Love Letters | Pay Joyfully

Bogged down by bills?

Avoiding your piles of unopened mail?

Struggling to attract more abundance?

One of the fastest ways to get started living an abundant life is to appreciate what you already have.
But what happens when what you already have is a mountain of debt and credit card bills?

Watch this week's 9-minute Love Letter video to find out how you can turn your bills into abundance instantly!

"I don't have any money, because I have bills."

This week, source says pay joyfully. Don't just pay, don't just pay but feel grudgingly. Pay joyfully.

There's a common thing and also music behind the phrase, "more money, more problems." When we have more money, that means that there's more crap that comes up that we have to deal with!

When we don't have that much money, however, don't forget we have problems then too. Let's not get it twisted, right?

Instead of having a more money, more problems mindset, let's all just accept that everyone in our lives, everyone that is alive has problems.

Those that are more than alive too, do as well.

It's not more problems. Instead: more money, more gratitude.

You don't believe me? Stay tuned. Let me unpack that for you.

Source is saying that lately you've been getting bills or credit card information in the mail, and just kind of leaving it closed and not opening the mail when it comes. This is not just physical mail, but it's also been electronic, emails as well. Like, "oh gosh, there goes that invoice."

Here's the thing; from a Feng Shui perspective that's not good energy, because that creates clutter first and foremost, when we have things that pile up, and clutter represents blocking and fear.

If we're going to have an abundant mindset, an abundant flow of money to and through our lives, being blocking and cluttering up our lives isn't really going to promote the healthy flow of financial energy through life.

Then two, not only from a Feng Shui perspective, but there's also a universal law called the Law of Circulation.

Energy should always be circulating. One of the foundations of abundance is that things are received and then given constantly. There's constant universal movement. This includes financial energy.

By the way: see money as a energy rather than a enemy. If only just for now.


Know this: See #money as energy, if only just for now. #abundance @SenseiWhitfield


The challenge then that Source has given, in the energy, is that whenever you get a bill, open it. Open the email, open the invoice, open the mail. Just open it, lay it out, honor it.

Then whenever you pay it, if there's a memo, or if you have a pen like if you're out at a restaurant, always write whether there's a memo or you just have a pen and you're able to write somewhere: "thank you." 

Why? Because if you have bills to pay, that means you've received something.

Right now it may appear that it's oppressive to you, right? Hey, I have bills too, and those interests rates, right?!

But be kind to yourself, because these bills, credit card bills or your student loan bills or mortgage bills or light bills, or the bill at the restaurant at the end of your meal...all of them represent some value that you have received!

Let the payment process increase in vibration every single time, by just simply saying, "thank you." Put thank you in the memo, write thank you on the envelope that you're going to send out in the mail (where it can be seen!).

So that instead of bills being a heavy or lowering energetically - an experience that lowers your vibration - instead let it be a celebration. Because that's exactly what bills are.

Interestingly enough, as you write "thank you", on every single payment that you are sending out, you will have more and more to be grateful for. First off obviously, because you're saying thank you more.

But then, magically, but this is just the Law of Circulation and the Law of Attraction, more that you are grateful for and more to be grateful for will be attracted to you. And yes, in the form of money. This is actually a money manifestation technique.

The guides are now bringing me to this week's oracle card deck: Healing with the Fairies.

Talk about masters of manifestation and keeping vibrations high. So let's see.

Fairies, what do I need to know this week in particular about paying joyfully?

Very nice. Detoxification.

They're telling me to read, so let's take a look at that:

"You are being guided to clean your body, environment, mind, and heart," and they're saying, "and finances of toxins. God and the fairies will help you with this endeavor. It's time to let go of toxins within and around you. This card validates your inner guidance that has been telling you to let go of harmful habits. Go outside in nature, call upon the fairies to surround you. Ask God and the fairies to help you release toxins from your mind, from your body, your heart, and your finances. Ask them to help you release your cravings for harmful habits, and you'll soon find yourself naturally desiring higher vibrational foods, beverages, people, environments, thoughts and feelings."

This is where we're going to end.

There's been a pattern in your life of being afraid of bills, or using your relationship with money to reinforce a fearful thought pattern, to reinforce limiting beliefs and have negative self-talk:

  • "I don't have any money, because I have bills."
  • "What am I suppose to be grateful for?"
  • "I'm drowning in debt."

Be kind to yourself if this is you. That's toxic, the guides and the fairies are saying.

Start small. You don't have to take on the entire mountain of debt in one foul swoop. That's not necessary.

Start small. And if only just for this week, write, "thank you" on every single bill, or every single time you are making a payment.

By the way, if you're paying in cash, hand it to them while saying, "thank you." It short-circuits people, because usually when they take it, they don't know what to do. (I do this all the time, I say, "thank you!" as I hand my cash to whoever I'm paying. They're like, "oh, thank you." It's raising the vibration across the board, and it's a lot of fun.)

Bring more joy into your relationship with money. Detoxify from the lower vibrations that you have around paying. Pay joyfully.

I want to hear what you have to say about this, if this is bring up some really nervous energy around money, comment below.

Send me an email back at, and make sure you subscribe on YouTube so that you get your Love Letters first every week. I'll see you next time, bye!

In Love and Light,


Just for Today...

Open all mail you have and get to honor the Law of Circulation.

And write "Thank You" on every bill you pay, to inspire abundant energy flow.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

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