Can't seem to escape all the negativity?
Finding it harder to stay positive these days?
Negative people, news, places and self-talk got you down?
It's hard to stay bright and positive all the time when most of the world is driven by negative and pessimistic inspiration.
How many times have you been having a great day, feeling happy and connected, only for one news headline or snide comment from some angry person to knock you all out of whack?
Watch the above video to learn about the nature of negativity and how to deal with it with grace and ease!
"No news is good news."
Way back in 2008, after reading The 4-Hour Workweek by the always awesome and crazy efficient Tim Ferriss, I made a commitment to going on a low-information diet: no more news.
No more watching, listening or reading the news except for headlines that I happen to see while passing by a newspaper or what people walk up and tell me directly.
And giving up the news changed my life.
From there, it extended to giving up watching television, mainly because with Youtube and Netflix, who needs TV?
For years I was commercial and newsflash free; now I only watch TV here and there when I know a show I like is airing. But it took years for me to detox from my TV and news addiction.
Now, it's easy enough to just shut off a TV and squelch that firehose of negativity. But, as nice as it would be, we can't quite "shut off" negative people--like negative bosses, colleagues or family members...
And, better yet, what happens when the source of negativity is in our head? Self-sabotage, anyone? 🙂
I know I do it to myself--and I'm certainly not the only one!
So, what can we do? Is negativity just unavoidable?
Yes. But the challenge is to heal and deal with it, not avoid it.
You see, if you're reading this article right now, you're a Lightworker; that means you're here to spread more love and light (enlightenment) on Earth in this lifetime.
And that's exactly why you're a naturally sensitive and positive person. That's also why you're so drawn to personal development and spiritual connection, too, because you intuitively know that as you raise your vibration, you give others permission to do the same.
So, rather than avoiding all negative energy and all the things that "kill your vibe," you have a higher calling to confront, heal and deal with the darkness.
Besides, remember the Law of Yin and Yang? There is always some dark in the light, and some light in the dark.
This Universal Law creates and maintains universal balance and expansion. Without contrast, life becomes unnaturally stagnant and sterile.
That being said, let's explore what is negative energy, and how we can send more love to the idea of it, rather than running in fear and ignorance.
Negativity and negative energy are at their core just energy, and all energy is essentially neutral. The idea of "negativity" or things being "negative" itself is relative and therefore a judgement.
All judgments are mindsets and stories we tell ourselves based on dominant thoughts we choose to think, and all judgments create emotional and energetic attachments to what we are judging. So, in other words, we actually create all the negativity we experience.
Know this: Negativity has no power over you that you didn't give it. #freeyourmind #loveandlight
Did you get that? We aren't saying that you caused that person to get shot or that you caused that tsunami to happen or that you caused the number of unemployed people to skyrocket (example of negative news headlines).
Instead, we are saying what happens is you choose how you feel, and because you are looking (vigilantly) for negativity, you'll find it and feel it.
Here's how this happens: you interpret what you're seeing or hearing (you spot a newspaper headline: dog found abused and abandoned), you create a "negative" judgment (thought: animal abuse is bad), you internalize the "negative" feelings associated with it (thought and feeling: dog abuse turns my stomach and makes me angry), and then you internalize responsibility for it because you know about it (thought and feeling: I know something must be done, but I can't do anything, so I feel helpless). It in turn tangles you up emotionally and spiritually with what you see or hear in that moment even if it has nothing to do with you, and because you feel helpless, the "negative energy" drains you and kills your vibe.
And that is how what was simply just a passing news headline can suddenly have enough power to ruin your day. Or even your week or month, or perhaps even more as you rehash the story over and over.
Here's the key: to deal with negativity, you need to unplug from it emotionally.
We're not saying become a cold-hearted person or shut down. If you're reading this, you're already a sensitive, loving, spiritual and empathic person, and that's your gift. So we're saying you need to be a good steward of your gift, knowing when and how to adjust it to protect your health and wellbeing (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually).
It's about learning to flow with your emotions and the energies that influence them.
Watch this week's video for the Oracle Card of the Week, which shows you how to release negative energy and negative mindsets!
In Love and Light,
Just for Today...
Notice when you label something "negative" or "draining."
Then ask yourself "Why am I giving this thing / person power over me? Does it / do they actually have power over me, in spiritual truth?"
Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!
SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!