Today Is The Day That You MUST Learn to Protect Your Mind, Because It’s Under Attack

My spirit guides are telling me to tell you that your mind is under attack, right now.
You are in danger of being mentally hacked.
That you are surrounded by concerted forces whose #1 goal is to make you think in a certain way.

Because once you think in a certain way – meaning, the way that *they chose* for you to think – then you are easily manipulated for furthering *their* agenda.

I don’t know and I don’t care who They are.

What If You Get Bored of Staying On Track, And You Self Sabotage Chasing New Things?

Today we are talking about what prevents us from staying on track, what distracts us from moving the needle forward for our own goals and visions for ourselves.

There is so much noise, noise, noise distracting us from focusing on the target these days.
And the noise is not always negative.

This week in particular in my forecast message, my spirit guides have compelled me to speak about boredom and pleasure distracting us from staying on track with pursuing our goals and initiatives.

Maybe you want to grow your business and make more money.