Shares @ The Dojo | Grow More Hair Naturally with Robin Scott

Click PLAY to watch LIVE Saturday, September 10th, 2016 at 2:00pm, or to watch the recording any time.

Grow More Hair Naturally

Are you not happy with your hair?

Wish it had more shine, length, bounce, thickness, more full hair...

Join us! Tune in to watch Robin share her story about her experience of and expertise in natural solutions for reversing women's hair loss, and how to heal your own life through your hair. See how her story can help you change your life, too!

Robin writes: "After watching my mother's hair thin and diffuse for years, and realizing that my hair was slowly starting to thin as well, I went on a quest to find all the answers and proven therapies that I could to stop the thinning and restore as much of my hair as possible.

That quest brought me to back to school at a leading Trichology Institute. Several years and thousands of dollars later, I've been able to open my first hair restoration studio here at The Dojo. I've succeeded in combining several treatments with natural therapies to get my clients the results they expect while I continue to search and study for new, cutting-edge treatments."

Robin is a Reiki Level II practitioner, natural empath and has been in the hair industry for 40 years exploring also the origin of alopecia (learn more about hair loss here). She has been attending regular group meditation, retreats and private healing sessions at The Dojo with Sensei Victoria for over 2 years.

Shares @ The Dojo is a monthly informational workshop series for bringing together and raising the vibration of our community by sharing the wisdom of The Dojo Tribe.

Each meeting is free and open to the public and in person at 922 South Avenue West, #1, Westfield, NJ. Voluntary $10 love donations graciously received will support The Dojo and her presenter of the month.

Friends and family are always welcome!

— Do you have a story you want to share with your TRIBE at The Dojo? Email Victoria at to get started.