Love Letters | There Is No Such Thing as Coincidence

Weekly Reiki-infused video messages on how to create a more calm, clear and confident business and life you Love!

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There Is No Such Thing as Coincidence

Ever been thinking of someone and then they call you?

Or have you ever met somebody and had such a strong feeling of deja vu that you swore you've known them before you met?

Have you always felt there was a sense of order or divine timing behind "coincidences" you've experienced in life?

Well what if I told you there is no such thing as coincidence, and that things that you would normally write off as irrelevant or optical illusions are quite real? How would you live your life?

The more you throw away the idea of coincidences, and embrace instead the idea of synchronicities or resonances, the more magickal your life becomes.

Watch the above video to explore the implications of there being no such thing as coincidence!

"Oh, that was just a coincidence...right?"

This week's topic is synchronicity, and I love synchronicity.

Basically, what that means is when things in life just converge or “sync up,” and make more than normal sense. For example: if you're thinking of someone and they happen to call, or if you've got a song stuck in your head for the longest time and it comes on as soon as you turn on the radio.

Often here at The Dojo during one of the meditation classes, I'll be describing water and then the next song that plays on Pandora while I'm describing water starts playing water sounds. Now, Pandora is playing at random, I have no idea how to make that happen, but it does!

But what the heck is synchronicity, actually? And how is it different from “coincidence”?

The energy is so excited about this topic because this is the one thing that Source loves the most. Synchronicity is the way that Source communicates with us in our everyday, mundane lives.

The more messages and connections that you've got with Spirit, the more synchronicity you experience. It makes life very magical when we're able to open our eyes to the synchronicities that happen, and they happen quite often.

However, the non-receptive way of communicating with Source to write-off these events just "coincidences."

We’ll brush off signs from Source that can't be explained by saying things like: "Oh, that's just an optical illusion," or, "Aw, that never happens, that’s not real" or, "That was just a freak accident," or “It's just a coincidence that everything worked out like this.”

The challenge with calling signs and synchronicity “just a coincidence” is that we write these gifts from Source off as irrelevant or meaningless.

And when we write things off, energetically, we are pushing away, passing off or forfeiting our ability to receive the energy – the abundance, the blessing – whatever it may be.

Know This: Writing off signs from Spirit as ridiculous or "coincidences" blocks the flow of #abundance to you. #openyourheart #receive

You could be blocking receiving the energy of learning, of abundance, of a gift you’ve been asking Source for or a windfall, a tip or a trick that can get you out of whatever you're going through in a way that nothing else possibly could.

Here’s the thing: Energetically speaking, experiencing synchronicity is experiencing resonance.

Resonance is a term used in vibrational studies – which is the study of the movement of sound waves in nature – where two tones merge together or are in alignment together. When they're flowing together, they're resonating.

For example, have you ever been in a church or a wooden room, with all wood floors and walls that’s really well made for incredible acoustics, and when you speak with more bass in your voice or you call out echo, the room echos back to you, or you feel more engulfed in the sound of your voice and the vibration of the sound that you are creating becomes more wholly and completely around you? The sound of your voice has so much more depth, color, complexity, and strength there, right?

It's because that room, acoustically speaking, is designed to resonate, to better help your voice project it’s true power when you're in that space. That is the image that the angels are sending right now to illustrate the power of resonating with Source.

The gift of experiencing that “resonating feeling” when you're experiencing synchronicity is meant to – is designed to – make you know and feel that you are more fully and completely surrounded by your connection to Spirit.

I get such a chill as I'm describing that to you; the immersion of the presence of your higher self, the divine, whatever your belief of that spiritual consciousness is, is present and around you during these inexplicable events.

And if you don't believe in a higher consciousness or power, this feeling is meant to show you what it’s like to be in the presence of your passion, your vision, your drive, what your legacy is for your life as it is resonating with your vision so powerfully in that moment because you're wholly and completely engulfed in it.

Allowing and acknowledging synchronicity as resonance, instead of writing it all off as just coincidence, is a way for you to better resonate with, and therefore attract into physical manifestation that vision, or that consciousness you're vibrating or synching up with and connecting to.

It's a simple mental exercise of inhaling the thought and intention “calm” and exhaling the thought and intention “down.” It’s that simple.

As you're inhaling you're thinking the word “calm,” as you exhale you’re thinking the word “down.” Imagine that as you inhale, you can feel calm moving through your body, the idea, the image of what it would look like.

Then imagine that as you exhale, you can feel this “energy” moving down and releasing out of your body. Once you get used to imagining that, what you want to do is repeat this form of deep breathing for ten seconds.

Also, it's important to feel that because it is reproductive, endlessly reproductive.

That resonating feeling, as soon as you feel it five more are on their way, if not 10 more, or even more than that. The more you feel that resonance with whatever your vision is, or connection to god or goddess or connection to your community, the more you resonate with it, the more it attracts more into your life.

This happens because you're learning what it feels like to connect. This is not just a recap of the Law of Attraction, this is understanding the way that your physical body, your spiritual body, and your energetic body work together. They need to learn and acclimate to certain frequencies in order to know what they feel like so they can attract more of the same to you.

That being said, my favorite phrase that has turned my life from mundane to magical over the years, and all my students know it, is that there's no such thing as coincidence.

There's only convergence.

The idea of convergence is from the quantum physics perspective. It's a totally different world view, and yes, there's other ways to view your life that are less “out there” so-to-speak.

Personally, and as a teacher, I believe in seeing your world in a magickal and empowering way rather than in a dry and disempowering way.

So if we are seeing the magic in life: if there's no such thing as coincidence, there's only convergence. Things are happening for a reason and we want to know why.

Why is it that the exact person can call me if I think of them? Why is it that if I ask for something, bam! The opportunity to get it appears right there? And why, when I notice coincidences as resonance, they happen more and more to me?

This week's oracle card actually shines some light on exactly why these things happen.

You’ll have to watch the rest of this week’s video strategy to find out what it is!


In Love and Light,



Just for Today...

Take note of any "coincidences" that happen to you today.

Then ask yourself, "What if this was meant to happen? What could Source be trying to communicate to me through this right now?"

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!


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