Excited to Fail – Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 93

Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 93 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.

The title of today’s podcast episode is Excited to Fail.

Right now I am driving in the rain - you can probably hear my windshield wipers us pushing along on the windshield - and I had the most fun and crazy experience earlier today. It was my very first Russell Brunson ClickFunnels style webinar.

So I am getting into the groove of doing his perfect webinar process, and it's been really interesting trying to figure out how to say all the things in the right way; I'm getting used to the structure. And so my day began actually - I have my group coaching call that I received from being in the program with a small group of us and our coach - and there was so much energy and excitement and positivity.

In the midst of our time together, I said to them "I thank you for all your love because I really need it - I'm excited to fail today!" I started laughing, and they all started laughing, and they all were all so excited for me to go out and fail fast and hard. And suddenly it became a joyous occasion, that I'm testing out this new way of marketing, a new way of communicating, and showing up in my business, rather than freaking out to the max.

Let's talk about it!

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