Love Letters | Don’t Commit

Are you too quick to say yes when others ask you for anything?

Finding yourself overscheduled, overwhelmed and overbooked lately?

Scared to say "No" because you don't want to hurt their feelings?

It's natural to love helping people and being involved -- heck, you're known for being the helper, healer and leader!

But what happens when you feel like you can't say "No" because you're afraid they'll think you're selfish for taking time for yourself?

Watch this week's 9-minute Love Letter video to stop over-committing yourself to others.

"But I'm the helper. That's what I do."

This week, Source says, "Don't commit. In fact, stop it. Don't commit. Don't do it."

Now, for all those of you out there who are thinking, "Yes! I don't have to put in work" — this message is not what you would expect, so hold your horses.

Instead, Source is saying don't commit because you need to stop over-committing.

This is for all of us out there in the tribe who love to say, "Yes, sure I will. Oh! I'll help you. Yeah, no problem. I can clear my schedule to do this random thingy for you at the drop of a hat, sure." Or, "Oh! I didn't have plans this weekend, even though I wanted to spend time with myself. Sure, I'll go out to your party and help you with all the blah blah..."

Don't! Stop! Don't commit. If only just for now, if only just for this week, give yourself some space.

I know you want to rescue everybody, and you feel like that's your role, telling yourself: "Oh, I'm the helper, I'm the healer. I heal people, I help people. That's what I do."

Slow your roll. This week in particular, Source is resounding very strongly with this message, and don't commit.

Practice saying this: "I can't." or this one ... ready for it? "No."

Did you know that you're capable of still beaming love, healing, compassion, acceptance, support, kindness and generosity while saying no, and not committing.

Amazing, right? Who would've thought? 🙂

If only just for now, Source wants you to know that your time is valuable, just as much as those who are coming to you for your time, or for your advice, or for your hands as an extra set of hands in helping.

I don't know who I'm speaking to, but I feel like I'm speaking to someone very specific right now.

This is who you are. You're the helper, you're nurturer, you're the backbone, you're the go-to girl, the go-to guy.

This week you've got to flex that muscle of, "No." Or, "I can't." Or try saying, "Thank you. I'm going to take some time for myself instead."

Never say, "Thank you, but ..." everyone only hears the "but" so say "and".

Be kind to yourself if this is really shaking you to the core.

This week you've got to flex that "No" muscle. This happens when you say, "No, I would like to do this instead. Thank you, though."

Always be generous; always be loving.

Now the guides are saying, it's time for the oracle card of the week—in particular we're going to be using the, "Talking to Heaven" oracle cards deck that was donated to the dojo.

This is specifically about receiving guidance from our loved ones who have passed away, or ancestors who are on the other side, and hearing intuitive wisdom that they have and that they would like to share with us.

There are a lot of people out there who would love to send us a message or two.

Asking: What do you guys have to share with us around, "Don't commit"? Is there anything that you could offer?

"We are so connected." 

It's a beautiful quantum image there of bubbles within bubbles just going off into infinity in this card.

There's this inter-dimensional depiction of what being connected and what all our lives look like as plurality in the energy.

The guides are telling me to read this entry in particular to you. 

Now these readings are channeled by a medium, so it's as if the person on the other person is speaking:

"I've been able to review my life here in heaven and I've seen how perfectly everything we do is woven together. There are no accidents or wrong turns, everything makes sense now. I wanted to give you the exciting news that in my life review I saw that you and I have a strong soul connection through many lifetimes.

We've been each other's teachers, sometimes in unpleasant ways,  several times. In this lifetime we were magnetically drawn together because we had mutual work to do for ourselves personally and for others, and now that I'm here our connection remains strong, just like when I was living in my body, our thoughts are in sync with one another. We often think of each other simultaneously, so think of me and know that I'm doing the same always with love."

Grandma. Thank you.

Our loved ones on the other side want us to know that we are intimately, intimately connected no matter what.

Not even death could separate our bond.

On this scale then, be kind to yourself if you are afraid that disagreement or declining will sever ties.

Not even death can sever ties between you and those that Source has put you together with in this lifetime.

Give yourself permission to not commit.

The people that are there for you will respect your choice to say "no". They will respect your decision. Don't be afraid of severing ties or hurting anyone's feelings.

Here's a ninja trick: if you're afraid of hurting someone's feelings, just say so: "I want you to know I'm afraid I'm going to hurt your feelings, but I can't." Or, "Thank you for telling me this. I feel uncomfortable, but I have to be honest, I don't want to."

Be genuine, be open; it's all right.

This is a bit of a sticky situation.

It's tough for us who are highly sensitive intuitive individuals to really speak up and decline, right? It takes a bit of courage and some extra energy.

Send me an email back or a comment below to share what's coming up for you? What do you feel hearing this? Is this resonating?

Okay, make sure that you share this video for someone that you know who really needs to tone the over-commitment down, and subscribe on YouTube so that you get your love letters first every week.

By the way, this Saturday I will see you in New York City for the Love Tour, right? Saturday June 18th from 2 to 5pm, send me an email back at if you'd like to join us, it's free.

Hopefully I'll see you there.

If not, see you next week here. Bye!


Know this: You can be generous and loving while declining someone's offer. Your time matters, too. @SenseiWhitfield


In Love and Light,


Just for Today...

Prepare and practice saying your own loving decline phrase, such as: "No, I won't able to do that; thanks for thinking of me, though."

Write it out on a sticky note for and say it out loud to yourself a few times.
Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!


Want spiritual support on your healing journey but don't know where to start? Tell me!

Give me a call at +1 (732) 903-8573 or click on the blue BOOK NOW button to start your healing journey, today!


  1. Hello my beautiful friend, Today I woke up overwhelmed. Crying out to God, What do you want me to do? Help! Your message gave me the answer. Slow down, breathe and take care of Tammi. I am visiting my daughter this weekend . Going to play! Love you, Tammi

    1. Yay!! So glad you got the message, Tammi. You have such a bright light to shine, and you’ve got to refill your oil lamp so you can be all that God has made you to be. Love you so much!! xoxo, Victoria

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