Love Letters | Awaken Your Shaman Within – Part 1 of 4

Do you have a hard time connecting and communicating with your clients?

Is your marketing message or mission statement unclear or ‘not quite there’ yet?

Have you been feeling ungrounded in your business, like something foundational is missing?

Be kind to yourself: you have yet to awaken your true potential.

Inside every spiritual entrepreneur is a Visionary, an inner intuitive shaman who can see the way forward.

Watch this week’s 10-minute Love Letter video, the first of a 4-week series, to Awaken your Shaman Within and take your business to the next level!

"I think my communication with my clients is going well."

Whether you are looking to improve the quality of your personal or professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

This next four week series is going to be really powerful because the guides want you to awaken your shaman within. We're going to take the next four videos to cover this as a topic integrating shamanism and the shamanic perspective into your business and into your professional life for better grounding, creativity, innovation and communication.

As always, in these series we begin with a mediation around why. Why is it time for you to awaken your shaman within? Let me come a little closer. I know, you're like, "Oh my God, you're far away," right? It's time for you to awaken your shaman within, and the reason why is that source is calling you to better connect to your employees and your clients.

This is about communication, communication, communication, baby. I'm sure you've taken so many communications courses, gone to the events, gone and done all of the workshops and gotten your certifications and things, sensitivity training and so on and so forth. Be kind to yourself, it's not that you're not good enough, as to why communication is coming back up again, but it's actually because you are being called to go higher.

There's a huge difference. This is the tweetable of the week, there's a huge difference between feeling not good enough versus being called to go higher. And that's where this concept of bringing shamanism and awakening your inner-shaman in your business and in your professional life, that's why this is coming forward.


‪Know this: There’s a huge difference between being not good enough, and being called to go higher in your #business 💕


Let's talk about this a little bit more. The word shaman, in western culture we tend to think of shaman as some dude, first of all, I'm female. Some dude up on the mountain top or in the jungle with his junk hanging out and paint on his face, looking regal and natural and fabulous and super spiritual and hits you with the oak leaves and clears your energy.

I know you don't think that but I've got to get to the lowest common denominator, so we can all find ground. So not to knock anybody who believes that but some people, that's the first emotional, kind of guttural reaction that they get when they hear shaman. "Why the ... I own a plumbing company, why would I want to be a shaman in my ... that's ridiculous. You're a weirdo." Right?

So be kind to yourself if that comes up or be kind to yourself if others have said that to you. We'll be weird together for the next four weeks, or if you've been following my love letters for a while, baby, we've been weird together for years. So good, right?

The word shaman actually comes from the Siberian Tungus tribe and it means one who sees in the dark. One who sees in the dark. My guides are telling me to actually shut the lights for a little bit. When things start getting darker in life or a bit more uncertain, it can cause your ability to see detail to decrease, right? So if I were to go and cut the corner light out here, it's even hard to see me. The uncertainty is increasing because it's getting darker.

Now I'm not going to go completely dark but this is just to make the point, what if when I turned that light off you were still able to see me and you were still able to see how many fingers am I holding up? If you have the ability to see in the dark when others can't, you are, according to the Tungus tribe you're a shaman, but my more contemporary terms you are a leader.

It gives you the ability to, I'm just going to cut the light back on. It gives you the ability to better communication with your environment because you have access to more energy and wisdom, and that is why this month we are awakening your shaman within.

By the way, go ahead and click the link below this video if you want to join us live in the Berkshires, so that you can come to the retreat, the Awakening the Shaman Within Retreat, so you can learn these practices in depth, me and you and our tight-knit tribe of visionary entrepreneurs and business owners. So, links below.

But let's continue on this topic of being the visionary, because that's what it means to be the shaman. You are one who sees in the dark. You're the leader, and that is where we're going higher in your ability to communicate in your business, access to information, innovation, creativity, certainty and confidence, so that you can best lead your teams or best lead your clients and customers to all go higher together in the process.

Now I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy. All month we're going to be journeying with earth magic, our shamanic deck by  Steven D Farmer, an amazing, amazing author. Just go check out his stuff. One of many beautiful oracle card decks that we have here at the dojo. Guides, what do we need to know right now about why it really is the time now to awaken our shaman within in business?

I just cut that. Bam, lightning, power. Here's where we're going to leave off for this week. Lightning is re-polarizing the electrical charge of an environment. Perhaps now more than even you need another level of resource, another level of perspective in order to deal with the charged environment that you are moving through. Just like a bolt of lightning is powerful and it is a burst of insights that brings neutrality between that thunder cloud and the earth below her.

So maybe it's the tense environment of restructuring at your corporation, your organization. Or maybe it is that charge of discomfort that is going on between team members. They're just not communicating very well because of limited perspective. Or, I'm going to do a pun on charge is what I'm hearing to say, that even this is your discomfort with receiving more money or raising your rates. You need a higher vibrational perspective and higher mindset to help you make it there, and your shaman within can see the way forward.

Comment below, tell me what comes up for you and throw your tomatoes at me by the way if you have any tomatoes on this. Like, "You can't bring shamanism into business." Bring it.

I'd love to hear both the light and the dark. You know I love you just the way you are. So get ready for the rest of this month, we're going to be continuing down this line of discussion on awakening your shaman within. I look forward to seeing you at the retreat.

Click below for more info on the retreat or to join the next info session. See you next week. Bye.

Just for Today...

Decide to be the Visionary of your group or organization.

Call upon your inner Shaman to intuitively reveal the way forward.

Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!

SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!

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