Love Letters | Let’s Have A Reunion Party

This is a special announcement Love Letter. Yay!


So I wanted to let you know that I am so, so thankful for all your years of support. Being in this line of work has really changed my life and changed the lives of hundreds of entrepreneurs around the world. Tribe, I want to thank you, thank you, thank you for all your support over the years and because of that, my work has grown. This is my special announcement, if you didn't get it in the mail: oh my goodness, we're moving!

I wanted to take this week in particular to inspire you, as well as inform you, around the shifts that are happening here at the dojo. Here's what's going to happen. My work has grown so much that my guides have asked me to focus more on serving you and your teams in particular. We have manifested a gorgeous space that you'll be seeing more of come this December onward. My guides have shown me it's time for us to gather more as a tribe in person, and heal together as a group.

For the last three years in particular, the dojo space where I have been presenting to you from, as well as seeing you if you've been coming for sessions and for meditation classes, is really set up for more one-on-one work. When we throw a party there, we're practically sitting on each other's laps. There's nothing wrong with that, however, gathering together in general is where the juice is at. Right? I'm sure you'd agree with me, for those of you who know what I'm talking about -- when we get to see each other as a group in person, this is so powerful.

For those of you who are members of my Visionary Shaman Circle, of my Abundant Business Circle and who come to group guided meditations, you already know, or for those who attend our solstice parties at the dojo, you know it is so enriching to get to see your tribe in person. Because of that, the location that we've manifested is capable of holding 10 times the amount of visitors. Before I could only maybe have like six to 10 people, maybe 12 in the room if we're sitting on each other's laps. Where we're going has between 60 to 100 people in on-site capacity. It's gorgeous, it's a historic home, maybe about seven minutes away from where we are currently. And I would really love to get to share that with you.

So, we're not just throwing a winter solstice party this year. It's a brand new dojo, and I desire for us to have a reunion, and YOU are invited! Want to come? CLICK HERE if you want to be notified as soon as possible for when and where we're going to be throwing our very first Winter Solstice Tribe Reunion Party.

This week in particular, I’m being guided to tell you to ask YOUR guides. Normally, I'm telling you what my spirit guides are telling me. Absolutely. I've been journeying on this for quite some time. But this reunion is actually a personal desire of my own: I desire a reunion. Ask your own spirit guides, ask your own higher self. What would it look like for me to throw a reunion party for all of my beloved peeps? If it's for your clients, if it's a reunion for your family, if it's a reunion for your friends, try it, and for no particular reason other than a reunion.

Because here's the thing: together is better. You have to ask if you want to receive. I know for me personally, I find that the more I think about it, the more I desire to be in the presence of the people that I love. Right? I've made that decision in my own living situation. I will never live alone. I will always live with someone who loves me and who I love dearly. However that works out, whatever it takes. Because I have lived alone before, and I discovered that I personally don't like the way that that feels.

I've also changed my business lifestyle as well with that same value: I will always work with someone who loves me and who I love dearly, too. I will never work alone. That has changed the level of abundance that I get to experience and enjoy in my life as well as in my business. What matters most is how I feel, and I live that with passion!

With that, let's call it in. I know I'm calling YOU in to come to our Winter Solstice Tribe Reunion Party this December, so make sure you click here to say, "I'm interested. I'm there!” Click here if that speaks to you.

Click to share the Tweet of the Week: Know this: Together is better. Ask yourself if it's time to throw a reunion party, for the fun of it! @SenseiWhitfield #worklifebalance #business #positive

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And, this week in particular, I would challenge you to ask your spirit guides, what kind of reunion party should I throw? This doesn't mean that you have to cook, by the way. I never cook at my parties. All of them are potluck style! Baby, bring it, bring it. Whatever you bring. That's awesome. And also, this doesn't mean that you have to chase people down and charge. When I throw a party I never charge, this is just to see you come, hug and spend quality time together.

Now, if you want to contribute, or leave a donation to cover the cups, plates and the space and party supplies, of course I'm grateful and always open to receive support if it brings you pleasure to give. Or for myself I know that when I'm going to a party the hostess is saying, "Hey, could you help us spot five, 10, 30, 50, however for the space, et cetera, et cetera?" I'm happy to oblige, because I have an abundant mindset and I get to be in the party with people I love. Let it be easy.

Ok! I'm hearing my own, personal, Oracle cards deck calling in the energy. This is the very first deck that I ever got for myself, it's the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards deck by Doreen Virtue. This is the actual deck that is only mine and I'm at my home office right now; this deck changed my life when I bought it and I encourage you to get this one (BUY ON AMAZON).

For this week in particular, goddesses, what do we need to know right now about throwing a reunion party, up-leveling our quality of life, and welcoming in more of the tribe? ...Hey, I love it. This is a bit counterintuitive. And I love that. The goddess card that’s coming to us is “Bast: Independent. Your independence is a foundation for your strength and success.”What I'm hearing right now, coming from my guides about throwing a reunion party and welcoming people back into your space, and with me inviting you to come see the new dojo, is let's celebrate, let's have some fun together.

Bast, the Goddess Bast is coming forward about independence. Now, I know you. You are a “strong, independent, insert word here.” Strong independent woman, strong independent man, strong independent girl, strong independent boy. Strong independent business owner. Strong independent entrepreneur. Strong independent artist. Strong independent musician. Strong independent mother. Strong independent father. So on and so forth.

Be kind to yourself. Your independence is a foundation for your strength and success. AND there is more to a house than just the foundation. I do believe it's powerful to be strong and independent. Right there with you! I'm an achiever. Achievers unite, haha! And, that's our foundation. What fills in the rest of the house is the power of positive community. Your ability to be resourced and resourceful. Call it in, ask for what you desire.

If you've been feeling lonely at work, ask for people to come by and visit. If you've been feeling like you're not hanging out with, or seeing enough of your friends and family, ask for them to come by. Don't wait for somebody else to ask you. I just felt a chill in the energy like someone who's watching this right now, maybe it's you, or maybe it's whoever you're going to share this with, because you got to make sure that this word gets out to our tribe. Someone who's watching this right now, could be you, has been waiting to be invited and has been angry or frustrated that they haven't been asked to come out, or everybody else is going out, or everybody else is having parties and things to celebrate, blah, blah, blah. Instead, take a deep breath, and accept that – if only just for today – it’s officially on you this time to make it happen.

It's official: Happy Everything Week! Okay? Got it? Declare happy everything. Join me in this.

And by the way, click here and make sure that you join us, so that you get on that notifications list to be there for our winter solstice party. Our reunion this time will be at the new space, and let's enjoy being together. We can be independent, absolutely, and be powerful in that independence. And then let's enjoy our lives together. Two strong independent people come together, and they become interdependent, and create this amazing life full of love, fulfillment and togetherness. Doing it alone is great, but together is better.

Comment below, send me an email back at, that comes straight to me, or you can email my team at Let me know what comes up for you around this. Make sure that you subscribe on YouTube so that you get these Love Letters first every week, and I will see you next week with our next series. Bye for now!


Just for today...

Declare that it's "Happy Everything Week" and call in people you miss seeing.

Take a deep breath, center yourself, and ask someone you miss to come visit you or to meet up to reconnect in person.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!


Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business.

Welcome back to another installment of your weekly love letter from the dojo at and, my blog. These are your sources for channeled holistic stress management techniques and guidance for developing your natural intuition. Whether you're looking to improve the quality of your personal and professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

Let's schedule a chat, and see how I can help you...