Is It NOT Safe For You To Stay On Track?

Dear Love,

What do you do when you feel like it is NOT safe for you to make progress, to change, to be successful? Have you ever had this experience?

Let me tell you a story.

A couple years ago I signed up for a high-end, soup-to-nuts, high-converting Facebook Ad + Funnel Build done-for-you service, including consulting, copy, design, testing, web development and ads management. It was a 5-figure investment.

I did it to show myself I believe that my business should be visible, and, as a statement to declare how valuable I believe the transformational work I do in the world is, in real dollars and cents.
I was ready for the big leagues.

The agency delivered and built everything out beautifully. When the Facebook ad and funnel went live, I saw notifications that my email list grew by 150% with new leads in under a day. Incredible.

I had envisioned this day happening for years. In fact, the ad and funnel went live while I was facilitating my Abundance Mindset Makeover Retreat, where I was leading spiritually conscious business owners in two days of deep meditation, soulful masterminds and self care at a luxurious Victorian bed and breakfast in the woods.

So, you'd think I'd have been excited, happy, jumping up and down and celebrating with my attendees and team, right?

No... actually, I was mortified and disgusted, and shared that with my attendees.

Looking back on my experience that day, it actually turned out to be one of the biggest "business traumas" I have endured over the years. I recall during the lunch break that day I reached out to my team to shut the Facebook ad off immediately, though it had been live for only a few hours.

Why? Because what happened showed me the dark side of being very visible to The Public.

Scores of internet "trolls" had taken over the ad of my smiling face that promoted meditation for entrepreneurs to post hundreds of wild comments filled with hate speech, racial slurs, desires to commit violent sexual acts on me, how I should be ashamed of myself for charging for what I do, calling me a fraud, random bible verses and even memes of Donald Trump for some reason?

Interestingly, there were a few angry trolls trolling other angry trolls on my ad, getting into fights with each other; the trolling trolls were defending me as an idea (I knew none of these people), defending women or common decency in general. If I can recall correctly, I think there also were a few people in there posting links to buy their products or check out their spammy thing...

I. Was. Stunned.

That was the day I decided that it is not safe for me to stay on track with growing my business with Facebook ads. It's been at least 5 years since then.

Ever since, I wince at the thought of having an ad to help grow my list so that I can connect deeply with, love on and help heal more good professional folks like you.

Sometimes we get afraid to move forward because of past traumas.

We get afraid to make progress, because you believe the past IS the present.

We are expecting evil to repeat itself, and in turn, we abandon the track that we originally set to achieve the success we seek in an instinctual effort to (over)protect ourselves from more pain.

So, what do you do when you believe that staying on track is not safe?

Let's talk about it:

I explore this in detail in this week's video: CLICK TO WATCH on YouTube.

What's coming up for YOU reading all this? Tell me.
I'm just a text message away: 
+1-732-903-8573 is my cell.
Share your story and your vision with me,
and let's see if I - or someone I know - can help you manifest it.

With love, that you may shine your light,

S. Victoria

Sensei Victoria Whitfield - Personal Energy and Business Coach for Spiritual CEOs, Business Reiki Master™
Strategic Meditation for High Performance | Intuitive Business Development | Personal Energy Mastery

Mobile: +1-732-903-8573

Have something BIG you want to manifest in 2024?
Scared to step out of your comfort / safety zone and pursue your dreams?

If so, let me help you get the clarity you need to move forward: