Love Letters | Creative Mind – Part 4 of 5

Do you love being First?

Are you a highly competitive person, especially with yourself?

Constantly on the lookout to see where you can always be improving?

Healthy competition is inspiring, motivational and gets things moving.

And yet, competition requires you expend energy, and that can lead to you working harder than you have to.

Watch this week’s 12-minute Love Letter video, the fourth installment in our 5-part exploration of transitioning “From Me to We”, to shift your mindset from being competitive to being creative.

"I always feel like I have to be in first place."

So this is week four of five our deep dive exploring the transition between me mindset, thinking everything is up to me, right? Feeling singular, compressive, small to the we mindset of opening up to receiving and allowing help and the love and support of others on our journey.

Now I'm talking primarily on your professional journey but I know there are loves who are watching these love letters who are just watching for personal growth and development. And yes, you don't have to go anywhere. To you too, all are welcome here.

So this week in particular, the guides are talking about transitioning. So another transition step on the way to move from the me mindset to the we mindset is moving from what Wallace Wattles calls the competitive to the creative mind.

Or if you've ever seen that lovely infograph that goes the lack mindset versus the abundance mindset. Of course these are similar comparison paradigms that we're setting up here.

In the Science of Getting Rich written by Wallace D. Wattles, he composes a theorem over the course of the entire book. It's a word equation for creating wealth and riches and one of the powerful turning points of the book is when Wallace Wattles describes the difference between having a competitive and a creative mind.

Last week we hinted at the issue of having conditional love and approval of ourselves and see the types of results that can create when we're working with a limited amount of energy. This week continues that because when we are operating from the competitive mindset, this is conditional.

The competitive mindset is dependent on the ability to press against that which we are competing with. Okay, there's this other person. All right I'm going to compete against them. I'm going to be first. It's dependent upon. It's conditional. Your success within being competitive is having someone to compete against.

Now for those of us who've been on the personal growth and development train for quite some time we think well I compete with myself. And at the same time you're still comparing. Let's be honest, we're still comparing to this part of me is not good enough. This part of me is not good enough. Got to push against. Got to make it better. Got to improve. Got to innovate. Always, always, improving. Be kind to yourself if that's you.

This is a push approach to making progress. Right? And with that it takes so much more energy. By the way as a side note, this is what I call being the hard work hero in your life story. Now I outline my whole theory around being the hard work versus the smart work hero and heroine in your life story. In my webinar The Abundant Business Lifestyle Webinar.

So if you haven't seen that, there should be a link somewhere magically placed by my wonderful monkeys for you so that you can really go deep around not being the hard work hero in life anymore.

So suffice to say when we're pushing to make innovation that's expounding a whole lot more energy than going with the flow of nature. And nature is the word actually is synonymous with creation. Right? So we're going to shift from the competitive to the creative mind and in shifting from needing to push against something, the progress is contingent upon, it's dependent upon, it's conditional upon something to push against.

Instead the creative mind is a constant flow. It's a constant flow between you and source. There are solutions to your issue at work or at home that are outside of a conditional box for you to relax and meditate into.


Know this: Cultivating your Creative Mind is smart work in #business because it aligns you with the flow of Nature; you are naturally a Creator, not a Competitor.


If you're not used to relaxing and meditation and receiving guidance, I'm right here. Pick me, pick me. Go ahead and reach out to me at and let's get you set up with your natural intuition program so that you can tune into your intuition.

But suffice to say the creative mind is smart work. You're harnessing the flow of your natural state as a creator. That's our purpose here. On earth in this lifetime is to be creators. And the more that you can stand in your own unique creative vision, not necessarily wearing bright scarves and dresses and things with goddesses on the wall. You can be creative in your own right.

So be kind to yourself. If you also tell yourself a story of I'm not a creative person, that is actually a story you created so by definition, by default you're actually creating and saying you're not a creator at the same time, right? Be kind to yourself if that's the situation that you are currently in.

And I'm hearing the oracle card calling in the energy to weigh in on the topic of shifting from the competitive mind of that push and hard work to the creative mind which then pulls us towards our greater future.

Let me come in a little bit closer. I love doing that. So I tell my peeps to do things to put themselves in the vortex. That's one of mine. So again, the Life Purpose Oracle Card deck by Doreen Virtue is what we are journeying with. And angels, what do we need to know right now about shifting from the competitive to the creative mind? How can we embrace our creativity more?

So good. Here's where we'll leave off for the week. You are a healer. You have the spiritual gift of healing and a desire to share it with others. So my guides are coming in and saying two things in particular about this card. For one, you are a healer. Let's honor that and celebrate it and stand in it and come out of your healing closet around the fact that yes, you really are a healer, right? You create a healing presence. You have healing hands or your gifts and your creativity are a healing presence in your soul aligned community.

On top of that, in order for you to connect to your creative flow, healers need healing too. It's time for you to reach out and connect with an energy healer so that you can shift from the competitive to the creative mind. I have intuitive healers for myself and always have and I am one. Especially for you as spiritual and empathic entrepreneurs and business owners and leaders, right? You have unique issues that I'm happy to support you with.

So go ahead and reach out. It's time for you to connect with an intuitive healer so that you can get back into your creative flow. Go ahead and comment below. This is meant to be a two-way conversation. I send you love letters but you could send me some back too. Always open to receive. I've got like tons. Tons of love letters and that's just like one of many walls. To those of you who have sent me love letters, thank you so much. But go ahead. Send me an email back. Comment below or write me in the mail My mailing address is there.

What's coming up for you around shifting from the competitive to the creative mind, right? Standing in your healer. Make sure that you subscribe on YouTube so that you get these love letters first every week.

And if you know someone who is an empathic entrepreneur or spiritual business owner, forward them this lovely little love letter so that they know that it's time for them to get the support that they need in their professional healing journey.

All right, we'll see you next week for our fifth and final installment. Bye. 

(Original post 05/21/2018)

Just for Today...

It’s time to come out of the closet and be The Healer that you are.

Connect with another intuitive healer (like me!) to support you in clearing out the old vibration of being a Competitor and open to receiving the new you as The Creator.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

Want spiritual support on your healing journey but don't know where to start? Let's work #together!

Click the pink button below to take your Abundance Energy Jumpstart Assessment with Victoria and jumpstart your healing journey, today!