


My name is Sensei Victoria Whitfield (SEN-say means "teacher" in Japanese), and I'm known for being the world's first Business Reiki™ Master.


That means I am the go-to Energy Master Coach helping creative entrepreneurs and professionals 4X their productivity and profit margins by implementing Strategic Meditation while they work.


And I must say, someone must think you are REALLY awesome if you've ended up on this page.


So, thanks for taking the time to stop by! I'm excited to connect with you have massive impact in your industry.




Are we a right fit? Let's see!


Click on any of the videos to see me in action and get a feel for yourself.

Here are a few secret gifts I'd like to share with you to ENERGIZE you as you continue your journey in business...

FREE GIFT - Text COMPASS to 66866 to get my free clarity guide and meditation “Claim Your Inner Compass” and discover how you can harness the power of your energy to grow your life and business!


ALMOST FREE GIFT - For a minimum $7 donation, get my "TOP 10 PRODUCTIVITY HACKS" onesheet of all the best focus hacks I've found and use as a self employed full time mindful entrepreneur working from home for over 11 years now, and making six figures for more than half of that time:



FREE GROUP - Join my FREE Facebook Group"Be #VISIONARY Entrepreneur Master Manifestors" and network with 600+ conscious entrepreneurs from all over the world, learn high performance visualization techniques, and so much more:




LISTEN TO MY PODCAST - Don't forget to check out to my 5-star rated "Journeypreneur Podcast"  for inspirational stories and field-tested hacks on how to get and stay grounded and clear in mind, body and business:






Click the TABS below to find out what FIVE of my best clients say are telltale signs that you should work with me, in their own words.


And by the way, because these clients of mine are powerhouse CEOs in their respective fields, I hired them so that they could also be YOUR support team!!


How cool is that?


Sales and Leadgen Goddess for Our Team. CEO of SavvyVirtualSolutions.com


My top 10 signs you need to work with Victoria are that you're currently struggling with...

  1. Experiencing chronic pain

  2. Depression

  3. Imposter syndrome

  4. Lack of focus

  5. Decreased creativity.

  6. Trouble quieting your mind

  7. Looking for happier more fulfilling relationships

  8. Decreasing Stress

  9. Armoring yourself against negativity

  10. Making quantum leaps


Funding and Financial Guardian Angel for Our Team. CEO of Enstigate.com

So, I think the 10 reasons why you should join one of Victoria's meditation programs for business is...

  1. Ease of accessing intuitive information with guide meditations.

  2. Consistent weekly meditation times to tune in and get into a good habit.

  3. Work with a professional with 13+ years’ experience in this space.

  4. Quality of the community members all going in the same direction as you are.

  5. Extensive number of ways to be supported (virtual and/or physical events)

  6. Trust and validation as you reconnect to your own inner wisdom

  7. Connection with her network (she knows people who can help you)

  8. Elevation by association. Her elevated vibration will help you elevate your own vibration by just being among the presence of her sessions.

  9. It’s fun to reconnect with your higher self and Victoria allows for it to be a fun and enjoyable space to connect.

  10. Confidence that you’re getting the right next step to take and when you need to take it. Invaluable.


Bookkeeping Goddess for Our Team. CEO of ClarityFinances.com

I worked with Victoria for years. So, when I'm referring her clients, I listen to see if you're saying you are...

  1. Burned out

  2. Stressed

  3. Lack direction

  4. Sick of coaching programs

  5. Want to learn how to coach yourself

  6. Want to meditate

  7. Suspect you should charge more but don’t know how

  8. Feel all alone and want a supportive herd around you

  9. You are a visionary entrepreneur

  10. You want a safe place to work through you shit (my original reason for working with Victoria)

  11. You want a safe place to celebrate your success


Queen of Graphic Design for Our Team. Magical Fairy of Love and Beauty at Fiverr.com.

I've been on Victoria's Team for years, and she's my favorite client! You should stop putting off working with her if...

  1. You are a visionary with abundance of ideas but you are struggling to channel your energy the right way to accelerate the manifestation of your visions and take them to a level that you desire.

  2. You know you have immense potential locked within you but you feel stuck on how to reach new horizons, and shift your success into high gear.

  3. You are struggling with balancing your energies and bringing harmony between your work, life, and your inner peace.

  4. You want to gain a crystal clear vision of your life path and the unique reason of your existence on this earth, so you can confidently design an inspiring life and business around it that serves humanity. You wish to have feelings of “is this the right path for me?” to no longer haunt you.

  5. You have already met Victoria, and you feel compelled towards gaining more of her wisdom, and learn how to apply the ancient Reiki principles to gain laser sharp focus, and embody those practices in your business.

  6. You want to find bliss in your business, raise your vibration to reach more people through your work and increase your profits.

  7. You wish you could have a wise Business Sensei/Master in your life who can help you gain insight and find solutions from within, and teach you how to stay centered, calm and focused even in the face of challenges.

  8. You feel the need to learn how to hone and amplify your natural intuition, so you can remove the feelings of uncertainty and doubt, so you can always guide yourself towards the best choices and decisions.

  9. You want to learn to sail over life's road bumps with ease by developing unbreakable grit, and resilience to overwhelm.

  10. You want to dismantle your subconscious/inherited belief systems, and mindset models that are holding you back from reaching your highest potential. You wish to re-engineer your thoughts so they can help you move confidently towards your goals and solve challenges faster.


Integrator Goddess for Our Team. CEO of ClaimYourMagic.com

If you're wondering about working with Victoria, I'd say you've also been searching for answers about how...

  1. You're having a hard time sustaining the level of energy you need in order to keep up with the demands of your business

  2. You are a high achiever and you're burned out because you are committed to doing and achieving more than you have energy for

  3. You're at 6 figures and treading water because you have no energy reserved to put towards growing to the next level

  4. You are overcommitted to your business and people in your life that you have no time left for your self

  5. You are a business owner and don't have a strategic self care routine

  6. You are overwhelmed and stuck in your head, you feel blocked creatively

  7. You are going to everyone around you for input, guidance and advice and you have lost sight of your vision

  8. You are highly sensitive and feel overstimulated by the energy/demand of your clients

  9. You know self care is important but have a hard time staying accountable to a consistent routine

  10. You're overwhelmed and stuck in self doubt because you don't have clear direction for achieving your vision

  11. You are running a 6 figure business and just barely sustaining your energy .... you're keeping up, but you have so many balls in the air that you know that one thing could cause everything to fall (like getting sick and having to be away from work).


1 + 12 =

You are so loved.