Love Letters | Look Again

Given up on getting through to someone you care about?

Thinking of throwing in the towel regarding pursuing your dream?

Can't seem to get the spiritual guidance you seek because you think you're blocked?

Source says don't give up yet; there's more there for you if you look at it again.

You may be at an impasse because you've been looking at it with only five of your senses.

Watch this week's 10-minute Love Letter video to learn how to open up to your higher senses and get the inspiration you need!

"How can I look again at my situation in a different way?"

The message from Source this week in particular is to look again. Look again.

In particular, Source is talking about your ability to perceive what is going on around you.

Aristotle kind of clipped our wings years and years ago when he defined the human body and form as only having five senses. We are inviting you to understand this week that you have way more than just five senses.

Popular studies recently have shown that we have at least nine senses, some say 16, others include 21 senses. Ancient Egyptians are said to have believed in 360 senses that you're working with.

Source energy today wants you to know that you need to look again. Something's going to come up this week or maybe something is coming up right now for you, that you need to look again and reassess the situation from a more open perceptive standpoint.

Don't just write yourself off, don't just write the situation as done and final. No, look again, there's more for you.

Some examples of other senses that we have are equilibrioception for example, and that's to tell whether or not your body is in balance. Your inner ear, it provides you as sense of equilibrioception.

There's also thermoception, your sense of temperature. When you're standing nearby a beautiful campfire you don't just walk right in because you feel that heat. It's your ability to sense temperature or feeling the coolness come out of the icebox of the refrigerator as you hold the door open, that's thermoception.

Those were just two within your physical sense, then there are also spiritual senses - such as the many psychic senses of:

    • clairvoyance, seeing things that are nonphysical.


    • clairaudience, hearing things that are nonphysical, or


  • precognition, that sense of knowing information before it has been made known.

There are emotional and mental senses as well such as what we talked the most about here at The Dojo, like the emphatic sense, where you are capable of sensing the feelings of other people, places and things around you not only in your physical environment but also at a distance.

In this week in particular, open your mind and open your heart to whatever situation, or a person, or even just yourself that you've written of as case is closed, there's nothing left here, got to move on.


Know this: You have more than just 5 senses. Look again at your situation this week with your inner sight! 😉 #thirdeye @SenseiWhitfield


This week the Source is saying "look again" but know that what you're looking with is going to be more than just your eyes, just your ears, just your taste, just your touch, and just your smell.

There's way more of 360 other things that you could look with. The guides are bringing me to the Oracle Card for this week to help us of little bit more, "Well how, how can I look again?"

Angel Therapy by Doreen Virtue is the deck that stepped forward to help us work on our perceptive sense. Let's see what the angels have to help us with.

By the way, that's another spiritual sense: sensing the presence of the angels.

Over the years I've seen incredible experiences of people who've had picking up on the angels whether it's feeling tingling in their jaw, or with their eyes closed feeling like there's a bright light being shone on their face and all the lights are off and their face is covered with a scarf, sensing a bright, strong presence behind them.

So, shuffling the cards, let's ask: "Angels tell us how can we look again what do we need to know right now about looking again at our situation, at ourselves and at our lives?"

You Are Profoundly Clairvoyant

"Trust what you see in your mind's eye as well as with your physical sight. Trust what you see in your mind's eye as well as with your physical sight for your spiritual vision helps you with healing, teaching and guidance."

I also want to draw your attention to the card, how the angel is standing there holding this bubble, which represents dimensions. By the way, bubbles are my most favorite thing, they are imbued with deep meaning for me. Within that bubble there are mermaids and fish and all those beautiful, feminine abundant imagery.

This represents how there is so much more to life when you LOOK at your life. The guides are using this word in particular, transdimensionally.

One example of this is having a tough time with your loved one, but if you look at them with your mind's eye and see past what they've been doing out here in physical, you may pick up on the pain or were they're asking for help, or what spiritual guidance you need the most right now.

Look with more than your eyes, but look again.

You may be working hard on your business or at work, and there's just this one client or one project where you just feel like you're not pushing through or making any progress.

Take time this week in particular, the guides are saying to do a visualization meditation where, and I'll describe it to you, where you'll close your eyes and imagine the person, place or thing or experience that you need to look again at.

Imagine that you could go inside them and talk to the angels and energy that's inside of them. Just as if you were to imagine they had a bubble of activity inside of them.

There's more spiritual guidance and experience within this person, place or thing or experience for you, you just have to go in there and use your clairvoyant, your intuitive sight, not these eye balls but this one, or these ones if we're talking transdimensionally, to see more of what's possible for you.

Send me an email back at Comment below if you have questions.

Are you able to experience more of your senses? I'm curious to hear.

How many senses do you think we have? Have you experienced more than just the five Aristotelian senses?

I'm really excited to hear what you think is more of an advanced love letter this week in particular, but you, because you clicked play that means you are up for the task. You can do it.

Make sure you subscribe on Youtube so that you get your love letters first every week and get ready for it. See you next week.

In Love and Light,



Just for Today...

Use your imagination and intuition to visualize your situation this week, so you can "look again" with your third eye.

As you breathe deeply with your eyes closed, ask for Spirit to send you guidance about what's the next best step.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!


SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!


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