Love starting new things?
Have you set a new, inspiring goal or resolution for yourself recently that you're worried you won't achieve?
Feeling secretly anxious because you know you usually have a hard time finishing what you start?
Being creative and excited about starting new initiatives is always awesome and inspiring.
However, seeing your ideas all the way from vision to fruition is a whole other can of worms -- and it involves seeking and tracking a magikcal and elusive little unicorn called: Consistency.
Watch the above 7-minute video to learn how to be more consistent!
"I have a lot on my plate, I'll put that on the back burner."
This week, Source wants you to know that consistency is key.
Key to what? The key to success in anything in life, is being consistent.
Of course, being creative is powerful because we're able to start new things and have grand visions and receive guidance creatively and intuitively from Spirit.
If you're anything like me, you tend to get a lot of inspiration and a lot of new ideas and start a lot of new creative projects.
And then all of a sudden you're on to the next thing.
We're on to opening another tab on Google Chrome or Mozilla.
And we're watching two different channels on the TV because we don't want to deal with the commercials, so we switch between a few channels.
Or on our cell phone, we have about 100 different windows open in the web browser.
Or whenever it comes to meetings at work we're always a high idea generators, or we get excited about new ideas or new initiatives.
But you're drained and annoyed when things don't come out the way you initially envisioned -- this happens because we're high start up energy people.
And that's okay. It's not a bad thing!
The universe knows that about us, as spiritual, intuitive and sensitive individuals. She knows that.
So she's coming in to offer a bit of advice to say: consistency is key.
The way that we set ourselves up for success, instead of self sabotage, is by setting up rituals that support us in being consistent.
The first thing in the energy in order to do what Source is asking, is creating morning rituals, mid day rituals and evening rituals.
We've previously talked about having your non negotiable's with yourself.
And that's usually three to five things that you do to set your energy up off at the right pace first thing in the morning, and you can't negotiate.
You can not negotiate with yourself about those things.
We often sabotage our success in life because we negotiate whether or not we're allowed to take steps, healing steps, for ourselves:
"Okay, I really don't feel like it today", or "I have a lot on my plate, I'll put that on the back burner."
We begin negotiating and talking ourselves down from taking action steps.
Having and keeping up your "Non-negotiables" is just another teaching here at the Dojo that we share with students about how to really create positive momentum on their healing journey.
It's about having a set of standards, called non-negotiables, which are off limits for YOU to negotiate with yourself whether or not they get done.
This week in particular Source is saying you need a ritual for the beginning, middle and end of the day to create a vortex of consistency.
What does that look like?
At the beginning of the day we have our non negotiable that sets the intention, a positive focus and intention for the day at large, which is in and of herself very powerful.
On top of that, in the midday -- or throughout the "meat" of your day if we're looking at it like a sandwich -- we need rituals of getting up and moving to keep your vibration high.
Know this: You can create your own #vortex of consistency to put momentum behind achieving your #goals. #newyearnewyou #success
Habits of re-centering and looking again at "what are my goals for today?" build momentum behind the actualization of your goals.
Have a set time during the day where you check in with someone who keeps you accountable to what your goals are for the day and they're doing the same thing so you keep each other accountable.
Or you have a place that you go to that keeps you inspired and open, during the day.
For me, there's certain places -- we're in Westfield, NJ here. Nearby is the Watchung Reservation. There are certain places in the Watchung Reservation that I visit very regularly to keep myself open and in a state of flow.
That might not be the case for you environmentally, but it could be that you go to the bathroom and recenter your energy so that you're able to feel more refreshed.
(I don't just mean going potty! It could be just to clear your head, to get up and walk away from the computer or walk away from your office, walk away from the kitchen for a little bit so you can recenter and refocus.)
At the end of each day, Source is saying have an ending ritual where you look back on what happened throughout the day and appreciate it to help close down, have a sense of closure and achievement.
All of these, though, we want to tie into whatever your goal is.
Maybe you have a New Year's resolution, Source is asking to work in that New Years resolution to these rituals. Or maybe you have a new goal in mind.
Perhaps you have a affirmation or a goal card that you've been working on for some time.
Work it in at three points in the day, numeralogically speaking, three is the presence of spiritual guidance.
Stay tuned for part two next week!
In Love and Light,
Just for Today...
Set alarms on your phone that remind you about your goal.
Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!
SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!
Want to set yourself up for success but don't know where to start? Tell me!
Give me a call at +1 (732) 903-8573 or click on the blue BOOK NOW button to start your healing journey, today!