Love Letters | Define Your Peace

Are you constantly comparing yourself to others, only to find yourself coming up short?

Frustrated that you're not healing as fast as other people do? 

Think that there's something wrong with you because your manifestation is taking longer than expected?

Some people can make it look like they have it all together.

If you're not careful, you'll find yourself more concerned with their lives than your own.

Watch this week's 8-minute Love Letter video to take your power back by defining what YOUR peaceful life looks like!

"I don't know how to relax."

This week in particular source wants you to define your peace. Define your peace.

What this is about is getting really clear on exactly what is your version of feeling peaceful, feeling at ease, feeling grounded, feeling healthy and feeling stress free.

It's up to you to clearly define it. Let's get into that.

When it's time for us to define our terms it's really about setting a foundation for our mindset. That's the purpose of defining things in the first place. This is really a mindset shift, that source, that God is calling you to this week in particular.

My guides are saying the reason why Source is saying this is that you have been going according to someone else's, or something else's, protocol of what should make you relax.

Perhaps slowing down and meditating and laying out according to someone else's program or protocol or expectations has been what you've been going by.

    • "I need to relax."


    • "I'm going to sign up for this program."


  • "I'm going to do X amount of yoga classes and that should make me peaceful or at ease."

There's one version, or you get it from your parents or your social circle or the media. Or even our own home grown expectations on ourself that we push - "this should calm me down", or "I don't know how to relax." That's another option.

Your own version of peace is going to be unique to you.

This week in particular it's time for you to uncover and discover that for yourself.

This is about journaling, yes, but it's also more over, I'm hearing the guides saying, tracking and monitoring yourself.

Perhaps you've been on a trip to the nutritionist or dietitian and they're saying that you need to change your diet. One of the first things that they'll do is say, "Keep a food diary so that we have an idea, let's say 4 or 5 days or 7 days, what do you put into you and how that effects you. How do you feel?"

In this instance, this week in particular, source is saying, "Track what you are putting into you that creates or is suppose to create your peaceful grounded state."

How many things do you do for yourself, for your self care? Are you doing them regularly or irregularly? Do some things need to be increased because they have an excellent effect? Do some things need to be decreased because they sound good on paper, they look good on the outside but they're not really having the effect that you need the most from that self care practice.

Kick boxing isn't for everybody. Walks outside aren't necessarily for everybody. Maybe your walks need to be on a standing treadmill desk so that you can be typing while you walk. Hours and hours of video games is not for everybody, or maybe doing it, some of you out there watching, might be watching hours and hours of TV or hours and hours of video games, or Candy Crush, on the iPad or the iPhone, your Android, and it's a little bit of calming but it's poof, gone as soon your finished.

Track what are you doing for self care and to manage how you feel, to manage your boredom, to manage your anger, to manage your fatigue, to manage your frustration, sadness and stress.

Watch what you do over this week in particular so that you can clearly define what's working and what's not working.

Now the guides are saying, "pull the oracle card, Victoria". Healing with the fairies is what's coming through in the energy of who wants to help weigh in on this topic.

Fairies, what do we need to know right now about defining our peace? Is there anything else that we need to know? This is beautiful.

Honoring your true feelings.

This is where we'll leave off for the week.

The way to honor yourself and become more self aware is by observing yourself. This is a self observation week.

You can't really improve your self care if you have no idea what your one, doing, if anything, and two, what's the direct effect on you?

As you look at what you're doing you've got to be honest with yourself and say, "You know what? I really don't like that yoga class," or, "You know what? I'm seeing my therapist. I really don't like him. We're not going anywhere." If you're in business, "I'm in this networking group," or "I'm with this coach or I have this client, this isn't serving me."

"This is taking away from my peace rather then adding to it." You've got to tune into what your true feelings are in order to know whether or not it serves you in the first place.

I totally am so grateful for the fairies to point that out. It's about finding your center.

Send me an email back, comment below, make sure that you subscribe on YouTube so that you get your love letters first every week, but comment back. What's coming up for you?

What did you start tracking and realize:

    • "Oh my gosh I need to do more of this?"


    • "I meditated and I had a whole different day that I thought I would by meditating for five minutes in the morning."


  • "I should do more of that."

Send me that. I want to hear about it. I'm sending you so much love.

I believe in you. You can do this. Take your time and do it right.

I'll see you next week. Bye.


Know this: What makes you feel at peace is entirely unique to you. #selfcare #bk2ys @SenseiWhitfield



In Love and Light,



Just for Today...

Track what you do to create your sense of peacefulness.

Write down in a journal the habits and activities you regularly do to self-soothe, and mark how long their effects last on you.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!


SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!


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