Love Letters | Rock Your Retrograde – Part 1 of 4

We're starting off a new series now and it's specifically on rocking your retrograde.

And so starting now and over the next four videos we're going to talk about exactly how to get the most out of being in mercury retrograde. And here's the reason why you should care as an energy sensitive and spiritual entrepreneur or business owner, or you're just someone who is professional and out and working during this time and you can pick up on the energy.

Here's why you need to know about this: For one, oh my goodness, mercury retrograde comes about four times a year and it's for three weeks each and every time. At the filming of this video, mercury retrograde has just begun so you're getting that retrogrady energy as well as you watch it.

So be kind to yourself if you're starting to feel a little bit off. And so if you're used to being on your game, expecting all the technology and the travel to work, expecting you to be completely dead on with all of your speaking and presentations, expecting others to understand exactly what you're communicating. If you're used to things swimming along and being super productive without interruption, mercury retrograde is a lovely kick in the patoodie.

Because we're being invited to come outside of that normal productivity cycle. And let's talk about why that happens. Before we get to that, I just want to make it clear, if you're like, "Oh my God Victoria, I have no idea what mercury retrograde is," what's happening? I don't understand. Wonderful. 101 as far as mercury retrograde is, it's when astrologically there's an optical illusion in the night sky of the planet mercury going in the opposite direction instead of heading in it's typical orbit through the night sky. And the reason why is because from our vantage point, mercury is going on the edge, the very thin dip. It doesn't revolve in a perfect circle in it's transit through space. It's a very long oval. And when it gets to that long oval point, right there at the point, it starts looking, from our vantage point, our own perspective, that things are going backwards. And astrologically speaking, mercury governs communication, commerce, business, technology and travel.

From our perspective, from our vantage point, all of these areas look like they're going backwards. It looks like there's problems cropping up. And it happens for three weeks four times a year. Sometimes three times a year but it's usually around four times a year. This is a quarterly, semi-quarterly occurrence. Be kind to yourself if you're susceptible to natural energy, forces of nature. We're going to be talking over the next four videos how you can, instead of feeling like everything's going backward and hitting the fan for you, you can actually catch this wave of deep clearing and healing energy that the universe is sending us. And you can use it specifically to deepen your own healing as well as improve all of the systems and standard operations within your travel, your technology, commerce and communications.

Click to share the Tweet of the Week: Know this: I'm ready to let go and grow. This time, I'm gonna rock my mercury retrograde! #womeninbusiness #entrepreneur #positivevibesonly @SenseiWhitfield

So this is a time for up leveling, right? So we've got to rock our retrogrades because you have been asking for more. You're in your manifesting process, you're open to being all that you can be. And in nature, the way that she copes with becoming more than what she was before is by molting, right? We have seasons. Whether you're looking at bird, right, or a deer's antlers or a bird shedding her feathers, molting, or the deer molting his antlers or the snake shedding skin, it's because there's growth happening.

Or here in New Jersey we have four seasons. So we're going into fall in a little bit, otherwise known as autumn. And the leaves fall, right? The trees themselves are molting because this is a process of sustainable productivity. You're witnessing one of the steps in the process of sustainable productivity. The next time you see something go a bit awry or is not working the way that you used to expect it to in your communication, travel, technology or commerce, in those areas of your life, for this week in particular, be on the lookout for that. Because you have to acknowledge that there is progress. This is one step in the right direction of letting go.

I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy. I'm going to pop up a wee bit closer so you can see them. Back with you, Indigo Angel Oracle cards deck. This is for those of us who are energy sensitive. Thank you, Doreen Virtue for creating this deck to keep us inspired when the energy gets a bit thick and a bit tough to move through. So Angels, what do we need to know right now about rocking our retrograde? And allowing the molt?

Oh yeah. Self reflection. So good. Kind of the perfect segue to what we're going to be speaking about for the next few videos. Self reflection. The angels are bringing this card forward, in particular, to help you slow down and take a good look at who you think you are and who you really are. Right? The reason why we're "molting" is because you have been so filled, so productive and so ready, you've taken in so much brilliance that it's time to let go of who you think you are, the mini you and make room for who you really are. The next iteration of your brilliance. The next level of your business, the next program that you are being called to launch or the next book that you're being pulled to write.

There's a shedding process of your self that has got to take place naturally in order to allow that to happen. So send me an email back, comment below, what comes up for you around this topic? Are you feeling the molt? Right? Be kind to yourself, we're slowing down in our productivity cycle seasons. So let me know what comes up for you around taking time for ore self reflection, journaling, just being aware. You're going to be okay, we're in it together. And if you have more questions and you do want more support, especially during this time, go ahead to Get on my calendar and let's connect, you  and me one on one to talk about your unique situation.

I'll see you next week, make sure you subscribe on YouTube so you get these love letters first every weekend. Bye.

(Original post date 08/06/2018)


Just for today...

Let go and allow "The Molt" to happen this time.

See your fatigue, frustration or lack of focus as a sign of you shedding what no longer serves you in life and business.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!


Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business.

Welcome back to another installment of your weekly love letter from the dojo at and, my blog. These are your sources for channeled holistic stress management techniques and guidance for developing your natural intuition. Whether you're looking to improve the quality of your personal and professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

Let's schedule a chat, and see how I can help you...

One comment

  1. More like productivity coming to a halt! 🙂 Thank you for this Victoria. There is definitely a lot of cleaning out this go round. I cleaned the closet and playroom instead of working yesterday, ack!

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