Love Letters | Romantic Loneliness – Part 2 of 4

This is week two of four of our exploration of healing loneliness.

Last week we really opened up to making room for this as a feeling. More often than not we run from it. If you didn't see that video, you can go ahead and hit pause, go back on my blog at, so that you are grounded in this process.

Without further ado, this week in particular, as we are healing our relationship with loneliness, we're going to talk about romantic conscious relationships. Have you ever had this experience where you've been with someone, and it didn't work out romantically speaking, and how it didn't work out really left a scar? It affected your ability to perceive possible romantic prospects going forward. Does that sound familiar? What am I talking about? I'm talking about heartbreak.

Yes, yes. Be kind to yourself if you've experienced heartbreak in the past. Today is the day that you are going to honor that as the greatest gift you've ever received, when it comes to how you show up as a conscious human being in your romantic relationships. Yes, really. The heartbreaks that you received in the past, in your experience and your journey of cultivating romantic partnerships, your heartbreaks that you have received are actually your greatest gifts. Because these heartbreaks don't just break us down.

One of the reasons why I cut all my hair off in the first place was because of an incredibly deep emotional rupture, or heartbreak. Now when I first saw it, I thought, "Yeah! I love my hair." It was a breakthrough for me. Where we're anchoring around heartbreak is instead of seeing it as a breakdown, this is a breakthrough. You are breaking open, breaking out of a former paradigm.

Where we could be at right now, as we're sharing this moment together and as you watch this video or read this blog, is that your feelings of loneliness are stemming from a lack of romantic relationship fulfillment. The message from the guides for you this week, is that if you are feeling that sense of emptiness or loneliness because of a previous heartbreak, it's time to find why that was a gift.

Turn it into a gift. It's time to rewrite your story. Because if we tell ourselves a bad story – and by the way I've done this, so I'm not perfect, I'm just as guilty as the next person – if we tell ourselves a story that is of disempowerment, victimization, being left behind, abandonment and betrayal, if we tell ourselves that story, we'll only reinforce coming to that space of loneliness and emptiness. The conclusion could be: “it's safer for me to be alone than to be in relationship. Because look at what happened in the past. Look at that. We don't want that again.”

If that's where you're at right now, harboring grief and anger, I'm sending you so much love, so much love. In order for you to heal your relationship with loneliness around a lack of romantic fulfillment, if only just for today, it’s about finding where are the pieces of heartbreak that are in your energy field – in your mind, and in your heart – and take each one of those pieces and find how that was a gift.--

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Know this: If you are feeling that sense of emptiness or loneliness because of a previous heartbreak, it's time to find why that was a gift. It's time to rewrite your story. #empath #entrepreneur #depression @SenseiWhitfield

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What are you no longer tolerating because of that? What did that cause you to embrace instead? What were you breaking out of with that heartbreak? Or what did you break through into?

For now, I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy, it's the Romance Angels oracle cards deck by Doreen Virtue. I'm going to ask “Angels, what do we need to know right now about finding gratitude when we're feeling romantically lonely?” Another way that that can manifest is when you're around couples, you have that sense of longing, like or rage, like, "Why are you together?" Or, "Oh, I wish I had someone." That unsettled feeling, that unfulfilled feeling. “Angels, what do we need to know right now?” Here we are. This one is sticky: Unrequited Love.

Unrequited love. There's not enough attraction or chemistry to keep this relationship going. This is where we're going to leave off for the week. You know, when it comes to our romantic relationships, especially as sensitive, soulful people and energetically conscious human beings, we give so much love, and what happens when who we had partnered with in the past – or maybe even right now as you're watching this video or reading this blog – is just not able to meet at that level of giving, too?

Be kind to yourself. What are you being called to break out of? Experiencing unrequited love? The universe is not against you in you having the experience of unrequited love. You're actually having this FOR you. This experience is happening for you. If you were to step back and rewrite the story of what you're experiencing right now, or did in the past, that you may be holding onto, what would that story be? If this was happening for you, to break you out of a former paradigm, so that you can emerge into a new level of conscious relationship, what is that former paradigm that you are breaking out of?

I want to hear it! Send me an email back at or comment below, wherever this is posted. I want to hear what are you being called to break out of by feeling that loneliness, by feeling and experiencing unrequited love? This is not something that's happening to you, it's happening for you. Are you ready for it?

I'm sending you so much love and support, and I am surrounding you in the light of clarity, so that you're able to receive what you're breaking out of. Chills! Apparently, you needed to hear that today. Maybe you didn't know until just now that this was happening FOR you. But let me be the one to tell you, yes, it absolutely is.

Now, while you're at it, make sure you hit subscribe on YouTube so that you get these Love Letters first every single week. By the way, tag somebody who needs to hear this message. If they're struggling with unrequited love, or they're imploding, just falling in into themselves with loneliness around their romantic love life, please send this to them. Let them know that you care and that there is something in this experience FOR them.

I'll see you in the next one. See you next week. --

Just for today...

Rewrite your story of your heartbreaks in romantic relationships.

Instead of telling a story of being victimized or betrayed, try to tell a story of breaking out of an old paradigm and being set free, seeing the heartbreak as your greatest gift.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!

-- Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business. Welcome back to another installment of your weekly love letter from the dojo at and, my blog. These are your sources for channeled holistic stress management techniques and guidance for developing your natural intuition. Whether you're looking to improve the quality of your personal and professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

Let's schedule a chat, and see how I can help you...

Love Letters | Conscious Loneliness – Part 1 of 4

So, I am so grateful that I get to speak to you and channel to you on this new series of love letters, specifically on loneliness.

Yes, loneliness. Let's open up this can of worms.

If you clicked play on this video or opened up this blog post, chances are you're someone who is a deeply feeling, highly intuitive, naturally sensitive, conscious being. You are aware of the spiritual nature of reality, or you may be awakening to that. In your chosen career, you want to do something that is in alignment with your vision for your life, in alignment with your life's work, your life's purpose, your passions.

You're a very passionate, deeply feeling person and that's absolutely gorgeous and I celebrate that in you. I want to honor that, first and foremost, before we go forward into this topic because, you know, as a conscious entrepreneur, it can get to be a lonely road. As a visionary woman or as a man of vision, as someone who is operating under a calling over their life and has deep passions that they are pursuing, more often than not, this journey, this adventure that we are on, living our life's purpose, can often become quite lonely.

If this is for you, I am sending you so much love. Every single love letter topic comes straight from my spirit guides, so maybe this one is for you and maybe this one isn't. But if it is, I am showering you with so much love and we're gonna be holding space for joyful, conscious relationships. May you feel an over abundance of them, feeling totally engorged by love this month, in particular during all the love letter series. But today we have to open up the problem first, right? We need to start with why. It's so important to be in conscious relationship. The loneliness that we experience is what my guides have brought forward first.

We are living in the age of cell phones and social media, tablets and laptops, smart TVs and personal computers. With all of this personalization that we're experiencing on all levels of society, we can tend towards self-pleasure, self-entertainment, self-containment and away from being open to receiving relationship. Or for those of us who have ventured into that wonderful dark forest of being with others, we are becoming increasingly starved for examples of people who are happily in conscious relationship.

There is mutual benefit to conscious relationship, being open to giving and receiving and feeling a rock solid alignment with whoever we are partnering with. And I'm not just talking about in your intimate, romantic love relationships; we're also talking platonic and professional. We're gonna be talking about loneliness in all of those three relationship types during this love letters series. But for today in particular, please know, that if you are experiencing loneliness, that there's nothing wrong with you.

It is so important for us to create space for feeling that loneliness, because when we have buzz, beeps and boops coming from our cell phones constantly and another thing that we need to do over here for the boss, and another thing that we need to do over here for our business, and another thing is blowing up with my kid, oh my God they dropped this thing over here and oh my gosh I'm going to eat this cookie and oh my gosh I'm going to go have a nice glass of wine – we get crowded out. There's so many things that could take us away from that feeling of emptiness and loneliness, and just for today, I want you to honor it, because your loneliness is sacred.

Your emptiness is sacred. It's only when we are feeling empty that we can begin to be filled. We have to allow that space to gather. It's from the void that all wisdom sprung. The goddess Sige is an archetype of that: the entire universe came from an eternal silence. It woke her up, the goddess named Sige. She represents that. So allowing for the void, the silence, the discomfort, the loneliness, is the beginning of creating something absolutely magnificent. It is the beginning of opening to receiving love on another level.--

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Know this: Your emptiness is sacred. It's only when we are feeling empty that we can begin to be filled. #empath #entrepreneur #anxiety @SenseiWhitfield

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So, I want you to honor your loneliness in some way, shape and form. If only just for today. Maybe it is a poem that you read for loneliness. Maybe it is a song that you listen to that kind of conveys how you feel. Perhaps it is a certain color that you wear, or even just taking stock of, “am I lonely?”

Be kind to yourself. Allow space for that loneliness, especially bringing in art to support you in that feeling and allowing of it. If it's a certain painting that conveys that or an opera, or whatever Art you're listening to or engaging in, bring it into your sphere right now. If only just for today, to make room for allowing loneliness. It is part of who you are. Do not deny anything of who you are, even the darker parts.

I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy. This month we're going to be journeying with The Romance Angels oracles cards deck. Doreen Virtue strikes again, and these cards are from back when she was cool, lol. Sending so much love as we pull oracle cards today. Angels, what do we need to know right now about allowing loneliness instead of running from it? Instead of drinking it, eating it, smoking it, working it? To all my workaholics out there, I’m sending you love and grounding. Angels, what do we need to know right now about loneliness? ...This is so perfect. You're gonna love this:

Love yourself first. Your self-respect makes you more romantically attractive.

Here's where we're going to leave off for the week. The reason why we are allowing feeling our loneliness, if only just for today, is because this is to respect that as your authentic emotion. No more hiding, no more running. We're going to respect this fact. Feeling this is an act of self-respect, and the Angels are telling us it actually makes you more romantically attractive.

Now, I'm not saying you're going to be all lonely all over everyone else, no no no. This is just for you. This is about you loving yourself and loving even your darker emotions. Yes, we are starting the entire series from this space, and can you dig it?

Go ahead and send me an email back, What comes up for around this topic of loving yourself enough first to be with your loneliness? Just you. Just you. No need to share it with anyone else. I mean, you're welcome to send me an email about what's coming up for you around that. Is this on time? Comment below.

By the way, hit that subscribe button on YouTube so that you get these love letters first and you can participate in the conversation as we journey with loneliness together towards conscious relationship. Let's do it.

May you feel loved and safe, especially at work because that's half your waking life. Please, enjoy the journey, the whole journey, even the dark sides.

The darker parts of the journey on your path to loving and healing the world.

Mwah. Sending you so much love and we'll see you in the next one. --

Just for today...

Give yourself loving, empowered permission to begin to feel your loneliness, without stuffing or numbing it away.

In your journal, write about the parts of yourself that feel empty or yearn for connection in life and business, and allow yourself to express these feelings unapologetically.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!

-- Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business. Welcome back to another installment of your weekly love letter from the dojo at and, my blog. These are your sources for channeled holistic stress management techniques and guidance for developing your natural intuition. Whether you're looking to improve the quality of your personal and professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

Let's schedule a chat, and see how I can help you...