Feeling scattered lately?
Can't seem to finish what you start?
Seduced by "shiny object syndrome" more often than not?
Being creative is a powerful gift, that comes with an infinite amount of inspiration and innovation.
The downside, however, is that we creative types end up with an abundance of half-done tasks, and not enough closure.
Watch this week's 7-minute Love Letter to learn what's more important: starting or finishing.
"I have a million ideas!"
This week Source wants to talk to you about starting versus finishing -- which one is more important in life, at least right now.
Then the energy, the message that I'm getting from the guides for you is:
Finishing is actually more important than getting started right now.
Let's explain and let's explore this for a little bit.
Chances are, if you've pressed play on this or are reading this article, you are a highly creative, intuitive and sensitive person.
Perhaps you bring that creativity and intuitive nature to your relationships or perhaps you even bring it to your business.
Either way, you're pretty good at getting inspired, feeling emotion, and really having things lift you up. You're comfortable following the energy, following intuitive guidance.
Even if you don't follow it 100% of the time per se just yet, you do hear it; you hear that still, small voice that comes from down from above you or whispers in the back of your mind, wherever yours is, but it's quiet, and always tells you to do something really important.
It tells you to something important that you know that you should do, but then there's louder voices or louder impulses that say: "Hey, shiny object! Oh my God, look at this new initiative, new class, new certification. Look at this shiny new pretty purse, let me go talk to them instead!"
Because we're creative and sensitive, sensual beings, that louder voice of impulse often gets the best of us.
But I've been told to tell you that this week in particular you have got to focus on finishing. It's not about getting started, it's about getting finished.
You are already working on 10 billion different things right now that are really wonderful ideas that you came up with before, or projects that you've started before, or relationships that you've began before. Right?
There's so many things that you've started momentum on and haven't finished.
With all due love and respect, I have to be the one to tell you: you've got to be a finisher.
High on the upstart, great with ideas, or when we come to meetings and masterminds you're the one that's, "Oh, we got a million ideas." But when it comes to implementation...crickets.
I feel you, I feel you on that.
This is also an entrepreneurial predicament. The issue here is the entrepreneur's wonderful journey of shiny object syndrome.
Know this: Let this be your mantra this week: "It's not about starting, it's about finishing."
Know this:Let this be your mantra this week: "It's not about starting, it's about finishing."
When we say that to you, finish what you've started already, what comes to mind?
What's coming up for you emotionally when you think about finishing?
This is a really powerful topic.
I'm hearing the Oracle cards coming forward in the energy.
I'm using Doreen Virtue's oracle cards deck "Angel Answers". Bright, rainbow, awesome. (It's as if they were designed by Lisa Frank except it's Radleigh Valentine and Doreen Virtue!)
Asking: Angels, what do we need to know right now about starting versus finishing? Do we really need to finish what we've started? What's going on?
This is a good one! Ask Your Angels.
They're telling me to actually read to you what's written here:
"Your angels are always with you. However, you must ask for their assistance in order for them to provide you with the help that you're seeking because heaven respects your free will choices. State your questions to your angels clearly. You can do so either out loud or silently in your own mind.
Your angels will instantly help you according to God's will. Your angels may also have special messages for you about the situation you're asking about. Sit quietly in a peaceful place, indoors or out in nature, and ask for advice and guidance. Notice what messages come to you. It's possible the answers will come to you through your feelings, hearing or sight or perhaps you will just know the answer. You can also ask the angels for signs during the day to guide you onto the right path."
Here's where we're going to end.
In the energy, they're saying that at this point in time, in order for you to finish, you must honor the fact that you're going to have to ask for help.
Quit white knuckling! (I see white knuckles!)
Let it go. Let it go and offer it up for help. Open it up for receiving help.
Start by asking spiritually as a preparation for asking the energy.
Focus on finishing this week.
Comment below!
That's this week's message. By all means, please go to victoriawhitfield.com/freegift and make sure that you subscribe so that you're getting your weekly Love Letters if you haven’t already.
And on YouTube hit that Subscribe button, wherever she is on your screen, so that you get your weekly Love Letters as soon as their uploaded.
Sending you so much love 🙂
See you next time. Bye!
In Love and Light,
Just for Today...
Ask yourself intuitively, "what have I been avoiding lately that I need to finish?" And listen to yourself answer you without being judgemental.
SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!