What If You Get Bored of Staying On Track, And You Self Sabotage Chasing New Things?

Dear Love,

Today we are talking about what prevents us from staying on track, what distracts us from moving the needle forward for our own goals and visions for ourselves.

There is so much noise, noise, noise distracting us from focusing on the target these days.
And the noise is not always negative.

This week in particular in my forecast message, my spirit guides have compelled me to speak about boredom and pleasure distracting us from staying on track with pursuing our goals and initiatives.

Maybe you want to grow your business and make more money.
Maybe you want to get fit and improve your health.
Maybe you want to put yourself out there and manifest friendship or romance.
Or perhaps you have some other project that you want to follow through to completion?

Whatever it is for you, my guides say that creative people like you and I are susceptible to Shiny Object Syndrome throwing a wrench in our progress.

For example: once we get going, we get bored with pursuing one focus, so we grab our phone. Studies show it takes the average person 23 minutes to get back to the level of focus they had before interrupting their productive flow by checking their phone.

This wastes time, and time is the most expensive resource to waste.
If you lose money, you can always make more of it back, but you can't get your time back once you've wasted it.

That's why procrastination, delay tactics and avoidance behaviors are so toxic. They're subtle and insidious: the devastation they cause you flies under the radar, because it feels like you're "letting yourself off the hook" and "giving yourself a break."

I mean, even I always say: "be kind to yourself," right?

But, this is the FAKE version of being kind to yourself.
This is actually self harm.

And you can tell it's self harm because what matters most is how you feel.

Here's some examples of how you feel after you keep letting yourself off the hook and avoiding doing the things you know you should be doing to move the needle forward for your mission and purpose, that show you're harming yourself and not being kind to yourself:

  • You feel anxious, stressed, stuck, scattered, blocked, worried or overwhelmed
  • You feel frustrated, edgy, impatient or depressed and defeated, like you can't win
  • You feel like your stuck spinning your wheels, or you're always reinventing the wheel, and can never catch a break while others are passing you left and right

Deep breath in...

There is a way out of this impasse.
And it's simpler than you think.

In today's message on YouTube, my guides have us look to the wisdom of Napoleon Hill as a success historian for inspiration, to the wisdom in AI "backpropagation algorithms" as an example from cutting-edge machine learning technology for exactly how to move through creative blocks, and to the wisdom of the Angel Tarot for what is the source spiritual issue behind your self sabotage.

And at the end of the message, I share the Strategic Meditation of the Week on our SKOOL App for you to do that anchors in and activates this transformational learning in your energy field so that you hit the ground running at work this week.

Let's talk about it:

I explore this in detail in this week's video: CLICK TO WATCH on YouTube.

What's coming up for YOU reading all this? Tell me.
I'm just a text message away: 
+1-732-903-8573 is my cell.
Share your story and your vision with me,
and let's see if I - or someone I know - can help you manifest it.

With love, that you may shine your light,

S. Victoria

Sensei Victoria Whitfield - Personal Energy and Business Coach for Spiritual CEOs, Business Reiki Master™
Strategic Meditation for High Performance | Intuitive Business Development | Personal Energy Mastery

Web: VictoriaWhitfield.com
Mobile: +1-732-903-8573

Have something BIG you want to manifest in 2024?
Scared to step out of your comfort / safety zone and pursue your dreams?

If so, let me help you get the clarity you need to move forward: