Stop Muffling Your Message
Feel like your life or career has a bigger purpose?
Dreaming big, but hiding your dreams for fear of rejection and ridicule?
Waiting to find out when it will be your time to shine, instead of helping or watching everyone else around you make it?
Well, I have a funny story to share with you about this.
Watch this video to get the confidence to Stop Muffling Your Message and get out there in a BIG way.
My top two core values in life are Love and Learning.
And because of that, I inject that into everything I do, personally as well as professionally.
So, to stay in alignment with my values, I invest in myself by attending different workshops, conferences and retreats throughout each year.
You could say that some are for spiritual development, others for personal development and still others are for professional development, but when it comes down to it, everything is connected.
Know this: You have a higher purpose in life and a healing message that needs to be heard. It's time to stop muffling your message and get out there! #H2LYS #BK2YS
Here's where this week's message comes in: I was driving up to another workshop for spiritual and professional development. It was a 2-hour drive. And then within one mile of arriving at my destination I hear a CLUNK, followed by loud gurgling whenever I hit the gas in my car.
I love my car. Her name's Daisy. She's over 14 years old, and I take great care of her. But, you know, sometimes older cars can surprise you 🙂
It turns out part of the pipe for my muffler detached as I was driving - wow! Here's the kicker though - Spirit waited to do this until I was off the highway and within half a mile of a mechanic to send me this experience.
No coincidences. Ever.
I parked and went to the workshop, and decided to go to the mechanic the next day. As I was getting my muffler fixed up at the mechanic, I began to channel and ask Spirit "ok! I know this is on purpose. What do you want me to know right now by detaching my muffler??"
Immediately I heard:
"Stop muffling your message."
Spirit is saying it's time to speak the inner truth, and turn up the volume on it, too! #NOMORE or shrinking to make others around you feel more important than you.
I've done this a lot in my own life - playing small and putting everyone on a pedestal around me at work or in my relationships, as if I'm not as worthy.
I am worthy. And so are you!
Not only that, but we have a higher purpose in life that we've got to get going on! It takes a lot of courage to admit you're the only person standing in your own way from knowing and living your purpose.
Watch this week's video for the Oracle Card of the Week, which shows one technique for helping you move out of your own way and turn up the volume on sharing your healing message in a bigger way!
In Love and Light,
Just for Today...
Give yourself 10 minutes of sacred space in front of a blank piece of paper and a pen.
SHARE THIS! You'd be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!