Love Letters | Use Your Other Eyes – Part 4 of 4

Are you stuck at an indecision impasse? 

Can’t see the way forward out of a certain persistent issue in your business?

Struggling to stay positive while seeing little to no results no matter how hard you try?

Believe it or not, you’re actually stuck because you’ve been only using your own two eyes to look at the situation.

It’s time you learned to use your other eyes!

Watch this week’s 9-minute Love Letter video, the final installment in our 4-week series on Awakening Your Shaman Within in Business, to open your mind to receive your “other” eyes’ insight!

"I can't seem to make progress on that project."

This week, without further ado, the guides want you to know, it's time for you to use your other eyes. Use your other eyes. Did you know that you have more than just one set of eyes to look at your situation with?

At your life, at your business and the issues that come up on a day-to-day basis? Did you know you have more than just two eyes?

I don't mean like you're a potato. In the shamanic journey meditation practice there's a technique in particular called The Mind Meld where we merge our mindset with that of our power animal or our spirit guide.

In doing that we literally see and feel our experience and our lives through a totally different perspective. For example, one of my power animals is a white falcon, and when I merge with her I'm able to see things from a much more expanded perspective because she can fly and I feel weightless. With that, that's what we're talking about using your other eyes.

Now, this is a shamanic philosophy and concept like for you this week in particular to apply, using your other eyes, to your business, to your work.

If you don't have a business just yet, maybe you're in a startup, maybe you're moonlighting, etc., just watching this for the love. Mwah! Happy to give it to you, of course. We want you to use your other eyes.

Maybe there's a problem or a situation that's been coming up and really confounding you, frustrating you, you're feeling stuck, right? Not really able to get a headway on this one project in particular, or what to do about your client and customers, or for decisions in general.

And I'm specifically saying in your work like, and of course everything we talk about you can apply naturally to your personal life. But we want to focus on raising the vibration of your experience at work applying shamanic philosophy.

If you were to use your other eyes, how would you see the situation? If you were your dog, for example. Would your dog be really this stressed out about the thing that's been on your mind and crazy? Or how would the tree watching you through the window of your office perceive this if the tree had eyes? So that's the nature-based way of approaching it.

But also, if you don't have as creative an imagination, or as in tune of an intuition, you can borrow other people's eyes. Yes, yes? Especially that's a really great practice for writing, for emails, applications, proposals and presentations, etc. having a personal policy that nothing goes out unless another two sets of eyes look at this and really see what's going on in the situation so that you have backup.

How will you, this week in particular, implement what the guides are suggesting from shamanic philosophy using your other eyes? How are you going to implement that in your business, or in your workplace?


Know this: You always have more than two eyes to see you through any obstacle.


I'm curious to hear that. I'm hearing the oracle guides. Oracle cards. There's guidance everywhere. Whoops! That was last week's topic. Yeah. Oracle cards this week. Earth magic. Let me come in closer so that you can see. Yes, yes? Don't you just love how I'm using dimension? So good! Switching it up.

Earth Magic by Steven D. Farmer. One of the 20+ decks that we have here at the dojo. I would have to say around 90% of the decks that I have are by donation, and I'm always open to receiving more.

Thank you for those of you who sent them in. Okay, guides, what do we need to know in particular this week about using our other eyes? Wind: Activation. Check it out, this is a gorgeous card. Wind: Activation.

What I'm hearing from my guides in particular with this card around using our other eyes is two bring fresh energy and movement to a situation that you thought, or feel even right now, is absolutely immovable or completely stagnant. Wind is movement and activation.

Also, as a side note: If you've been feeling depressed lately, or something has got you feeling grief stricken or low vibration, get out. Go outside and let the wind hit you. Wind is very clearing and it helps emotional clearing as well.

That's just a side note for a health and wellness tip for those of you who needed that. At work in particular the reason why you need to use your other eyes is so that you can activate and bring fresh energy and movement to a project, a problem, and issue, a situation that you feel completely stuck on. It's time to use your other eyes.

Whether you're doing it in a meditative state, right? For those of you who want to use spiritual practice, or if you're using it in a relational state, and bringing in physical people here in this physical plane to help you see the way forward. I'd love for you to comment below or send me an email back at

Let me know what comes up for you around using your other eyes. I'm curious to hear how did you do it? What happened? What came up for you this week in particular?

And make sure that you subscribe on YouTube or on There you'll get a free gift of not one, but two deep guided meditations from moi, mwah, for you. Go ahead, make sure that you subscribe so that you get your love letters first every single week, that you don't miss any single one of them. I look forward to seeing you again next week for our new series, but I can't tell you what it is yet. Just focus on using your other eyes this week in particular. Mwah, I'll see you then. Bye-bye.

Just for Today...

Use your other eyes to get greater perspective and support.

Raise your standards at work and implement always having 2 extra sets of eyes review your work, so you always have backup.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

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