Hate your body?
Self-conscious about how you look?
"Looking good" on the outside according to others, but secretly suffering emotionally on the inside?
News flash: your body image distracts you from truly loving yourself.
Image alone is not sufficient -- you deserve deeper nourishment than that!
Watch this week's 12-minute Love Letter video to discover a simple yet profound hack that uses your body to teach you to deeply love yourself, flaws and all.
"I need better nourishment."
Whether you are looking to improve your personal or professional health, please let this video be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.
This is week two of four. Our four week deep dive into the power of loving yourself.
Maybe it's time, like if you've clicked play on this video, maybe it's time for you learn how to love yourself at a whole new level, because as we covered last week, you've been called to love others in a big way.
But, in order for you to fill their cup and quench their thirst for love and support, you have got to go and get a faucet of water with which you can fill your pitcher and your cup first. So, that you can continue to serve them.
So, this week. Week two, the guides have said it's time for us to talk about loving your physical body now.
For some of us, this is a lifelong battle against the grain of loving our physical body. We hate our bodies.
Hate your greeters. I hate the extra juice. All the extra things and so on. Or, the different scars that we've accrued over time. Or, maybe you don't like your curly hair, or your straight hair, or your skin tone, or your eyes, or your ears, or your nose, or your tooth, right?
There's so much, so much emotion that's caught up in the physical representation and the physical presentation of our bodies that we can get caught up in body hatred, rather than love.
So, be kind to yourself. If that's you, if you're still battling with your weight or your skin condition, or part of your body that you've just always hated, this week is for you, darling. So, again, the reason why we're taking the four week approach to loving ourselves is we want to take a deep dive together.
And, there's power in loving yourself, but sometimes we just flat don't know how.
We hear it all the time in different positive writings as we were talking about last week, you've got to love yourself, you've got to love yourself.
Different people in the media being positive, you've got to love yourself so that you can love others and so on and so forth.
But, how in the world do we do that? So, week two through four is exactly how. This week, we're going to focus on loving your body. Loving our bodies.
So, when we're beginning with body image on the path to loving ourselves, if we begin on the physical level from the standpoint of body image, we're already setup to completely fail.
Loving your body has nothing to do with your body image. Love is bigger than image.
So, this is the message from the guides from you. This week in particular, if you've always been struggling with body image and never feeling enough, right, looking in the mirror and not really feeling like it's ever enough or ever completely arranged, and nice. Image will not get you there.
Know this: Loving your body has nothing to do with body image; Love is bigger than that. Image is circumstantial, conditional.
If we're looking to increase your self-love and loving yourself, starting from the physical, the image of your body is the wrong place to start.
And, you know I don't really deal in the whole right versus wrong thing, but I'm going to tell you, you're setting yourself up for the scenic route and I don't mean that in a positive way, if you're going for body image. So, here's why.
Body image, or the visual representation, the spatial physical representation of your physicality is circumstantial. It's conditional. Your body, the way that it looks is a condition. You could have the most cut arms or you could have the most soft and voluminous arms.
Both of those are conditions that determine whether or not you can share love on the physical level.
So, for this week in particular, we want to elevate your ability to love yourself on the physical level, but we're not going to go from the standpoint of body image, right?
So, let's make that clear. Getting all cute and stuff like that, yes it's pleasurable, but again, it is circumstantial, it's conditional. That would sound like, "Oh, I only love myself if I look good" or "Me looking good and taking care of how I present myself is a sign of self-love on the physical level."
But, what if you're depressed and you don't have the energy for that? What if you don't have the money to buy jewels and makeups, and haircuts, and all sorts of things? How can we love our bodies on a physical level that does not have to do with body image?
So, the guides, first and foremost are bringing forward the concept of contrast. Using your body, the contrast that you experience in your body, as a gateway for increasing yourself love. What does that mean? Contrast means that which you do not want. That which you do not want is what contrast is.
So, let's take a double chin or extra juice around your belly, for example. Extra belly fat. Maybe that's something that you do not want. This is a gateway for loving yourself, because it is contrast coming forward. Contrast is always an invitation to expansion. Contrast, this week in particular, is your training partner.
Now, when I'm talking about contrast in terms of fat on the body or for you, it might be pain in the body, et cetera. Let contrast be your training partner in that contrast is there to draw your attention toward yourself.
Now, we're going to cover this more next week, but let the attention that's drawn toward you change to be curious about how can I be more loving towards this contrast? What does this pain signal me to.
Oh, okay. I need more self-care, right? Change the story around the pain of your body. What does this extra or excess flesh on my body draw me to, what positive aspect, what type of growth, progress, love, and connection do I need that my fat is blanketing me with?
So, with that, it might a positive story on extra weight gain might be, "I need better nourishment", right? So, the fat on my body is showing me, okay, I'm malnourished. I need to better nourish myself.
Now, I heard someone just say in the energy, "Oh, that means I'm over-nourished, I'm eating way too much", okay. So, that's a different form of nourishment, right? It's eating the right things versus eating the stuffy things and the crappy things.
So, embracing contrast in your body and allowing that to be a gateway for self-love. When in doubt, remember why. There are imperfections in your physical body. That Source has sent you here to challenge you. To challenge you to love, despite all the imperfections.
If you saw a baby with a cleft lip, you wouldn't hate that baby or say it's disgusting or ugly, it's a baby. It's precious.
You deserve the same level of acceptance that you would give that baby who had that cleft lip or had a deformity from her birth. You'd automatically honor that baby's divinity and worthiness.
Challenge yourself this week to look at the contrast in your body and simply say, "I love you anyway", right? Look at it fully, head on. And, "I love you anyway", that's your mantra for the week.
The oracle cards of the week, speaking of, Archangel Raphael Healing oracle cards deck. This is our healing angel on the physical level. Angel Raphael, what do we need to know about loving our physical body? Increased energy! Yay!
Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for filling me with the unlimited energy of divine love and light. And, here's where we'll end this week. The more you send love to the parts of you on a physical level that you actually hate, the more you will actually increase your energy. You'll fill your cup and love yourself first.
Go ahead and comment below, send me an email back.
What stands out to you? What part of your body are you going to say "I love you anyway" to? This week in particular.
Make sure you subscribe on YouTube so you get these love letters first every week and get ready for it. Muah! See you soon, bye!
Just for Today...
Challenge yourself to embrace contrast to practice loving yourself.
Put your attention on something you don’t like about your body and say “I️ love you anyway.”
Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!
SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!