Love Letters | Something’s Got to Give

Are you having a hard time recognizing, respecting and communicating your own personal boundaries to others?

Wondering why you always end up being the only one giving or trying to make things work in relationships?

Disappointed that your partner or coworkers never pick up the slack when you need them to?

Spirit wants you to know that there has to be a clear line in the sand for you between what you're willing to put up with in life and what you want.

The energy this week wants to discuss why we let ourselves -- as well as the people in our lives -- get away with highway robbery overstepping boundaries.

Watch the above 16-minute video to make sure the something that’s got to give isn’t your sense of personal wellbeing!

"But if I don't do anything, nothing gets done..."

Why do we allow ourselves to feel day after day drained, exhausted, unfulfilled, sad, frustrated, anxious, and holding repressed anger?

Source is saying that something's got to give if we keep this up because the universe is in a constant state of motion.

What does that mean? The way that nature works is that she's in constant growth and decomposition.

There's this constant cycle of expansion through shedding the old layers; just watch how a tree grows if you want to see it. NASA even reported that they recently confirmed that the universe is expanding—just like you. Why? Because that is nature. How does that apply?

Here it is: In any given situation in life, if you don't give in, something else will or if something else won't give in, you have to. Something has got to give, always.

This applies specifically to boundaries: how you lay out your boundaries, or standards rather, in life. Not only how you lay them out, but also whether or not you truly honor them in the way that you interact with people.

Be kind to yourself if you're the someone that's usually giving, rather than allowing the circumstance or the other players involved to be the someone or something that has got to give to you.

What does that look like? Well let me gender this for a moment, and talk to the ladies.

Oftentimes women will give wonderful, colorful excuses.

Excuse after excuse about why they shouldn't express what they're really thinking because they’ll say to themselves “oh I'm going to get in trouble,” “oh someone is going to get angry,” “oh I'm going to get fired” or “oh they're going to leave me,” right?

There's millions of excuses to maintain this status of silence.

But, the truth is excuses are an avoidant protective measure designed to create an artificial sense of control over where we're at, emotionally and energetically speaking. 

Rather than staying open and expressing whatever needs to be expressed for whatever reason, we tell ourselves it doesn't matter.

However, what really matters most is how you're feeling in that moment.

Here’s why: if you're maintaining the silence for fear, the effects of this show up elsewhere, because something’s got to resolve or give in to confirming your sense of fear.

If we're holding that (false) sense of “safe silence,” the thing that's going to give is usually your sense of emotional support, bodily health, personal safety, relational health, financial health, right?

If we're not able to stay open, there will be things in your environment that will reflect your lack of openness.

Something has got to give. If you won't allow that authentic energy you’re feeling to flow through you, which is Source energy and the energy of honesty and truth, it's going to come out in a different way.

With women oftentimes our weight will reflect the inability to express our emotions, depending on the woman.

Whether it is not being able to hold on weight, so having eating disorders, or having excessive weight that just won't go away. If you don't give in, something else will.

Coping mechanisms are meant to psychologically block against that feeling of not being open, better known as a feeling of vulnerability, but blocking this feeling can have detrimental effects.

In fact, there's a universal law that applies here. The Universal Law of Causation: for every cause, there is an effect. Something always has to give; things don’t happen in a vacuum, all energy is responsive.

On the other side of the fence, I've seen men who are holding on to a past disappointment of guilt of failure and it will reflect in their bodies.

Hip tightness or a consistent tightness around the shoulders—this sense of restriction is the manifestation of guilt and disappointment that they're not able to let go of.

Why do men hold on? Often for pride, for honor... which is just pride. Telling ourselves “I was wrong and I should be punished,” so there is a series of punishments that come down to resolve this in life, indefinitely.

Unforgiveness and not being able to let go of the past can also have financial repercussions, believe it or not.

Know this: Not being able to let go of the past is a desire to not confront raw feelings within ourselves; & this can affect your #finances!

That avoidant behavior can show up in your finances in the form of other self-sabotaging behaviors: ignorance, impulsivity, mismanagement and lack mentality.

Think of it this way. If I can't confront that painful issue in the past, then I darn well can't look at what's going on my bank account or have a sense of personal mastery about that now! Be kind to yourself if that's you.

Something always has to give. You don't have to be the one that's incurring the repercussions of that fear, though.

You can give yourself permission to be free of always being The Giver, or the one who has to shrink, or bear the brunt of the pain, frustration, the effects.

Yes, you can choose to allow others to assume the responsibility for their actions.

So many times the most spiritual, sensitive people absorb the effects of others, because we want to protect them, love them, or because we’re so empathic that we can’t help ourselves.

You know, the psychological term for that is “enabling,” right?

We'll absorb the effects of others' behaviors because we think we're being responsible, doing our best.

We're trying here at Share Prices Australia to make sure everybody else feels comfortable, at the expense of our own physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Financial as well.

We'll just take it in because be think proudly “I can take it. You don't have to. You don't have to.”

It's a mistake to think that this is courageous. Instead you're just being a martyr.

We're not respecting the fact that we all have thresholds, telling ourselves over and over “I'm going to ignore this, I'm going to ignore my feelings. I'm going to ignore my dreams. I'm going to ignore my own energy for as long as I possibly can so I can push through to look...normal.”

You're doing a lot more harm than you think because it's going against Nature. In terms of our Nature, she is never static, she’s always flowing—something's got to give.

It may appear that you're holding back negativity from others but in actuality you’re inviting it in to your energy, and then only hiding from yourself.

Watch the video for this week’s oracle card, which shows you how to stop sabotaging your natural flow of wellbeing and abundance, by stopping this behavior pattern before you burnout!


In Love and Light,


Just for Today...

Notice how you're enabling someone’s negative behavior or treatment of you by staying silent.

When you notice your silence as YOUR PART in enabling the situation, ask yourself “What could I have done to stop feeding that situation?”

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!


Want to protect your energy but don't know where to start? Tell me!

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