Releasing Receiver's Guilt
Want to finally get paid to do what you love?
Think "they won't pay for that" or "they can't afford that"?
Love giving to and helping others, but having a hard time ethically receiving proper support and compensation?
Let's raise your Abundance Vibration around getting paid to do what you love.
One way we can do that is by discussing natural and universal laws about "Receiver's Guilt."
Watch the above video to learn how to begin releasing this limiting belief.
It's time we talked about receiving More Love and More Money. #ML&MM
Universal Law says that there is infinite supply.
And that includes money.
So, if you need more money or are interested in attracting financial abundance, the first thing you need to do is ask yourself this healing question: "What is the pattern in me that is creating this situation?"
Well, I already asked the Energy for us, and the first pattern that presented to heal is Receiver's Guilt.
You see, Receiver's Guilt is based in two limiting fallacies:
- Money is the root of all evil, so you're a good person or holy to go without it
- There's not enough to go around, so you don't want to be a "taker"
Here's the thing. It's hard to authentically keep your abundance vibration high when you're resenting always being "the strong one" for everyone else while you fall apart behind closed doors.
Sound familiar?
If it does, then you need to receive more Love support - from yourself first - before you can even think of receiving more of the Financial support that the Universe is ready to send you.
Know this: It's hard to receive when you're stuck giving with both hands. Don't double-give. Opening the flow of abundance entails giving and receiving. #ML&MM
Everything in nature honors cycles. It is as dangerous and unnatural to only give as it is to only exhale.
That being said, it's imperative for you - as the giving, super-loving person you are - learn to balance receiving with giving love, time and energy.
But our conversation about learning to receive is just getting started. This is just the first of a series of videos dedicated to raising your abundance vibration, that I'll be sending you in the coming weeks.
Watch this week’s video for the Oracle Card of the Week, which shows exactly how nature teaches us to give AND receive abundantly!
In Love and Light,
Identify where you are "double-giving" or "giving it all away" for free, paying special attention to any instances that bring up feelings of resentment or being drained.
Now pick one particular area and ask yourself "how much support or compensation would I need to receive here to feel like I am being FILLED as I give, rather than being drained?" Write it down.
Notice how you feel at that moment – you’re already healing!
SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!