The Problem with Positively Expecting – Journeypreneur Podcast Ep. 92

Victoria: Hey everyone, it’s Sensei Victoria Whitfield here, your journey partner in business, welcoming you back to episode 92 of the Journeypreneur Podcast. This is your source for channeled holistic stress management techniques, guidance, inspiration and motivation to stay on your path to rapid financial ascension and massive impact as a conscious entrepreneur.

The title of today’s podcast episode is The Problem with Positively Expecting.

This is about positive mindset, positive psychology and the law of attraction. One of my mentors shared a mantra with me that completely and totally changed my life that goes like this: "I am positively expecting great results, no matter what I see in front of me; the Universe is rearranging itself for my best interests right now."

But I had this really powerful conversation with my accountability partner yesterday morning about this mantra, and then I continued the conversation with all my VIP clients yesterday because it was so, so juicy.

So he was getting ready that day to go onstage and speak to a sold out room, and he and I both had the same mentor who taught us that same mantra. And he was feeling frustrated though because he is stuck in the law of attraction, because he is just positively expecting, expecting, and expecting... and is still not receiving.

Let's talk about it!

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