Love Letters | Queen Bee – Part 5 of 5

Believe you're meant for more than just working hard to get by?

Tired of feeling limited by your circumstances?

Ever wonder what makes someone a leader vs. a follower?

There's a special sauce that triggers greatness in certain people that causes them to achieve more than the average human being.

Causes them to think big, reinvent themselves and leave a legacy when they're gone.

Watch this week's 15-minute Love Letter video, the 5th and final installment in our 5-week series on The Courage to Be Yourself, to learn from Bee Spirit Animal exactly what that special sauce is!

"I need to find a mentor."

This is week five of five. Five of five, of our deep dive into finding the courage to be yourself, your whole self, stepping into your divinity. Stepping into your purpose as a healer in this lifetime.

We've been journeying for the last couple weeks in particular with the bee animal totem. Honey bee animal totem, and we've been receiving more wisdom and insight into what's been going on along the path of our personal development.

If you haven't caught those previous two videos, again, pause. Go back on YouTube or on my blog at so that you can get all of the juicy bits.

This week in particular, honey bee has a third and final stage for us to consider as we're finding the courage to be ourselves. These three archetypes that her life cycle gives us as a gift and as a wisdom that we can receive around shaping our own destinies in life the natural way, right?

Following our instinct and our intuitive guidance with the health of bee animal totem. So, remembering, just a quick recap, first stage was larval, right? Where we're going around and around in circles, searching for ourselves, searching for sustenance, for insight, for more nourishment for ourselves because we're in need, right?

Think of the larva. That's what she's all about, is just herself, so that she can grow.

The sustenance that you get at that stage, though, forces you to grow. There's no going back unless something goes wrong. The way that it's designed is to inspire growth, right? Mother's milk causes the babies to grow.

Then at the worker stage where after we've matured as a larva, now we're at the worker stage where instead of searching to receive just for ourselves, now we're searching, searching for problems to solve.

We're searching for ways to contribute to others. This is really powerful because this is where we learn to collaborate and connect and communicate. Remember the dance, the magic communication dance of honey bee, so that they can build the hive as well as cause more reproduction throughout all of the plants around them by spreading their wonderful, wonderful contribution to all of us. Bee is sacred.

Here's the thing though. At both of those levels, there are clear limitations, right? Larva can only move within her small, little world, and the more she eats, the more there's no way she's going back. It's a clear, one way, linear street to being the worker and then worker bee has clear limitations as well.

The purpose of the worker bee is work, and worker bees work themselves to death. In fact, they only live about six to eight weeks, tops. 20 of those days is spent as the larva, so it's a hard life, it's a short life. Sure, they live longer in the winter because they're dormant for about five months, but with that, worker bee serves to work and to give to others.

There's a third archetype that honey bee is gifting us to see past only searching for yourself and only searching for others, and this is where we step outside of limitation and into legacy.


Know This: Step outside of just managing your Limitations and into building your Legacy in life and #business.


This is queen bee week. Now, oh my goodness, I could do an entire year, or in fact, by the time you're watching this, I've already done an entire retreat, three days, three whole days down the shore talking about being and stepping into queen presence, but suffice to say, we're going to dedicate a few minutes to harmonizing you with queen bee's energy.

First off, queen bee is different than the other bees in the hive. For one, she lives one to four years instead of six to eight weeks, so talk about legacy and longevity. Secondly, she gives birth to everybody in the hive.

All of their day to day tasks come from her come from protecting her and serving her, right? Following her pheromones, knowing what to do next. She generates purpose. She generates life.

How does one transition into this archetype and also applying it as a metaphor to life and business? This is stepping out of just being the worker into being the creator. How that happens in particular is two things.

One, queen bees come from queen bees. When you are cultivating that creator essence within you, you have got to get a mentor. One who has got it, too, where your central nervous system learns from hers or your business is molded after hers or your point of view reflects and is informed by that elevated point of view that comes from him.

Queen bees make queen bees. They don't come from anybody else. You have got to have a mentor.

So, that's one.

Two, the second thing that differentiates creating a queen bee is the royal jelly. Remember from before, the larva are drinking the mother's milk that worker leaves behind, right? Previous workers have left behind to support the generations coming afterward.

That mother's milk, though, coming from a worker, makes more workers whereas the royal jelly coming for the queen bee, by the queen bee, this initiates organs to be grown in that bee's body that others don't have access to.

There's a mindset within you that can be birthed and grown over time if you get another level of nourishment, one that comes from that higher paradigm, affirming that you are a creating, learning about exactly how to master your intuition, trust it, cultivate it.

Learning how to be the visionary in your life in business rather than just getting by and just being the worker, work, work, working, hard working. Smart working is a whole new paradigm and that is the wonderful archetype of the queen bee.

Now, I'm already hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy, but suffice to say, hold on a second, ladies, suffice to say that as we begin to transition out of worker, into queen, it's only a very few people are capable of doing this because queen bee is responsible, right?

Responsible for keeping the vision alive, keeping the tribe and the hive alive. It takes a lot of energy to birth ideas and to hold the vision. It may look cushy. She only stays in the hive the entire time of her life unless there's a swarm, like unless there's trouble, and if she does leave, half the whole swarm leaves with her. She's never by herself.

So there's not exactly freedom. There is agency, but with that agency comes responsibility as queen, as the visionary, as the healer. When you're fully stepping into your role as not just a healer but as a leader and a healer, there's a whole new level of nourishment that you need in the form of royal jelly as well as a whole new level of guidance that you need coming from mentorship.

So, we want to honor that. If you're called to queen, let's not take this lightly, but that is the third and final stage. So, let's get to it.

Goddesses, what do we need to know? Goddess Guidance from Doreen Virtue oracle cards deck. What do we need to know about having the courage to fully be ourselves, to step into that divinity and really become creators of our lives, not just working, working, working, day in and day out?

Okay. Sulis. Bodies of whatever. Spend time near water such as a lake, river or ocean to recharge your batteries. Here's where we're going to leave off this week. My guides are saying that the goddess Sulis, who watches over all bodies of water on earth specifically is coming forward because this is to help open you up to being limitless.

Think about water. Is there any limit to what water can do on planet earth? It's in the sky, underground, flowing down mountains, right? We've harnessed maybe a fraction, we've harnessed a fraction of the water coming through pipes and things like that, but how vast is the ocean? How incredibly vast is all of the icebergs as well? Limitlessness.

That is why we are considering beyond around water this week in particular. By the way, being by water is very, very healing. Not just the detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties of being around saltwater in particular ... Not to down play that, but emotionally, right?

Emotionally and spiritually, when you are by lakes, by the ocean, by waterfalls, by a river, there is an activation that happens in the body that is unique to being in the presence of water as well as drinking fresh alkaline, right? Alkalized water. It heals the body and cleans your blood.

So, to prepare moving from your worker into your queen, meditations with water, taking in clean water, being around water is going to help you release that limited mindset and step into your creator, you being a healing leader.

So, what's coming up for you hearing all this really powerful message this week? Send me an email back at and, by the way, make sure you subscribe on YouTube so that you get these love letters first every week.

Ready? Let's step into our queen. Whether you're a male or a female, it's the archetype.

Tell me about it. What comes up for you, all right? I'll see you next week. Bye.

(Original post 07/30/2018)

Just for Today...

Focus on bee-ing The Creator in your life and business by cultivating your "Royal Jelly" input.

Sign up for mentorship, join high-vibe, positive professional networking groups, and work smart by being energy-conscious at work (work with me! Go here!)

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

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