The Missing Key to The Law of Attraction
Wondering why the Law of Attraction works for everyone except you?
Vision boards, abundance meditations and mantras lacking their power these days?
Think the movie The Secret was a load of crap? (LOL!)
You're closer to attracting what you want than you may think you are -- you're just missing one simple key to the energetic equation.
Did you know that you don't have to be "special" or "enlightened" to really master the Law of Attraction? There are simple yet commonly overlooked ways to raise your vibration to be in alignment with attraction energy.
Watch the above video to learn the missing key that unlocks The Universal Law of Attraction for YOU, too!
More Love and More Money - Video Series on Increasing Authentic Abundance
Let's talk about Love.
Spirit wants to share some insight this week about the Law of Attraction, but since Valentine's Day is coming up, the Energy is focusing around attracting More Love into our lives. And here's a mantra for you:
"The Key to Attraction Is Taking Action."
Notice how the word "action" is inside the word Attraction -- it's spelled that way for a reason! Now, if we want to attract more love into our lives, we need to take inspired action.
And inspired action is more than just buying and lighting a Love Candle when you find one and then giving away all your love and devotion to whoever shows up and grabs your fancy.
Inspired action is action that is targeted, because it comes from your direct communion with Spirit.
It's imperative that you take time to tune into Spirit's guidance, because there are specific actions that vibrate in tune with the Love you want to attract, and then there are actions that are out of tune with it.
But if you don't take the time to tune in or check in with Spirit, you'll be out of sync with your internal (eternal) guidance system.
So how does one tune in and receive "in-spiration" (in-ternal tuning to Spirit)?
There's so many ways to tune in -- do whatever creates an environment for you that "feels attractive;" only you know the activities that give you open, flowing and connected feelings, and those are the ones you want to do more often!
Why does being "in flow" or being "in the zone" matter? It's not just because it feels good...
Because when you're in the zone, you're embodying the vibration and confidence of your desired thing to attract -- meaning, you're in direct communion with Spirit.
So, you want to attract More Love? Get in the zone, doing actions that create feelings for you of having Love, and you will attract more Love.
Know this: You have to GIVE more Love, to GET more Love. #MLMM #BK2YS
This can be a challenge! Because Spirit is calling you to look in your life now and ask yourself: where can I give more Love? Your first response may be to feel exasperated because you're already giving so much...
The answer is simple -- give more Love to yourself, first!
Giving more Love to yourself has nothing to do with being narcissistic or selfish in a negative way.
Instead, it's about showing yourself the level of Love and care that you would for your own child or the love of your life.
Watch this week's video for the Oracle Card of the Week, which sheds light on an easy, effective way to give more Love to yourself so you can attract and receive more Love!
In Love and Light,
Just for Today...
Take stock of any and all actions you are taking to attract more Love in your life.
Then ask yourself -- am I giving all my Love away in these actions or am I Loving myself as well in these actions?
Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!
SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!