Today Is The Day That You MUST Learn to Protect Your Mind, Because It’s Under Attack

Dear Love,

My spirit guides are telling me to tell you that your mind is under attack, right now.
You are in danger of being mentally hacked.
That you are surrounded by concerted forces whose #1 goal is to make you think in a certain way.

Because once you think in a certain way - meaning, the way that *they chose* for you to think - then you are easily manipulated for furthering *their* agenda.

I don't know and I don't care who They are.
I care about YOU.

I am on the side of you furthering YOUR agenda.
I am on the side of you seeing and knowing and pursuing YOUR vision, goals and desires.
I am on the side of you keeping YOUR vision alive, keeping YOUR freedom of creation, keeping YOUR mind as yours.

It's time to call on your inner Bouncer, your inner Security Guard, your army of Guardian Angels.
Call the calvary, call in reinforcements, call on your Warrior Spirits to defend you in battle.
It's time you learned to Protect Your Mind.

And my guides say it starts with understanding how your mind works.

Understanding how thoughts are created in you, and in others.
Because when you understand this, you understand The Game.

If you don't understand The Game that's being played around you, then *you're* being played.
When you understand how The Game works, you instead become a Player.
I desire for you to be a Player in The Game, not a victim or a casualty of it.
I desire for you to be divinely armed and dangerous, so that if anyone or anything comes around trying to attack your mind, they are in for a rude awakening.

One of my most viewed videos of all time on Youtube is my video on "Psychic Self Defense", and my most requested speaking topic is on "Protect Your Energy."

In today's video, we cover exactly how thoughts are created in people - we look at arousal and the limbic system of the brain - and then we uncover how a whole multi-billion-dollar industry has emerged and is rapidly growing for gamifying this process for manipulating human thought.

Today's topic is a next-level deep dive into "what matters most is how you feel", as The Game knows that if you can *make* a person FEEL a certain way, you can predictably make them THINK a certain way as well.

And the name of the game is "Made You Look."

Let's talk about it:

I explore this in detail in this week's video: CLICK TO WATCH on YouTube.

What's coming up for YOU reading all this? Tell me.
I'm just a text message away: 
+1-732-903-8573 is my cell.
Share your story and your vision with me,
and let's see if I - or someone I know - can help you manifest it.

With love, that you may shine your light,

S. Victoria

Sensei Victoria Whitfield - Personal Energy and Business Coach for Spiritual CEOs, Business Reiki Master™
Strategic Meditation for High Performance | Intuitive Business Development | Personal Energy Mastery

Mobile: +1-732-903-8573

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