Are you uncomfortable receiving compliments?
Is it weird for you to ask for *and* to receive help from others?
Feeling out of place in your new position at work, like you don't deserve it?
Being seen is always uncomfortable; that's why we tend to hide our gifts, rather than share them openly and often.
But positive discomfort can also be a sign of growth and good changes happening, if you know what to look for.
Watch this week's 10-minute Love Letter, the final installment in our 4-week exploration of the Power of Positive Community, to harness the healing power of Evolutionary Visibility in your life and business!
"Sometimes I feel like I don't belong."
This is our fourth and final week of a deep dive into the power of positive community. So if you haven't seen the previous installments, I highly recommend them. Stop, go back, and watch them on YouTube, or on my blog at
This week, for our fourth and final installment, where we're going to land the plane of our journey through the power of positive community is what happens when you actually are in positive community, what you can expect. And it is ... Drum roll please, evolutionary visibility.
Evolutionary visibility. It is so powerful, and this phrase came straight from my guides. I've tried to read more on it, and I haven't really heard of it. So you heard it here first.
Evolutionary visibility is the true essence and power of being in positive community.
Last week we covered the lions and the kittens, right? Where's your mindset at? And we covered the concept of the lioness who grew up around cats, so that finally when she was come of age and fully-formed, it was a bit of a surprise and a shock feeling completely out of space.
What would happen if she finally got around a pride of lions? This is where we're going this week in particular. Are we ready for it? So evolutionary visibility is the experience of others seeing you as your true self, your higher self, and because of that, they hold you to that standard and call that out of you.
And with all of that support around you, you evolve into your full and highest self.
It takes two parts, however. When we are first the lioness, that grew up around cats and kittens, we have a certain self image of ourself. We are a cat. We are a kitten, yes? And then when we get around lions, there's this fear, a sense of, I don't belong.
Maybe you have experienced this in your business because you've enrolled in group coaching or you joined a networking group or association. Or maybe you moved your business to a more premium area. Or you may have even rebranded at a higher vibration, right?
And there's this kind feeling that you have where "I'm a fraud. I'm a fraud. I am not what that says I am. I am not what you say I am. I am not what the branding and those ... I'll never be enough. I'll never be enough."
That fraud and not enough-ness, our inner-achiever, comes out with a vengeance, especially when we're growing.
This is a sign of growing pains, however. And especially if you're feeling discomfort. It's extra important for you to be surrounded by lions who will champion you and celebrate you in your power and say, "Yeah. Bring out those claws. Yeah, let your mane shake out.
You're brilliant. You're gorgeous. You're fabulous. You're an expert. You're the best of the best." Those type of cheerleaders and champions cause us to evolve. They're like a mirror, a cosmic mirror. All brilliant loving people are cosmic mirrors, and when they stand in front of you, they reflect your greatness back to you.
With that, the power of positive community is allowing yourself to be seen in that light. There's an element of vulnerability that comes being seen as brilliant. If you think of the light, like the lamp back there, when you first turn a light on, there's a bit of an adjustment in your eyes, if you're sensitive to light.
Know this: All brilliant, loving people are Cosmic Mirrors. When they stand in front of you, they reflect your #greatness back to you. Allow yourself to be seen as brilliant by your #positive community.
Or even especially if you've been in the dark for so long. It hurts at first, but then you adjust.
That pain is the opening of your eyes, the relaxing of your ocular muscles to allow for more light to flood in. The same thing happens to us emotionally and mentally when we open up about our life purpose, or we open up around, this is what I really want to focus on, or this is who I really am.
There's a vulnerability in that opening. But when you're around positive community, if and when you open vulnerably, it is powerful. And those cosmic mirrors of those loving people will reflect back to you the brilliance that you are. Your mindset may be a couple light years behind you, but if you stick around that positive community long enough, you will adjust and relax into your greatness.
So this week in particular, the guides are asking you to bring more evolutionary visibility into your life. Being safe and vulnerable and open in your brilliance and in your power, and because others are reflecting that and championing it and celebrating it in you, you can evolve and step fully into it.
I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy. It's the fairies. Healing With the Fairies by Doreen Virtue. Okay. And I'm always accepting donations if you have an oracle card deck that you would love to donate to the dojo, go to my "About Me" page. There's a "Give Back" link, and there's all the information that you'd like for donating. Thank you, by the way, in advance.
Fairies, what do we need to know right now about evolutionary visibility and positive community? Stepping into our greatness and positive community. Don't shuffle anymore, they said. Ooh. New opportunity. This is where we're going to leave off for this week. Really exciting.
So the fairies are bringing forward a card that says, "You have, within one degree of separation of you ... " Moi, right here. "You are directly connected to the opportunity of stepping into positive community and evolutionary visibility being in that community." Are you aware of that? Be on the lookout. There is a new opportunity coming your way to be part of a next level positive community. A next level space and group of people who see you and celebrate you in your power and in your brilliance.
I highly recommend that you go and check out my visionary shaman circle at Go there, read through it. That is the next level tribe that we have here at the dojo of lions and lionesses who are championing you in your high vibrational presence.
But what's your new opportunity that's coming through? What positive community are you going to commit to join? Is it my Visionary Shaman Circle?
Go ahead and send me an email back or comment below what comes up for you around this. Do you want to be held in that brilliant space of evolutionary visibility? Curious to hear it.
So that's it for this week's Love Letter video, and for our four week deep dive on the power of positive community. Make sure you subscribe on YouTube so that you get these Love Letter videos first every week.
And remember, if there's any way that I can help you balance your mind, body, and business, just let me know at
We'll see you there. Bye.
(Original post 04/23/2018)
Just for Today...
Share your life purpose with someone positive, who delights in celebrating and encouraging others.
Open your heart and reveal your passion for what you're excited to create in your life and business, and allow them to celebrate you and lift you up.
Notice how you feel at that moment - you're already healing!
SHARE THIS! You’d be surprised how many people you know right now are in desperate need of healing and could use this information to change their life. If you can read this, you know someone who needs this Love Letter!