Love Letters | Worker Bee – Part 4 of 5

Pride yourself in being a problem-solver?

Love building and contributing to something bigger than yourself each day?

Energized by collaborating with other like-minded professionals in moving projects forward?

If so, then first of all let me tell you: thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

This means that you are the worker bee in your development cycle, and it’s because of your diligent work and generosity that everyone is able to live better lives as a society.

Watch this week’s 12-minute Love Letter video, the fourth in our 5-week series on the Courage to Be Yourself, to rock your Worker stage and become fully Yourself!

"I don't feel like I've found my tribe yet."

So this is week four of five of our deep dive on the courage, finding the courage to be yourself, your whole self, your true self.

So if you haven't seen the previous few, hit pause, go back on YouTube or on my blog at and make sure that you catch up. For week four, this week we're going to continue discussing the different stages that we go through on the path to being ourselves fully.

We're calling upon Honey Bee spirit animal, our totem for guidance so that we can understand what's going on and what's needed for each transition.

Last week we talked about the larva stage. Where we're going around and around in circles and the way that we're able to transition, fully honor and receive, being in that larva stage, it's necessary, right? We're receiving mother's milk going round and around, seeking those nourishing positive mindsets, positive beliefs, positive ideas and concepts and experiences.

The way that we do that is go and consume it, go read the book, stop avoiding it, stop avoiding and consume fully those resources that you're looking for and all of those that are around you so that you can complete that discovery process.

What naturally comes as the baby continues to drink mother's milk is, all of these wonderful hormonal changes and growth. Growth, growth, growth, and learnings come at an accelerated rate.

So when we're talking about honey bee in particular, after a larva we turn into the worker, the worker bee and this as a honey bee, are those lovely people that you see floating from flower to flower, if you have gardens, who are responsible for ensuring all creatures have food to eat going forward.

It's their movement on a day to day basis in a coordinated way, a cooperative way that enables the rest of creation to be fertilized and continue forward.

Honey bee is sacred by the way and if this speaks to you, by all means please do support your local beekeepers, your people who are honey makers as well as preserving the lives and researching the lives of honey bee.

So go ahead, I'm not going to recommend a charity, it's up to your energy and your research to find one that you find breath with, but please do support our bees for the future.

So when we're in worker, when we've moved past that going round and around and around seeking for ourselves. Seeking answers, seeking answers constantly, when we're in the larval stage of our life in business, remember because we're looking at this as a metaphor, right and the parallel to what we're going through in our personal and business development.

It's similar, now as a worker, instead of going round and around searching for answers for ourselves, now as a worker bee you're going in a larger sphere round and around looking for problems.

Does that sound familiar? So, everyday, worker bee wakes up to go out and search and find pollen to go and then bring it back. Go out and search for that nectar and bring it back because worker bee is building something. Worker bee also is the master communicator by the dance, the amazing worker bee dance.

That's communicating the story, the worker bees story is why they dance, so that others can then go and help them too, or help themselves too, to nectar and bring it back to the hive. The purpose of the worker bee is to build, build, build. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Now maybe you've been at the worker bee level for quite some time, where it's your joy to give and give generously because there is nothing more fulfilling than contributing to something that is bigger than just you.

Right, at the larva stage, you know it's comfortable, to a certain extent and familiar, searching only for ourselves answers for ourselves, healing for ourselves, right? We were in pain or we came through a challenge such as maybe getting laid off, or someone passing away, or there's an accident, et cetera, which forces us back into the larval stage where I've got to receive for me.

Honoring that, there's nothing wrong with you if that's what you're going through.

There's a point where we feel more fully formed and satiated, more stable and with a sense of agency. Which by the way are wings, that's the symbol of power in many different spiritual traditions. It's an elevated mindset when we finally grow our wings.

As a worker bee we're spreading our wings to make sure that others that come behind us, remember from last week the nurse bees that are worker bees, leaving that trail of mother's milk so that the others can grow up abundantly in our wake. So as the worker bees we're going, spreading our wings to share. That is so gorgeous and beautiful and amazing.


Know this: Sharing what helped us overcome our past problems with others changes our old wounds into wisdom.


If that's where you're at, honor that, make sure that as you're in your worker bee that you feel like you are contributing to a purpose that is greater than you. Now remember, I mentioned last week, there's a third and final stage that's even past that. We're going to get into it next week but for, just for today, right just for this moment in particular, you want to focus on giving and giving in an organized, systematic, and highly communicable, communicating openly, cooperating openly, just like honey bee. That's the level of giving that you want to focus that if you are worker bee. It's not good to be giving on a small scale or to be disorganized.

One thing about honey bee, she's incredibly organized. She's one of nature's engineers. The way that she does it is through communication and teamwork. So if you're a worker bee, what you need are other worker bees to dance with, who get it to and to contribute to a cause that is bigger than you.

The reason why and I'll hint at what's coming next week, is because it's going to give you purpose. The greater your purpose as a worker bee, or as someone who is fully being herself, being himself, the greater your purpose, the closer you're coming to the third and final stage of being yourself. Being the healer as we talked about in week two. I'm hearing the oracle cards like, ah, we need to talk.

Here we go, Goddess Guidance deck, we're journeying with all month, let's see. What are you ladies shouting about? Goddesses what do we need to know about honoring the worker bee and this level of our development?

Oh beautiful. Mary Magdalene, unconditional love. Love yourself, other, and every situation, no matter what the outward appearances may be.

Here's where we're going to leave off this week, you know I often speak to bee achiever in all of us and sometimes we're coming to the activity of giving and contributing thinking that, I'm not enough so if I give more than maybe I'll be something. Or maybe that'll make me worthy because I've given more than anyone could ever ask of me or expect of me and that's not the case.

It's hard to give abundantly, systematically, in an organized way, in one that is highly communicated if you don't love yourself first. One of my most favorite people on the planet, Ru Paul says, "If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you going to expect to love somebody else?"

Be kind to yourself, love yourself, others and every situation, no matter what the outward appearances may be, because that, love, that is what carries through all. That's what makes this sustainable.

So go ahead, send me an email back, what comes up for you. Did you need to hear this, this week? Or is someone coming to mind who's supposed to hear it? If so, hit that share button, let your tribe know that it's okay to honor the worker and this is how you do it. This is how we do it.

Hit subscribe by the way on YouTube so that you get these Love Letters first every week and we'll see you next week for the third and final stage. Bye.

(Original post 07/23/2018)

Just for Today...

Love yourself enough to get organized.

Clean up your workspace, setup systems in your schedules and improve your personal boundaries, so you can give consistently and abundantly to others at work in balanced, sustainable ways.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

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