Love Letters | Stop Faking It – Part 1 of 4

It’s week one of four in our new exploration in this Love Letters series around having the courage to stop faking it.

This topic is dedicated to all of the members of the tribe who have issues with perfection paralysis. Be kind to yourself, if that's you. Over the next four weeks we are going to be diving deep into that, honoring it and clearing it from our lives at the right pace for yourself, myself and all of us as individuals in our tribe of light. So make sure that you hit that Subscribe button on Youtube so that you get these Love Letters first every week.

Without further ado, for week one of four, what we are going to be committing to is to stop faking it. Now. This week in particular is the one week that you are going to stop faking it: faking it in life, faking it in business. Faking it at home, faking it at the office, faking it in the bedroom. Or faking it at the doctor's office. Stop faking it.

Now, why is this coming up in particular? My guides are bringing this forward because there are quite a few of us in the tribe who are putting on a happy face to try and be productive, to try to be a “good” leader, or moreover what we've been taught is productive and what is good leadership. We're trying to perform well, and in order to perform well, there is this popular phrase of "Fake it till you make it" to help us shift our mindsets.

But here's what happens after a while of faking it till you make it: you get stuck in plasticity. Being plastic and plasticity is defined as something that is malleable. When you are stuck in being plastic, that means wherever you are, your personality morphs. It shifts shape in order to be pleasing, to be acceptable or to put on a good show. Perhaps as a child, you were rewarded for putting on a good show and looking good.

“Mommy and Daddy want everything to look perfect, so make sure that you pretend in front of everyone else that we're a happy family,” right? But behind closed doors, there's an entirely different story happening. What can happen over time is that if you keep getting stuck in faking it, faking perfection, for one: it eats at your soul.

This is what my spirit guides are telling me to share with you, is that it can very well begin to eat at your soul, and we don't want that for you. Your soul is where your energy and your passion for life comes from. The more that you keep faking it, on top of eating at your soul, is that then you also set yourself up for a whole life faked, because you have to keep up the performance.

Click to share the Tweet of the Week: Know this: What can happen over time is that if you keep getting stuck in faking perfection is that it eats at your soul. Set yourself free from the lies. #mindset #entrepreneur #depression @SenseiWhitfield

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You're not being You. I'll put it on me: I'm not being me if I'm pretending and faking being happy, or faking being energized or anything like that. In fact, the more that I fake being happy or fake being energized, I've seen over the years, the more drained, angry and resentful I become. Maybe this has been your story, too? If so, I've got your back. This series is dedicated to you, so if only just for today, as we say in Reiki: today is the day that you are going to stop faking it.

Now, as I say that, what comes up for you? I'm hearing the Oracle Cards beginning to call in the energy around this. Where in life or business are you faking it? Are you pretending that you are pain-free when you're actually in a lot of pain physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually? Are you pretending everything's fine? Saying, "yeah, the business is growing and it's great and I feel confidence and blah, blah, blah!" Or are you faking your interest in someone and just going through the motions because that's what your family expects you to do, or because you owe them the rest of your life for whatever story you're telling yourself?

Be kind to yourself if you're faking it. That being said, the Oracle Cards that we're going to be journeying with all month are the Healing with The Fairies Oracle Cards deck by Doreen Virtue. Let's see here... Fairies, what do we need to know right now about stopping faking it, maybe for the first time, if not, better than we ever have before? ...Hey, all right now. That's the truth: Raising your standards. This is so perfect. You can't make this stuff up. It's so perfect, and I love that it's raining outside right now, too, sending cleansing and clearing our energy as we go through this topic.

In order to start stopping faking it, you've got to raise your standards for yourself, and the level of life that you are going to live this time around. We're going to get more into that in the coming weeks, but I think it's amazing that the fairies brought this up in particular, raising your standards, because there's an internal story and a value system inside of you that says “living a fake life is acceptable.” And just for today, that is not true anymore.

Just for today. Maybe tomorrow you could go back to faking it, but try it on for a size, even try it on, just for a moment to stop faking it. If only just for today, just for right now. Be kind to yourself if this is bringing stuff up for you, especially if you’re secretly feeling and thinking that “the standards that I have are what created the life that I have... and me faking it is working.”

Your soul knows that it's a drain. And if I have to be the one to break it to you, I'm going to, so that you can break through. So, with love, raise your standards. Today's the day: we're going to stop faking it.

Now, comment below. Send me an email back What's coming up for you? I want to hear it. Make sure, again, to subscribe on YouTube or hit that Share button so that you and your tribe get these first, every single week.

And please remember to enjoy the journey. Make sure that you do not lose your glow as you grow in life and business, and I'll see you in the next one. Bye for now.

Just for today...

Decide that today is the day you stop faking it, in your personal and professional life.

Love yourself enough to commit to let go of being perfect, and decide to just be yourself.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!


Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business.

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