Step Into Your Power – Interview with Elaine Gardner – Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 84

Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 84 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.

The title of today’s podcast episode is Step Into Your Power.

So, today I have the honor sharing rather one of my goddess friends and powerhouse women in business: Elaine Gardner!

She is a fabulous connection I have made years ago and have danced with her and we have had a wonderful time supporting, inspiring and loving others with the wisdom she has picked up along her journey. I am really excited to get to share with you. This business has really been her opportunity to step into her own power. Welcome to the Podcast, Elaine!

Elaine: Thank you! It so much fun to be here with you.

Victoria: Yeah! So, this may be the very first time that someone is getting to experience you, to meet you. And so, please, if you could share what you do, and especially what are the three thing that you are known for?

Elaine: So, I have a thing about words, and I don’t like to box myself in. But from an understanding prospective, or communication prospective, it has been really hard to clearly provide those words that explain what I do.

But basically I hold a Bachelor's Degree of Science and I have a private clinical nutrition practice where we can practice muscle testing as a diagnostic tool to find what’s not working in the body. I design healthy nutritional supplementation protocols which help to provide raw materials that body needs to start functioning and stop breaking down, functioning like it should.

Let's talk about it!

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