Love Letters | Dreamwork 101

Wish you could remember your dreams?

Ever wondered what it would be like to lucid dream, or to finally understand that recurring dream or nightmare you had?

Want to get advice from your dreams, but don't know where to start?

Dreams are powerful guides to life; they hold the key to the infinite power of your Subconscious Mind.

In fact, in Shamanic spiritual traditions, dreams are regarded as the true reality, while this waking life is the real "dream."

Watch the above video to to get started remembering and interpreting your dreams!

"I can barely remember I had this dream, and I'm not sure what it means..."

I hear this a lot during Sacred Space Sessions here at The Dojo.

As naturally intuitive and creative people, we all have vivid dreams from time to time that we "just know" have some sort of spiritual meaning or message.

Some of us have even had dreams that we found out later on were premonitions.

And still more of us don't dream at all these days, although we used to as children.

So what are dreams exactly; what purpose do they serve?


Dreams are natural energywork, through communication with Source energy.

As natural energywork, dreams serve a twofold purpose: to balance and clear our subtle (mental, emotional, spiritual) energies, and to open the lines to higher communication (with our community, our higher selves, and with Source).

What basically happens each time you sleep is that your body performs her nightly energywork on you to open your energy up to balance and Source.

She does this by shifting your brainwaves from Gamma/Beta (tight, fast and sharp waves; you are in a state of being focused and attentive) all the way down to Theta/Delta (long, slow and smooth waves; you are in a state of being creative and restorative).

It's difficult to be open to receiving energy from Nature / Source -- such as the energies of guidance and healing -- when your body is emitting very tight, sharp waves.

Therefore sleep naturally relaxes and balances your energy waves to be more open and receptive.

Dreams, however, are the next level of this energywork, because they happen only when you are "seeing" this energetic balancing happening firsthand -- well, only part of you can "see" it, and that part is the Subconscious Mind.

Your Subconscious Mind speaks in the language of images, colors and feelings (intuitive and emotional), and comprises 90% of your actual Self (your consciousness, your energy, your essence).

Since your Subconscious Mind is capable of picking up on or detecting spiritual guidance and subtle energy coming from Source, she organizes it all into her language and then relays it to your Conscious Mind -- in the form of dreams.


So your dreams are actually windows into your soul and it's connection to Spirit.

Therefore, learning to remember, interact with and interpret your dreams can be quite enlightening.

Now, there are online dream dictionaries, like for example, that offer interpretations; however we must remember that these interpretations are based on the writer's own personal perception and spiritual path, not our own.

Know this: Dreams speak the language of YOUR Spirit. Are you listening? #dreamwork #healing

That being said, it is best to record your dreams and ask your spirit guides, or spiritual mentors and intuitive advisers, what your dreams mean for YOU, instead of basing your interpretation solely on what is online or in a book.

There are some general dream tropes that are universal -- clothes represent how you present yourself to the world, cars represent drive and personal agency, fighting represents repressed anger, chasing represents unexpressed anxiety, and so on.

But all the interpretations in the world won't help you, if you can't remember your own dreams! 🙂

Learning to recall the images, events and details of your dreams is a skill that can be quite easily cultivated with regular practice.

You need to build momentum recalling your dreams over time, and as you do that, you're actually "working out the muscles" of your intuition as well! #bonus

Watch this week's video for the Oracle Card of the Week, which explains why now is a good time for you to start doing dreamwork!



In Love and Light,



Just for Today...

Dedicate or re-dedicate a book as your dream journal and keep it under or next to your pillow.

Write on the first page at the top this affirmation: "Angels please help me. I am now open to receiving divine guidance through remembering and pursuing my dreams."

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!


SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!


Want to know what your dreams mean with a private, channeled dream interpretation session?

Give me a call at 732-903-8573 or click on the blue BOOK NOW button to start your healing journey, today!