Love Letters | Stuck on Self Help

Stuck at a personal development plateau?

Hit a road block on your healing journey?

Annoyed that things aren't progressing further along, no matter how hard you try?

When we decide to take charge of our lives and make time to make a change initially it yields fast and exciting results, and because the changes are brand new, they excite us and give us an ego boost.

Inevitably though, there comes a point in everyone's healing journey where we reach a developmental plateau in helping ourselves -- and this can be particularly frustrating.

Watch this week's 7-minute Love Letter to learn what to do when you're feeling stuck in your self-help journey.

"I have this under control. I can really help myself."

This week Source wanted to talk to you about feeling stuck in your self help, specifically cycles of self help.

We've got books, we've got sprays, we've got candles, we've got classes and workshops and certifications, oh my!

At some point it appears that we've hit a bit of a roadblock, where we're just preparing and preparing and helping ourselves and helping ourselves and helping ourselves, and nothing's really moving farther along.

Your strategy for this week is to practice asking. Asking for help, in particular.

Immediately I'm feeling some kind of prickly things in the energy from some of the Tribe who's watching right now.

Prickly thoughts like, "Oh, I have this under control. I can really help myself. I have a book," or, "I have a certificate, I should be able with all the knowledge that I have right now, I should be able to shift my situation on my own."

Now to some extent, absolutely, yes you can shift your situation on your own. On your own you can make great strides.

On your own you can learn the importance of taking personal responsibility and taking your own power back, and really identifying that, "Yes, this is my life and I'm going to write my own story. I'm going to reinvent myself."

In fact that's a powerful strategy in and of herself: tell yourself, "I am reinventing myself, I am rewriting my life story right now."

However you may have been at that for a while now if you're watching this video in particular because the books like we're reading the Chopra-Oprah-Tolle-Hicks-Hay-Virtue etc. -- we've got everybody feeding us spiritually, which is incredible.

We're taking in and we're taking in from incredible masters... and then we notice nothing's happening.

Privately, we think to ourselves in exasperation: "I've taken this financial abundance love attraction course and I haven't manifested enough money to really do that thing I wanted to -- pay the bills or pay off my debt. I wrote it on my goal card and it didn't happen."

What do you do, when we're hitting obstacles and roadblocks or feeling a sense of stagnation or being blocked?

Here's what you do: get yourself emotionally ready to being willing to ask for assistance, because self help can only take you so far when you are by yourself.


Know this: #SelfHelp can only get you so far. Plateaued? Then it's time to reach out and ASK for help. #nextlevel #success @SenseiWhitfield


It's time to find support and talk to your tribe.

Bring your problem up and out of you and into the hands of at least one other being who is open, caring, a champion for you naturally, someone who just celebrates you and who is curious about issues and helping, who loves being there to listen.

Bring it up and out of you.

For whatever reason this week in particular Source is saying it's time for you to ask for help.

Perhaps someone, maybe even me, has been on your mind lately.

You've been thinking: "I know that I need to really reach out, but I'm going to try maybe just this one more thing," or, "I'm going to try and figure this out on my own. I know I can do it, I've done it before."

At this level of your development, you need to accept that a new level is a new level.

We just need to accept that sometimes reaching out is the way to go to make it past our plateau.

I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy, now. It's the Healing with the Angels oracle cards deck -- Doreen Virtue's very first oracle cards deck.

This deck in particular came forward intuitively when I asked all the decks here at the dojo who wants to help with feeling stuck on self help.

(I'm always receiving donations, by the way, if you wanted to donate an extra deck that you had. Email me about it at

Angels what do we need to know right now to get out of our decision to be stuck in our self help journey?

Oh, Abundance!

There is infinite abundance around you of assistance, support, love, encouragement, championing.

But you cannot unlock and receive this abundance until you go out of your comfort zone and pursue it by asking.

That's a very open, vulnerable way of pursuing your next level, asking for the abundance which you seek.

That's challenging, because it takes courage to ask for help, but we assure you that there, right underneath your nose is so much abundance of exactly what you need right now, down to the T.

You are within on degree of separation.

This week, in fact this day in particular, you're within one degree of separation of the help that you need to move to your next level, but you have to step out of your comfort zone and ask for assistance now.

Comment below, send me an email back, what's coming up for you?

Ask me what your question is about your plateau.

You know I'd be overjoyed to support you and answer any questions that you have!

But reach out, don't try and self help, do the do-it-yourself kinds of thing because Source says we're moving passed that paradigm.

You're at a new level now and this new level includes working with your group, your community and leveraging. Okay? I'm sending so much love.

That's this week's message. By all means, please go to and make sure that you subscribe so that you're getting your weekly Love Letters if you haven’t already.

And on YouTube hit that Subscribe button, wherever she is on your screen, so that you get your weekly Love Letters as soon as their uploaded.

Sending you so much love 🙂

See you next time. Bye!

In Love and Light,


Just for Today...

Be honest. Notice where you have plateaued in your personal development or in your life because you've been going it alone.

Then journal. Write out what it would be like if you had someone who was already past that plateau helping you now. What would be different about your life?
Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!


Want to spiritual support on your healing journey but don't know where to start? Tell me!

Give me a call at +1 (732) 903-8573 or click on the blue BOOK NOW button to start your healing journey, today!