Love Letters | Law of Association – Part 3 of 4

Second-guessing taking a certain positive action in your business?

Worried that you’ll screw it up, “like you always do”?

Have you just accepted that most of your friends, family or colleagues have a negative or pessimistic outlook on life?

It’s not easy being the creative and energy-sensitive black sheep.

And if you don’t have a positive high-vibe community to encourage and nourish you, you can end up stuck more often than not in your life and business.

Watch this week’s 11-minute Love Letter video, the third in our 4-week exploration of the Power of Positive Community, to leverage the Universal Law of Association!

"What's wrong with me?"

This is week three, it's our third installment of the four week deep dive on the power of positive community. And this week in particular we really want to take some time to clarify the power of the love association.

When I was journeying on the topic for this week's love letter video my guides said that it's time for us to really talk about universal laws and start understanding them on deeper levels. We'll be covering more universal laws as the year goes on together.

But for this week in particular let's talk about the law of association.

I briefly covered it in the first of our four week deep dive so if you haven't seen that yet, go ahead and pause this video and go back on YouTube to re-watch that or go back on the blog at But for this week let's talk about the universal law of association.

And this basically states that you are and your reality is the sum total and median, the common denomination between the five people and five realities that you spend the most time with and around. You're the median of the five people that you listen to the most.

Your bank account and your income is the median of the five incomes and bank accounts that you are the most exposed to or the closest related to. The law of association basically means that in groups we find harmony.

The inverse is to say in general, it's harder to stick out and go against the grain. In nature things tend to find harmony.

And so to illustrate this, I wanted to speak to those of you in the tribe and especially you who's watching who feel like the black sheep. We talked about that earlier this month. So if you've been feeling like a black sheep it's important for you to see exactly what's going on here.

It's not that everyone around you is crazy or everyone around you's wrong. Or conversely that there's something wrong with you. What's wrong with me? No, no, no. You're just cut from a different thread. You have different DNA.

To illustrate this my guide sent me a visual to convey what it essentially looks like.

In that you are a lioness. Or you're a lion. However, as a cub you grew up with cats. So rather than out hunting zebra and enjoying all the space, laying out in the sun and going wherever you please proudly like a lion and being ferocious when needed but soft when else. You grew up with cats and so cats hide. They hide to make sure that they stay safe. They pile together to keep warm. They like to fit into small spaces so that they can feel as safe and protected and small and compact as possible. And cats also more often than not are domesticated. So when they see humans they either feel frightened or they want to be pet and touched.

So can you imagine what the mindset of a lion would be if since she was a cub she grew up around cats?

First her cub ages, she's same size as everyone and hiding and keeping safe maybe even suckling on other mama cats because she was small enough to suckle alongside the kittens. And eventually then she's grown into full lioness where she tries to sit and fit into boxes that she can't fit anymore. Or if a zebra or antelope comes she runs and takes off rather than doing her natural duty as a lioness to eat. That's food, it's not a threat. Or even people. Oh snuggling with them rather than seeing them as prey. The mindset of a kitten or a cat is inside of this lion.

Has this happened to you in your business? Or even in your life? Where, although you were born with the DNA of a lion, you've grown up and surrounded yourself with cats. Who play small and stay small to stay as safe and controlled as possible.

Never let out ferociousness or if they do it's in a short burst and only to a few things. Most things aren't prey to cats. Certainly not on the lion's level. Be kind to yourself if you've been playing small because you have a mindset that's coming from the wrong DNA.


Know this: You are cut from a different cloth: you are a lion. 🦁 So stop acting like a scaredy-cat! 😿


This week in particular the guides are asking you to tune into where you are associating yourself. If you are a lion deep within you, you know it, how many lions are you running with? Can you look to your right and look to your left and see other powerhouses? Forces of nature.

Or when you look to your right and look to your left everyone says you're crazy or you're being too much. You're too big. You're too big. Even though you can't help it. It's your DNA.

Be on the lookout for that. And also be on the lookout for where the lions are. If you're ready to come out more and to invoke more of your bigger presence, go where the lions are. This is where I'm hearing the oracle cards calling and the energy around our understanding of the law of association.

Let's get a little bit closer so that you can see the detail of the cards when I pull them.

It's Healing With the Fairies by Doreen Virtue one of the many oracle card decks that we have here at the dojo. So fairies, what do we need to know right now about the law of association?

And having permission to play big and be lions and lionesses? Ooo, hello. Ooo. Beauty. The fairies are bringing the beauty card forward and this is where we're going to leave off for the week.

In self image. How you care for yourself, seeing how she's combing her hair, how you care for yourself creates how you see yourself. And if your self care is on a cat of kitten level even though your DNA is of the lion and lioness, you are going to recreate an image of yourself as small. And to associate with others who are on that same level.

However, if you know that your DNA is at a higher level, on the lioness level taking this illustration, if you know it's on a higher level it's time for you to up level your self care so that you are treating yourself as a lion.

It starts with you. Your self image matters. So that when you come around other lions you recognize huh, we're the same. We have the same DNA rather than thinking, "ooo, you're a little bit too big for me."

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Work on your own perspective so that you can see yourself in your lion presence rather than just as your cat or kitten presence.

Is this resonating for you? What comes up? Go ahead and type in the comments below or send me an email back. Make sure you subscribe on YouTube so that you get these love letter first every week and remember, if you need help balancing your mind, body and business just let me know over at and we'll see you soon. Bye.

(Original post 04/16/2018)

Just for Today...

Acknowledge your inner kitten, and CHOOSE to listen to your inner Lion.

When you feel scared or unsure, remember who you really are on the inside.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

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