Love Letters | Recycle – Part 4 of 4

Struggling to recover from an unexpected setback?

Tired of rolling with the punches -- or are you even angry that you have to change things, AGAIN?

Wish you could enjoy, or even just be comfortable, with letting go?

The secret to letting go joyfully is knowing that what you're letting go of is going somewhere positive.

In fact, Nature teaches us all about this and what letting go looks like when done masterfully.

Watch this week's 11-minute Love Letter video, the final installment in our four-week series on Letting Go, to become a rockstar at letting go, naturally.

"I just can't get over this setback."

This is week four of four. We've been at this for four weeks, exploring letting go, this fine art and journey of being able to let go finally.

Is it letting go of an employee? Is it letting go of a relationship, letting go of excess weight right from your body, or letting go of clutter and stuff in your house and office, or in your car?

If you haven't caught the other weeks, go back on YouTube. Put my name in, or check me out on They're all listed there on the block right there,

This week though is our final resting point for letting go. This is where we step into being someone who is comfortable with letting go. This is specifically around recycling. Week one was release. Week two was receive, the courage to receive what we already have. Because of that we now are capable of being in a state of constant recycling of energy.

Now pause for a second. Next month is July at the filming of this video. Every July I host a three-day live ocean side retreat here in New Jersey called the Deep Dive Retreat, letting for healers. This whole month, surprise, surprise, we've actually been covering everything that we go through at the retreat.

Now I take people who attend through immersive, interactive experiences of the teachings rather than just you sitting and listening. If you would love to really anchor the teachings of letting go, grab a friend and join us down the shore in New Jersey every July. Head on over to, all one word for details on that, for the location and all the logistics that you need in order to join us. We're talking about being someone who is comfortable, always in a state of receiving and releasing, receiving and releasing, which is recycling, recycling. Do it with me. Be recycling.

Now with that, it's harder to hold on than to let go. When it comes to energy expenditure, you're working harder, holding on, holding on than letting go. One of the things that makes letting go so easy is to know that what you're letting go of is going somewhere.

If you don't know that there's a better place for that employee to be working at, or someone who would love to be with this person, or who would love to enjoy that sofa, or these books that you've been holding onto as clutter. If you didn't know that, it would only be dependent upon you and your mindset, your perspective to enter the cycle of life.

Throughout all of nature recycling is the status quo. Nature is interdependent, and the way that resources, and nutrients, and life is shared throughout all of nature is following the cycle. A great illustration of this is when I was in Sedona years ago. A park ranger explained to me that forest fires are good for forests. That blew my mind. He was like, "Yeah, our forests over here are much healthier than over there in New Jersey because the trees have space to breathe."


Know this: Forest fires are good for trees, because the ashes nourish the soil. Be open to letting go and allowing setbacks to fuel your reinvention.


Every so often the forest will have a natural forest fire. The lightning hits, and it ignites the leaves and the brush, and then it catches. The trees with the deepest roots are the ones that remain where the excess is let go. The reason why this is good is not because only the strongest survive. No, the reason why is because when those excess trees burn down the ashes nourish the soil, and that's what causes new life to grow so abundantly.

Where do you in your life and business right now need to open to recycling? Could it be an equipment or paper, et cetera, thinking in terms of physical items recycling, letting go, so that you can receive, and so that others can receive those items, and make better us of them, or take them apart into their components. Then someone else can make better use of them, or are there practices even, or foods, and behaviors that we're engaging in and taking into our bodies, minds, and time that are clogging up the lines?

How can you, this week in particular, let those go in a way that is constructive by recycling or upcycling? Could it be donating that food that is no longer healthy for your body, but the homeless could appreciate that, donating that food, getting it out of the house? Could it be telling your story, so that what happened to you in the past no longer has power over you but instead edifies someone else because they don't have to go through that because they received your wisdom? How is recycling coming up for you, and how will you step into being one who does that?

My oracle cards are calling in the energy. Angels are going to help us out, indigo angels. This is the deck we've been journeying with all month. What do we need to do know about this week, stepping into being someone who regularly recycles that which no longer serves, to help us to let go?

Okay. Hello. Archangel Metatron is the card that comes forward in particular, and I don't normally read, but my guides are telling me read this entry. Archangel Metatron, the first angel on the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah keeps those who are newly upon the spiritual path. He oversees Indigos, highly intuitive individuals and ensures that they're spiritual gifts stay open and active. Like all archangels, Metatron is unlimited and able to be with everyone who calls upon him.

This card asks you to work with Archangel Metatron in your daily life to welcome messages and signs confirming to you that you are perfect no matter what. My guide said, "Stop." That's what we were looking for.

Archangel Metatron is coming forward to let you know that it is safe for you to release whatever is coming up, if it's person, place, thing, or practice, and give it to the greater good. Release them back into the wild because you are perfect just the way you are.

When you give knowing that it's going somewhere, like recycling, in the form of recycling, it immediately calls to you that type of abundant blessing where someone at a higher vibration who no longer needs that endowment of money, or who no longer needs that amazing assistant is able to send them your way, or who no longer needs that wonderful man, or woman, or doggie if you're a pet parent, who no longer can take them any longer, or their journey has finally come to an end, you get to benefit from them.

Now what's coming up for you hearing all of this? What are you afraid of especially? Type that in the comments below around what are you afraid of, or resistant to around recycling, and being someone who's comfortable letting go on a regular basis.

Now again, we're going to go into this in-depth at the Deep Drive Retreat in July. Go ahead to, and we'll see you there. Ready for it, muah. See you next week.

Just for Today...

Open the flow of abundance by recycling who and what no longer serves you.

Release people, places, things and practices that clutter your time and space.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

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