Love Letters | Receive – Part 3 of 4

Never seem to finish what you start?

Can't seem to stop acquiring more resources, certificates and programs than you actually use, fully?

Too busy with little tasks to follow up on and follow through with the big stuff that could really change your life and business?

If this is the case, then chances are you believe that "the learning never stops," as Tony Robbins would say.

But sometimes we can become addicted to acquiring new information, contacts and projects, and it clutters up our energy.

Watch this week's 9-minute Love Letter video, the third installment in our four-week exploration of Letting Go, to learn about the power of practicing emotional digestion to supercharge your effectiveness!

"I have to buy that new program I saw."

This is week three of our four week exploration of letting go. This is the month that we're gonna do it. Let it go. So if you have not seen the previous two weeks, go ahead. Hit stop. Go back on my YouTube channel, right, just put in Sensei Victoria Whitfield on YouTube. I'll come right up. Or you can see the posts on at my blog. Catch up so that you can see what's going on.

Now this is receive week. When it comes to letting go, it's important to know that we're engaging letting go as part of a cycle, and in particular, the guides wanted to bring forward the concept of emotional digestion for you. So last week, we talked about release and constipation. Make sure you see that video, so it puts this a little more in context.

But this week in particular, we're talking about the opposite, right, receiving and being able to digest that which we are receiving, especially emotionally. So how many times in conscious business, or our conscious business lifestyle, do we just acquire, acquire, acquire resources. In fact, that's the hallmark of you being a conscious business owner or you being a conscious person, right, if you're not someone who is owning a business, but keeping up with the love letters. Mwah to you as well. You're welcome here.

So the hallmark of someone awake and spiritually aware is that they are open to receive resources. So the books, the programs, right, the ... I was about to say the tapes. Who acquires tapes anymore?

But the certifications, right, yoga, or reiki, EFT, NLP, all the different certifications, the coaching certifications that we're acquiring resources. We're acquiring coaches and advisors, and networks and support groups, a sign that you're waking up and on your path to developing yourself spiritually and being conscious in this lifetime is that you are open to receive nourishing input.

However, there comes a point in our growth cycle, whether as an individual or as a business or a business owner, solopreneur, that we've become addicted to self help and addicted to resource acquisition. "Oh my God. So and so's running a new program. I gotta go buy it." Don't read any of the content.

Maybe go to some of the meetings, but don't really do anything in the program. Or "Oh my God. Look at this new product. I love it. It looks like the solution to my problems." And then we buy it, and then it's over, and it sits on the shelf. Maybe you even buy too much food each week, and that, especially with the salad. Guilty as charged, right, it will run out, and it'll expire, or it just sits on the shelf gathering dust.

If that's you, where you start things, but aren't finishing them, like every entrepreneur ever ... Right there with you. This is a sign that it's time for you to start practicing digestion in your receiving.

You know, it's one thing to do like the money affirmations, right, our love affirmations, and all of that, or "Oh, I want more clients. I want more clients. I want more clients. I got ya Abraham. I believe. I believe." And we keep acquiring people, but are we keeping them? Are we acquiring lots of connections but not activating them? Be kind to yourself if this is what has been your situation.


Know this: You are enough. Love yourself enough to stop acquiring more, and instead go back and finish what you've started.


I know for me personally, I'm on this journey right there with you this month. I keep acquiring business cards at networking events. But do I do anything with them? Well, we're changing that this week, thanks to my assistant. But up until now, oh my gosh. I have such a backlog of information that I have not digested.

And this is your assignment for this week in particular from the guides, is to take time and digest. Believe it or not, if you stopped marketing, if you stopped looking for the love of your life, if you stopped acquiring acquiring, right, you would be forced to turn around and appreciate how much you already have. In fact, you would maximize the incredible amount of resource that you've already been gifted with. And I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy. Come a little bit closer. Indigo angels. Indigo angels.

Supporting us in emotional digestion. If you're feeling like you can't let go, you can't let go, you can't let go, then that means there's more to receive from that emotion. There's more to learn, more to digest. Perhaps that's journaling. Perhaps that's talk therapy, coming in for a Reiki session here, or joining one of the groups online, so that you can digest the incredible abundance of support and wisdom that you already have.

My guides just told me to say, before I pull this card, you are enough. You're enough already. Love yourself. Couldn't be more in alignment, right? I just got a challenge in there. She's like, "Yeah we can." Thanks angels. So the love yourself card is coming forward to really boost your courage to engage digestion this week. So it takes courage to stop signing up for new programs, right, or to stop acquiring more resources, and go back and finish what you started. If only just for now, love yourself enough to digest the nutrients that you've been intaking. Receive that. Let go of the addiction to acquiring more.

Now, let me know what's coming up for you. This is a two way conversation. So comment below, or send me an email back at All my info's there.

And if you know somebody who keeps acquiring more certifications or keeps reaching for more, and more, and more, and more, share this with them.

Forward this video to them and let them know that they can love themselves enough just as they are, to digest and appreciate all the resources they already have. You're enough. Mwah. We'll see you next week for our fourth and final installment. Bye.

Just for Today...

Let go by taking time to stop, and digest.

Stop acquiring new projects, prospects and people, and focus on deepening your engagement of who and what you already have.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

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