Love Letters | Dress for Pleasure

Struggling with boredom and fatigue?

Nervous because you have a big event or presentation coming up?

Is your wardrobe cluttered with old, torn or frumpy clothes that have been there, untouched, since the Stone Age?

Your clothes are a daily opportunity to adorn and celebrate the sacred vessel that is your body.
We lock key parts of our authentic selves up to cope, to survive or to fit in.

The right and resonant adornments can raise your vibration, inspire you and increase your joy at random throughout the day.

Watch this week's 8-minute Love Letter video to discover the healing power of dressing for pleasure and how to do it!


"What is wrong with me?"

This week, Source wants you to dress for pleasure.

Yay, this is a fun week.

Dressing for pleasure in particular, it depends on you and how you define what is pleasing and pleasurable to your body, your aesthetic, your mindset.

It also depends on your environment, how much you can express that outwardly, or express it inwardly. Let me explain.

This, by the way, goes for whether you're a male or a female, and regardless of your age. It's time for you, whoever is watching, you, to dress for pleasure this week in particular.

Now what that looks like, is totally unique to you. It may be wearing clothes that are colorful and visually appealing.

I personally dress for pleasure every day. I love wearing clothing that inspires me, because it raises my vibration, and source desires that you raise your vibration through your adornment, as well, this week. 


Know this: Your #pleasure generates #energy for yourself and others. #raiseyourvibration @SenseiWhitfield


It may be visual, such as color, construction, and style. It also may be sensual. The fabric, texture, weight, density of what is on your body.

Then it can also be mental. Meaning. The meaning of different things that you put on your body, and how you adorn her or him.

For example, today I'm dressed for pleasure in a more sensual way. This is silk. This is a silk, men's shirt against a silk, full-length dress. I also put some sparkles on me, because that visually inspires me. I love light. I love all kinds of light, especially sparkly light. That raises my vibration.

Not only how it feels against my skin raises my vibration, but then, when I catch my reflection, I also am inspired by the color and the light that's reflecting off of me.

In a mental note, in the way that I have adorned myself today in particular, this is the masculine energy and the feminine, flowy energy. I love gender, and I love blending those two energies that inspires me so much. I'm a very feminine woman, but I have very masculine haircut, and I do masculine exercises. That for me, represents balance.

How have you adorned your secret vessel in a visual, sensual, and mentally stimulating and vibration-raising way?

For men, that may be, or women, as you go out and you have your work, corporate clothing on the outside, underneath, what have you adorned yourself with? If it's your favorite necklace that you keep underneath your shirt, or your favorite underpants. Wear the good underpants. Yes, yes, hashtag, good underpants week.

Or for guys, are you wearing your under-shirt that has the Superman S or the Batman, or the Tony Stark Ironman circle underneath your suit, to express that part of you, your inner super hero, your inner idol?

Is there certain jewelry that you're wearing, that has a certain level of meaning, that anchors you and gives you power, and raises your vibration?

Ladies, is there really jangly bracelet or earrings that reminds you of the feminine sound, that tinkling sound around you, and really anchors that?

This week, dress for pleasure, because it's time you start raising your vibration on a daily basis. The guides say you need to do this, especially because this week, you are going to be called upon to bring more energy in a more abundant way.

Your oracle cards for the week, of course, goddess, guidance, deck, to bring inspiration and wisdom, divine, feminine wisdom from different goddess archetypes from around the world.

Goddess says what we need to know this week in particular, about dressing for pleasure,

“There's no need to worry. Everything is working out beautifully.”

This is Irene, Goddess of peace. PAX, peace goddess. She's holding a baby, as well as a cornucopia here. There's water and dolphins. All this is abundant imagery and being taken care of by the mother goddess.

The guides are saying that Irene is coming forward for you in particular this week.

Don't worry about, "Am I wearing the right thing? Is this acceptable?" You have permission. You have permission to wear what brings you pleasure.

In that, you generate your own peace and your own sense of certainty and security. Choose to have permission this week, to dress for pleasure.

I want to hear, what are you going to wear that is visually, sensually or mentally stimulating to your energy, this week in particular. Tell me, tell me. Comment below or send me an email back at I want to hear. I'm excited.

Also, let me know, how does it feel to dress for pleasure?

Bonus homework for the week is, if there's something in your wardrobe that has holes and stains, and is old, or you haven't worn it in a thousand years, give yourself permission to get rid of it. Liberate your space and clear your energy. Raise your vibration in this beautiful and easy way.

Subscribe on YouTube so that you get your love letters every week first, and I'll see you next week. Bye.

In Love and Light,



Just for Today...

Dress for your pleasure, fun and enjoyment.

Use color, texture and meaning in your clothing and accessories to inspire joyful, positive feelings in yourself.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!


SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!


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