Love Letters | The Power of Positive Community – Part 1 of 4

Feeling isolated by your business or position at work? 

Do your coworkers drain you with negativity and drama?

Wondering why you are secretly lonely, even though you work with a good team and serve or interact with tens or even hundreds of happy clients and customers each week?

Entrepreneurs and business owners are a special, rare breed of professional -- we are naturally wired to be creative and driven leaders.

And sometimes, it gets lonely being at the leading-edge of the business; pulling the business forward can be both exciting and exhausting if you're the only visionary on board.

Watch this week’s 10-minute Love Letter video, the first of a new 4-week series on the Power of Positive Community, to start shifting your workplace from negative to positive!

"I feel lonely since starting my own business."

This week is the first of a four, brand new four-week deep-dive on the power of positive community.

I really love taking time to cover these concepts with you in depth, so rather than just doing one video at a time, right? We're going to give you concepts, bite-sized, all right, to meditate on one week at a time, so that by the end of our four-week journey together, you will feel much more grounded in enjoying, receiving and experiencing the power of positive community.

If you've seen our series of videos before, ye hey, thank you for your support. Thank you. Thank you. Make sure you're subscribed on YouTube though. If you haven't yet, let's get to it.

As usual, our first of the four weeks, right? First of the four weeks is going to cover why. Why on earth this month in particular are the guides calling for us to consider the power of positive community?

Now, I specialize in helping entrepreneurs heal. What happens in our journey of entrepreneurship is that it is a powerful journey of self-actualization, personal development, right, self-worth, yes? Has this happened to you? Send me an e-mail back or comment below.

If your journey owning your own business and working for yourself has really been about personal development, not just making money, all right? So with that, what happens over time is that we can get to be a little bit isolated. Let's take you to a bit of the dark side of entrepreneurship and business ownership.

Not everybody is a business owner, so owning your own business, creating your own schedule, creating your life by design ... Creating your life by design, that can, one, take a lot of energy and a lot of pressure.

Lastly, it can be isolating. You know, entrepreneurs, self-employed, owners are some of the loneliest people on the planet even though we end up seeing and interacting with the most people who, like me, may have hundreds of contacts or thousands of connections and things like that, that you're influencing on a monthly, weekly, maybe even daily basis - or even thousands and millions.


Know this: #Entrepreneurs and #business owners are some of the loneliest people on the planet, though they may serve thousands. Make time for #positive community!


At the same time, for ourselves, we are a unique breed of entrepreneurs and business owners. You can't really go out and talk about the types of issues, emotionally and spiritually, that come up to just anybody when we're talking about owner-level issues, right? Talking about cashflow, how that's affecting your self-image and waking up, as one of my mentors say, with 3:00 a.m. sweats. Right? That's her phrase.

Those types of concepts, not everyone understands. Uniquely has business owners and entrepreneurs do, and we can get so focused in our journey to serving others in our highest purpose that we forget to connect with other loves who are similar to us, right? Black sheep tends to hang out by himself and surrounded by white sheep, but you're not the only black sheep out there. This month in particular, starting this week in particular, the guides want you to invoke, remember and stand in the power of positive community.

Now, let's be even more specific. We want positive community, not negative community. The broader social norm is to relate according to problems, right, and negativity or things that make us angry and frustrated, right? We connect around or struggling, and oh, you struggle about the same thing or will even get attracted to people who, oh, you feel that life is so hard for you. Let's make a baby and be together for a whole bunch of decades, right? Be kind to yourself, and let's see what's this situation right now. I understand. Been there, done that, got the scar.

With that, when you are a spiritually-awakened entrepreneur, it becomes even more important to surround yourself with similar sparkly black sheep just like you so that you can feel safe and empowered on your path to creating your life by design.

The love association states that you become the sum total, the median of the five people that you listen to and hang out the most with. If you have five kids, yes, you're going to be saying the same words and thinking about the similar things and listening to similar music and watching the same movies, reading the same books. It's just what's going to happen, right?

In business, you have the same median income of the five people that you are listening to and interacting with the most professionally. Did you catch that?

Here's the thing. If you're hanging around people, to all my business owners, who don't have clients and who are struggling and are talking about the struggle or frustrated, right? All these low-vibrational mindset, it's going to affect your income but also your health. It's not just ... I mean when you're talking to a business owner, if you talk about money, they're going to listen, yes, and we have to understand, life is holistic.

Money's just a symptom of a greater issue, and this month in particular, if you've been having cashflow problems or relationship flow problems or even health flow problems, we're going to look at how's your community doing? How are you surrounding yourself with positive uplifting energy?

I'm hearing the oracle cards sparkling in the energy around that. Let me come in a little bit closer for the reading, tah-dah, the fairies, Healing With The Fairies. One of God-knows-how-many oracle decks that we have here at the dojo. Oh my goddess, but we're going to be journeying with the fairies all month. Fairies, guides and guardians, what do we need to know right now about the power of positive community?

Oh, quiet time, and this is where we're going to leave off this week in particular. How you feel is what matters most. What matters most is how you feel, and you can tell by how you feel when you are in your quiet time. How much quiet time you get and how quality your quiet time is. This week in particular, I want you to look at who? Who are you spending your time with during quiet time? Is it just by yourself?

Are there any groups, books, programs, right, podcasts and things that you consume when it's time for you to receive? Quiet time is receptive time. This month, we're going to learn how to receive on an exponential level, opening up to positive community.

Go ahead. Type in the comments below or send me an e-mail back. What's coming up for you, hearing all of these?

Make sure that you subscribe on YouTube so that you get these love letters first every single week, all right? We'll see you next time for week two of four. Ready for it? Mwah. See you then.

(Original post 04/02/2018)

Just for Today...

Connect with someone you’ve never met before on a positive note.

Instead of commiserating and complaining to connect with a stranger, make it a point to compliment, celebrate or laugh with someone.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

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