Your Divorce From The Comparison Monster

Dear Love,

You're looking for love in all the wrong places.

If you haven't taken time to pause and define what love is, what success is, what health is, and what the good life is according to You, then you're going to lose by default.

You must define Your values in order to get Your results.
If you don't, you get Others' results, by default, and will be left wondering what happened.

Growing up, school and sports teaches us to assess our progress by external measuring sticks: GPA, points, approval ratings, and so on.

Then we enter the workforce and we have performance evals, titles and trends to chase to see if we measure up or not.

So. because we are intelligent people of excellence, naturally, we check the boxes, we hit their targets, and get their accolades and awards...and yet, still feel empty though. After all that, we still feel "not enough."

Sound familiar?

If you've been feeling like you're "blocked" from making progress or can't seem to get a break for some reason, if you've been feeling like you're not as far as you should be in life or business by now, I have news from the guides for you:
"Your measuring stick sucks."

It's not your fault that you feel like crap.
It's not your fault that you feel like you're behind.
It's not your fault that you feel like you're too much, and never enough.

The real problem is that you're using the wrong measuring stick.
The real problem is that you're used to measuring up to other people's values.
The real problem is that you're not valuing yourself because you haven't defined Your Values.

It's easy these days to get bit by The Comparison Monster.
Everybody's doing it.
In fact, it's a way to make friends and relate: compare, commiserate, connect.

Popular trends in society and business industry standards tend to marry our innate human desire for healthy competition with the toxic, insatiable Comparison Monster to capitalize on our insecurities, dangling the carrot of acceptance just far enough away to keep us feening, running and reaching for it.

But my spirit guides say it's time for you to divorce your Comparison Monster,
And start dating YOUR data.
Because there's nothing sexier than Your data, baby!

Let's talk about it:

I explore this in detail in this week's video: CLICK TO WATCH on YouTube.

What's coming up for YOU reading all this? Tell me.
I'm just a text message away: 
+1-732-903-8573 is my cell.
Share your story and your vision with me,
and let's see if I - or someone I know - can help you manifest it.

With love, that you may shine your light,

S. Victoria

Sensei Victoria Whitfield - Personal Energy and Business Coach for Spiritual CEOs, Business Reiki Master™
Strategic Meditation for High Performance | Intuitive Business Development | Personal Energy Mastery

Mobile: +1-732-903-8573

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