Making Massive Change in Record Time
Tired of the same old routine?
Amazed how certain people can make BIG changes quickly?
Wishing you could, too, but don't know where to start?
Most people think making big changes entails a long, arduous process.
However, the Energy has shifted - in fact, there are specific ways to speed up the process that you can implement immediately.
Watch the above video to learn how to make massive change in record time!
More Love and More Money - Video Series on Increasing Authentic Abundance
Ready! Set! ...Ready!
When is it going to be GO time, finally?
Perhaps as you're reading this blog post, you've come to that inevitable point in life when the day-to-day routine becomes stale and a big shift is past-due for you.
Business as usual. Status quo. Standard procedure. Same old, same old. ...Ew.
It just doesn't do it for you any more.
More and more you see people losing the weight, rocking in their business, getting married, transforming their relationships, graduating, retiring or taking amazing vacations and you begin to feel even more unsettled with how things are in your life.
Intuitively, you know that you can do it too, but the idea of adding one more thing to your to-do list however sounds just too overwhelming.
So you end up going nowhere instead of just getting started.
Isn't it funny how once we start to feel ready to change - especially in a BIG way - our minds just pile on more and more thoughts about "oh I have to do this, this, this and then omg that means I have to do this and this and this..." - and so on?
Well, this happens because your mind, body and energy have been long accustomed to reinforcing the routine you have, even if it's stale; so when you get ready to shift, the ego throws you into an overload on purpose.
Yes, it's just good old-fashioned self-sabotage - but push through it! Why?
Because the same old thinking produces the same old results.
Making massive change starts with CLARITY.
Clarity can be quite uncomfortable, but also, it could be just the thing you need. How can you expect to get what you want if you don't make a decision?
Know this: If you want it all, you'll get nothing. Decide! #MLMM
Creative, sensitive and spiritual types like us become our own worst enemies because we overload ourselves with possibilities. All. The. Time.
However, when it's time to shift, this habit of doing it all and having it all that worked before and impressed others before becomes painfully insufficient.
Remember: A jack of all trades is a master of none. 🙁
For example, when using a garden hose, the water comes out gentler on the shower setting because it's scattered, and comes out with force when on the nozzle setting because it's focused. Which setting would you use to quickly clear away caked on gunk from your car's tires?
Massive change in record time doesn't come from being scattered or trying to juggle it all. It comes from deciding to focus with all of your mind, body and energy on doing ONE thing, and that's what breaks through whatever is in your way.
Watch this week's video for the Oracle Card of the Week, which introduces the secret to supercharging your ability to shift quickly!
In Love and Light,
Just for Today...
Make a decision.
Write in 8 words or less the one thing that you want to change in your life today.
Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!
SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!