Love Letters | I Don’t Know – Part 2 of 2

Do you often say "I don't know" automatically as filler words in conversation?

Always caught off guard when people casually ask you "what do you want"?

Tired of feeling so indecisive all the time?

Most people are afraid to make decisions because they're worried they'll pick the wrong one, so they just avoid making decisions altogether.

But what if you're someone who genuinely wants to be more confident and decisive, and are frustrated that you literally can't figure out what you want?

Watch the above 10-minute video to find out what is clogging up your confident, decisive energy and what to do about it!

"I say 'I don't know' so I don't have to commit."

Saying, and having that habit of automatically responding, "I don't know" to when people ask you questions is a throat chakra issue.

The throat chakra is an energy center in your body that deals with truth and expression.

If we're stuck saying "I don't know," we're protecting against something.

We're avoiding being expressive.

We're protecting against a sense of rejection, of us expressing whatever our truth is.

That's what saying "I don't know" comes down to.

It's being afraid to express your truth so much that you're in a habit cycle of avoiding being open and honest by any means necessary.

I'm hearing the Oracle cards calling out on the energy to really help us get some more guidance around being addicted to saying, "I don't know."

Saying "I don't know" automatically is like saying "Um."

Have you ever listened to someone speaking on stage, they're like "and, um ... What I think is um ... Our next topic is uh, I uh ..."

Eventually you start listening to them saying "um", and you're like "AAAAAH!"

Or, if you're creepy like me, you'll start writing down and keeping score of how many times they said "um" just to pass the time, so you don't go crazy. 😉

The Oracle card deck that said "hey, we can help with this topic" was the Indigo Angel Oracle cards deck.

This deck has to do with those of us who are highly sensitive individuals and spiritual people who are encountering some challenges along the path of our expansion.

That's what this Oracle card deck in particular has been made for.

We're getting two coming out this week: "Physical outlet" and "You are understood."

It's been quite some time since two oracle cards have come out in the reading, but the angels are saying that this is totally on purpose, so we're going to go with it.

"Physical outlet." The angels are saying, "read what the channeling is," so here goes:


This current situation is causing you to hold on to something that the angels would like you to release.

That's exactly what we were just talking about.

Having the "I don't know" habit cycle is means we're holding back, we don't want the truth to come out.

We're afraid of the truth, or we're afraid of being rejected or misunderstood.

But the other card, "You are understood", is coming forward to validate, and say, "you don't have to be afraid of that, that's not what we should be afraid of. Don't let that fear hold you back."

The reading says:


The angels are asking you to engage in a physical activity as a source of self counseling, and a means of clearing the way to receive new messages, ideas, solutions, and healing energy.

This can be anything from taking a walk, or going running, swimming, doing yoga, playing a sport.

Whatever you feel guided to do, know that the physical motion will accelerate the processing and release of emotions.

Here's something. I really appreciate this advice that the angels are giving us right now, to help us get out of this cycle, because in truth - you do know.

One way that you can access your knowing, your larger knowing, is by shifting your state.

We spend our days pretty sedentary.

Sitting at the computer, or being indoors, doing the same thing over and over and over again oftentimes in environments that don't really inspire us, or if they did at one point, it tends to get a little bit stale.


Know this: Your physical environment affects your ability to make decisions. #clarity #fengshui #decision @SenseiWhitfield

If you are habituated to the same thing over and over again, being in a small, ritualistic energy, that's not fostering your personal and spiritual expansion.

It's just for doing the same thing, over and over again to have a sense of continuity, or control, because everything is the same every day.

Source is saying, through the angels, "Mix it up. Get up, go for a walk."

If someone asks you something that you can't quite answer then and there, instead of saying, "I don't know," say, "Let me think about that, and I'll get back to you."

If it was on the phone, you put them on hold, go dance your brains out, and then after that, be with yourself in that shifted body state and then resume talking with them.

You can access more of your brain when the blood is pumping through your body, and guess what? Like magic, you're going to know exactly what you want.

This works so much for me, especially when I personally am trying to make decisions. I've got to shift my state, so that I feel open, and more of myself.

From my own personal experience, and I'm sure you can relate to this, I say, "I don't know" so I don't have to commit.

That way, I feel safer if I say "I don't know" because then the other person has to bring it out of me, and then we go back and forth until they do.

It makes it easier, because I'm making them responsible for making my decision.

Does this sound familiar? It's all that passive aggressive, gucky yucky, stuff we do.

I don't have to do that, you don't have to do that, we don't have to do that.

We have access to all that we are, and we know exactly what we want, and one way to get there is through shifting your state.

The angels are also sending us back to the card "You are understood:"


The angels send you this card because every aspect of your personality and existence makes perfect sense to them.

As an Indigo -- as a highly intuitive person -- you may feel flawed, or that you've made mistakes.

This card reminds you that nothing is a mistake.

Everything is a divine appointment.

Know that heaven and the angels see you as a perfect being, and they have been with you every step of your life.

They know who you really are, and they see your divine perfection.

The angels completely understand why you've made every decision that you've made.

Sometimes, when we've said we do know, in the past, it's ended up that we've made a decision or moved forward with something that wasn't the best decision, or didn't have the best outcome.

And we created a story because of that, that we're incompetent.

We tell ourselves "I'm stupid", "I don't know what I'm doing", and "I should make sure that from other people, I get all of their input", or "I do what so-and-so says", or "I abide by these rules because at least I know that I feel safe", or "because it's not up to me."

We give our power away because of one mistake.

The angels are saying, "Nothing is a mistake. There is only learning."

Here at the Dojo, we call those learnings Dark Gifts: the gifts of greater understanding that come from our experiences -- good, bad, ugly, mess, or fabulous.

It doesn't matter. They're all gifts.

Be kind to yourself if you don't trust yourself, or are afraid of making decisions, or commitments, or speaking up, and putting yourself out there.

Believe it or not, if you try, if you open up, you are already understood.

And if it doesn't go well, try to see the Dark Gift or the moral of the story, and you can always change your mind.

With that you'll not only be more decisive, but because you put yourself out there and started practicing, you'll also start making better decisions!

In Love and Light,



Just for Today...

Start small practicing making just 3 decisions today.

Whether it's a good, bad or strange choice, practice playing with the phrase "I want this: ..." when someone asks what you want.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!


SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!


Want to de-stress and clear your energy but don't know where to start? Tell me!

Give me a call at +1 (732) 903-8573 or click on the blue BOOK NOW button to start your healing journey, today!




  1. Thank you so much Victoria! It all so resonates with me, especially the part about giving away our power so that we do not make any decision=no mistakes! 🙂
    From now on, I will be asking myself “What would it be if I DID know?”.
    You are wonderful! Much love! Cinzia

    1. YAY!! You’re so welcome Cinzia! You are a powerful woman, and I’m so excited for you to embrace your point of view. Your point of view is designed by Source to HEAL so many people, because you are so loving and giving. So the more you are YOURSELF, the more love we all get to witness! Everyone wins 🙂
      All my love,
      Victoria <3

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