendance on Zoom or posting about your insights after viewing the recording in our private Visionary Shaman Circle Facebook Group
  • Commitment to Participate in our QUARTERLY Strategic Spa Days either with your live attendance in person or posting about your insights after doing your own 5-hour minimum spa day in our private Visionary Shaman Circle Facebook Group
  • Commitment to Respect the PRIVACY of Our Tribe personally by adopting a "what happens in The Circle, stays in The Circle" code of integrity, always asking permission to share others's stories or information, and professionally by signing our formal Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
  • Commitment to Pay Your Membership Dues in full and in an honorable and timely fashion according to your individual financial agreement with Sensei Victoria Whitfield. Monthly membership dues range from $250/month to $750/month depending on the level of support you are ready to receive; membership is a 12-month commitment with rolling enrollment
  • Commitment to Communicate Your Truth, Speak Up and Give Feedback always, out of love and respect for creating the safest, most honest, intimate and respectful environment for all of our Tribe, yourself included
  • Commitment to Show Up and Stay Open especially when you feel inadequate, imperfect, unsure, unfinished or unclear. We desire to support each other deeply, and staying open to that is a learned and practiced skill. #wevegotyourback


Be Inspired by Our Members:

Meet Visionary Shaman Julie Shopa

Virtual Bookkeeper and Prayer Warrior Julie Shopa of boldly shares her story of her healing journey in 2016 to becoming a Master Manifestor and living a high-vibrational life from studying closely with Sensei Victoria Whitfield. 

Julie shares about opening to real legendary love after feeling trapped in a multi-year dead-end relationship, releasing low-vibe and draining people out of her life and business, working with only the best clients, living on the beach, freedom to manifest money and friendship anywhere, and certainty in her unique VORTEXY connection to Source with no shame or judgement of how she talks to Him and walks with Him anymore. 


Meet Visionary Shaman Nailah Butler

 Non-profit Executive Director and FUN-draising consultant Nailah Butler of shares her story of finding her Tribe and reinventing herself from fear-filled to faith-filled by joining The Visionary Shaman Circle with Sensei Victoria Whitfield.

Nailah shares about manifesting the highest event attendance and engagement to date at her non-profit's 2016 annual gala, receiving high-vibrational and laser-focused branding advice from her Spirit guides for her new business, shifting from feeling blocked to more confident than ever, and the profound joy and relief of having found her TRIBE of support!


Meet Visionary Shaman Ashley Palmer

High-End Accessories Designer and Plant Art Therapist Ashley Palmer of shares her story of being liberated from a long-term corporate soul-sucking career to achieve epic personal and entrepreneurial manifestations with Sensei Victoria Whitfield.

Ashley is a Master Manifestor! She shares about manifesting a new job, renters for her NYC apartment, 1-2 month vacations whenever she feels like it, and powerful chance connections for her budding business. Oh, and did we mention her newfound confidence and clarity, even as an introvert who used to suffer from crippling self-doubt and people-pleasing?



Now, it's YOUR turn to be supported...



ADMISSION to The Visionary Shaman Circle is available only on a case-by-case video interview basis; all applicants are screened to preserve the safety and sacred energy of our circle. To ensure that you are fully supported on your journey, membership to VSC is a 1-year commitment.

The purpose of your video interview is to give you a sacred space and private time with Sensei Victoria Whitfield where you can ground your energy and share your story about your entrepreneurial and spiritual healing journeys. 


You are so loved. You are safe, here.