Love Letters | Make Physical Room – Part 2 of 4

This is week two of four of our series on making room for you.

And if you didn't see part one, make sure you hit pause. Go back on my blog at and start from part one so that you're grounded in the series.

For week two my guides have asked us to cover and discuss making room for yourself physically. Now, this is twofold, they pointed out to me. For one, this is in your physical space around you, like your environment, and this is also in your physicality, your physical body, making room for yourself.

What is coming through that we're making room for? Last week we had discussed that apparently you have been asking for stretch goals. This series is specifically for those of us in our tribe who are going big. Because we are entrepreneurs, we take big risks. For those of us who have been asking for a stretch goal - maybe the love of your life, maybe weight loss or maybe new clients, a whole new business, your marriage being overhauled or more travel, et cetera - whatever your ask, let it be a stretch. A stretch is something that is meant to open you up to step into another level of yourself and allowing that stretch is the one way that you're going to ground into receiving that manifestation in its totality.

The guides are saying with this series, you've got to make room and decide that you are making room. Especially in this week we're talking about making room physically. Ask yourself, as you look around the space around you - perhaps as you're manifesting new love in your life - ask “is there room for that love to join in bed? Is there room for that love to move into the closet? Is there room for your love to sit across from you at the table for dinner? Is there room for your love in your physical space or not?” This is not to say that you've got to have a ten-bedroom compound with a five car garage and yaddayadda. That's lovely. And that's more of a circumstance that is not necessarily applicable to you and your love specifically. Space is very emotional and in fact, the way that we fill our space is a sign of how open or closed we are to receiving.

The Study of Feng Shui tells us that a healthy space has energy that freely moves through it. There's free movement, especially in the center of the room, for open energy to be able to circulate. There shouldn't be clutter on the floor that you're tripping over. And the feeling of the physical space should give you a sense of movement and openness because the more your physical space reflects that, the more your behavior in that physical space will reflect it.

Did you catch that? The more open and flowing your physical space is, the more open and flowing your behavior becomes; they reflect one another. It's amazing how you can get new ideas if you just change which end of the bed you're sleeping on. I'm serious! Try it. Be kind to yourself if this is the one thing that's been kind of going on in the background of your mind, where you’re always worrying, “oh I really need to clean out my space. My drawers are a mess. My closet drives me crazy every single time.” This is not your pity party time. It's just a way to raise awareness for you. So that's the physical space around you.

But then there's this physical body that you occupy. Is there room for you to be your authentic self in this body? Now that may look like releasing weight, that may look like receiving weight and a little bit of extra juice for you to be your authentic self or the You that you see in that stretch goal vision. When you envision yourself relaxing on the beach, what does your body look and feel like when you are at that level of abundance and rest, or when you envision yourself speaking on a stage, for example, what does your body look and feel like? Does it feel energized or does it feel tired?--

Click to share the Tweet of the Week: Know this: Space is very emotional and in fact, the way that we fill our space is a sign of how open or closed we are to receiving. @SenseiWhitfield #womeninbusiness #entrepreneur #empath #positivevibesonly

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A tired body does not have physical room for the highest vibration of you to come through. You've got to generate energy. It's entirely up to you. You're on your own physical journey, though. I'm not your nutritionist or your personal trainer or anything. I'm your Business Reiki Master, and we're talking energy here. We're here to raise your awareness around the energy behind your productivity, in the energy behind your finances and your ability to move forward in life in business. That's my role.

I want you to look at if you are in the body that's going to take you to that vision you desire yet? I don't mean that you’ve got to get plastic surgery, or for you to think “I'll work out 24 hours a day and I'm going to stop eating.” No, that is not healthy. Instead, I invite you to consider if there is a relationship that you have with your body, a sense of contentedness, love, empowerment, agency and ease that you have in this beautiful body that you are occupying. And if so, is that is in alignment with the stretch vision?

I'm hearing the oracle cards calling in the energy. We're journeying with them all month. It's the Angels of Abundance oracle cards deck by Doreen Virtue and her son Grant Virtue. By the way, thanks Julie Shopa of! She gifted me this deck. I love getting gifts from a client. Okay. Spirit guides, angels. What do we need to know right now about making physical room for ourselves so that we can receive all the abundance that we're asking for?

Ooh, interesting. “Donations, tithing and charitable work.” Okay. The first hit that I get in the energy around this is around The How: how you are going to make physical room involves donations, tithing and charitable work. The motivation to make physical room could be that joy of being able to give what no longer serves you to others. Whether it's giving your energy - getting out there and building a house, for example, that takes physical work and that burns calories. Get out there and do some charitable work so that you can get to into your body more, as well as get to giving. And donations may involve donating your excess stuff in your space - there's too much stuff. Give it away to somebody who's less fortunate or who doesn't have the luxury of having too much.

Okay, so let me read this to you: “Give joyfully to the organizations and people who spiritually support and inspire you and know that your generosity will be returned to you manyfold in miraculous ways. The time, supplies, money or other resources you donate will ensure that your positive energy multiplies.”

This is where we're going to leave off for the week. The motivation this week in particular for you making room for yourself physically is by giving to others from your excess. When we have too much going on in our space or in our body, that means we have some extra resource, and I'm saying that positively. We have some extra resource that we could certainly give to our community, especially those who are less fortunate. Let your joy of giving with gratitude and grace keep you accountable to making room for being the highest version of yourself.

Send me an email back Let me know what comes up for you around this and make sure you subscribe on YouTube so that you get these love letters first every week. I'll see you next week for our next one. See you then.


Just for today...

Give to others from your excess, so that you can make room to receive your next level.

Look at your life and find areas where your cup is overflowing, such as too much stuff, energy or wisdom, and give to someone from the overflow of abundance.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!


Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business.

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