Love Letters | You Are A Healer – Part 2 of 5

Are you hiding the fact that you are a healer?

Think that people won’t take you seriously at work if you were dealing your light work?

Or do you even actively resist your healer self?

We all do it, saying: “no, not me, no, not now,” protecting ourselves and others from our light.

You may think you’re helping by hiding your light, but actually we need you to shine bright now more than ever.

Watch this week’s 12-minute love letter video to find the courage to be your true self: the healer.

"I always feel like I have to do more."

So this week two of five of our exploration of the courage to be yourself.

We left off talking about why it's time. Why? Why do you need courage to be yourself?

We touched on it a little bit last time, but to continue that thought, and by the way if you new to the series, et cetera, go ahead, stop, go back on YouTube or on my blog at so you can catch the previous episode.

So this week in particular, what's going to lift you rather than you push to be yourself is one simple fact that has been hiding in your closet for quite some time, may have fell out, may have flashed people here and there with, but you know, you haven't really owned it, right, or brought it forward in your life in a way that you're meant to.

It's time to bring this out of the closet. Are you ready ready ready?

You are a healer. You're a healer. We're finding the courage to be ourselves. You, it's time for you to find the courage to be yourself. Why? Because you are a healer, and you just can't hide it anymore.

Incoming soapbox ... Our world needs what only you can provide. The insight, the humor, the love, the creativity, the solutions, right? You have a unique perspective. No one else has got your two eyes or your history, your fields of expertise, your passions, or your purpose.

No one else has got you, and it's the unique essence of who you really are, and in the previous video we talked about that being divinity, we need that unique essence to heal our world.

Now I believe in filling in the blank. So as I speak about this, what comes up for you about how our world needs healing? Could it be helping the oceans, healing our children, healing our families? For me, it's healing our businesses, and how business is done. I have a vision personally for a world of healing businesses, where people wake up and go to work and are healed because they decide to participate in engaging and professional activities. That's what my passion and vision is as a healer, but this week, this day, this moment in particular it's time for you to find your soapbox.

What are you here to heal? It takes courage though, in order to reveal your healer, as well as allow healing to pour forth through you. What would that look like, you showing up as a healer in your office space, or you showing up as a healer consciously in your family, or in your friend circle, you showing up as a healer at your school, you showing up as a healer in your business? What would that look like?

Okay, thank you. Someone in the energy just said "Savior complex." Now, I have a training on this, but imagine this is like my magic cape, and we're flying through the air coming to save the day, right? No. That's not what we're talking about.

So for some of you watching who are already high-achievers, who are go-getters and moreover go-givers, who are generous generous and happy to help others, you're very dutiful. So when I start talking duty you get triggered like "I'm not enough, I'm not enough, I'm not enough. I gotta do more. Get me an even bigger cape, or more people to help and save."

So it's important for you, especially if you're whipping out your cape to go save the day for somebody else, as a healer if you're being yourself you are healing yourself first. World healing starts with the individual. World healing starts with you.


Know this: World healing starts with the individual. World healing starts with YOU.


Whoever's on my team that just put that as the tweetable thank you. Felt that!

But world healing starts right here. Remember, courage, that's the heart, your heart is where the healing is going to start. So be kind to yourself. If, when we talk about this fact that you might have been hiding back there in the closet of "I'm a healer," or "I got a little woo in here," right let my woo hang out a little bit here and there, sprinkle some fairy dust, sneeze it on you.

Oh, you might get infected. Right? Be kind to yourself if you've been on the down low about being a healer, and if you're also putting in overtime on the down low saving the day for everybody else except yourself, this day, this moment in particular you're going to focus on being the healer between you and you. And I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy as we continue to build on our topic in this series and God is Guidance. Love this deck, love this deck. Whether you are male or female this deck is absolutely powerful.

So goddesses, what do we need to know right now about being a healer, especially for ourselves first and finding that courage? Ooh, hello. Yay! Siege. See I feel some of my latino friends, we'd be like "Siege! Yeah!" I know it's siege, but yes! Familia, hola. So siege, quiet time. She's like so peaceful and rainbow-y with the night sky.

Take some quiet time alone to rest, meditate, and contemplate. And this is where we're going to leave off for the week with a homework. Your focus this week is going to create quiet time for you. Even if it's like a family or a team-wide, office-wide timeout where we're all gonna have time, like quiet time, so that I can. So if you are in a relationship in those ways, because immediately I can hear someone say "Well I can't have quiet time, it's always loud here, everyone's running around crazy," be kind to yourself. Let's all have quiet time.

But the reason why we desire quiet time, this week in particular, is so that you can sit and either think or write with the intent to find your healing edge. There's an area in your life that needs healing, more nurturing, more love, and in order to create that alchemical reaction of healing in that area we've gotta create the space for it. So that's quiet time.

Now tell me what's coming up for you around this. Do you need help creating quiet time? It's pretty quiet here, especially during sessions in the dojo. Whether you're coming in person or online, you're welcome to request a session or info at, or join us at the deep dive retreat where we're completely unplugged from technology for several days. It's the third week of every July. So by the way. If there's still spaces left for this coming one it'll be for this year, if no it'll show next year's.

So it's important for you to create quiet time so that you can find your healing edge, and be there. We're not gonna break through or anything like that, we're literally just going to be ourselves on the healing edge in our lives. So send me an email back, comment below what comes up for you around that.

Let's keep this conversation going, right. But I need to hear what you have to say for us to be having a conversion. Duh! I'm sending you so much love. Make sure you subscribe on YouTube so that you get these love letters every week, and I'll see you for our next one. Bye.

(Original post 07/09/2018)

Just for Today...

Find your soapbox.

Embrace your purpose and a Healer and get crystal clear on what you are here to heal in the world.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

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