Love Letters | Know Your Role – Part 3 of 5

We are in the middle of a five-week series on stepping into your divinity, this time in business.

What is required? What do our spirit guides have for us? If you haven't seen parts one and two, we're on part three right now. Go ahead, pause this, and go back on my blog at so that you can be grounded in this process.

This is week three of five in our deep dive around stepping into our divinity. And this week in particular, the message from the spirit guides for all of us is to Know Your Role. It’s the dead of Winter at the filming of this Love Letter, and we're at Washington Rock State Park in New Jersey. Beautiful, almost 30-mile view. Little bit foggy today in particular, but this is a sacred space for me to clear my head. Many people come here just to enjoy the view and be reverent and silent. Though we're in Central Jersey here, you can see all the way to New York City on a clear day.

Beautiful, isn't it? I want to share this beautiful space with you so that you can take it all in; if you don't have the opportunity to get outside and to clear your energy and to be in nature, or if you're like, "Well, it's too cold," this is for you. By the way, comment below if you appreciate it or if you have a special sacred space that you go to outdoors to clear your energy. There are eagles circling around above me here. Wonderful. Powerful shamanic image.

Today, we're talking about knowing our role. When we don't know our role, we end up constantly being in search of someone to come and save us in this lifetime, to do things that we need done for us. Not in the sense of claiming our power as being a leader, and being above certain tasks that others would be so happy to help us with. But instead we are hot potato-ing our responsibility, hot potato-ing our personal growth and development onto others, saying, "Please certify me so that I'm worthy," for example. Or, "Please love and approve of me, or choose me so that I'm finally worthy."

That's not your role. My guides have told me to remind you that your role is actually to be a light and a guide yourself in this lifetime. You were meant to shine bright, that light of who you are, so that others can see it and then be inspired to turn on their lights and shine as well. What does that mean, in particular, to be the light or to be a guide yourself? It means being conscious of how your perspective, as we discussed in previous weeks, how your perspective connects with and affects others.

In the first two weeks, we really got clear within ourselves around what it takes to step into our divinity. Firstly, stepping back and taking in more of the grand scheme of things. The larger view of your life and what you're doing with it, and of your business, and what you're doing with it, and why. And then secondly, we made it really small, as distilled as possible if you can, on to a three by three sticky. A simple sticky note.

But where we're at now, is remembering. Now that we have this clarity, if you do ... And, by the way, remember to share it with me, I'd love to hear what clarity you got. Now that we have that, is to remember that our role is to shine and to guide others.

Click to share the Tweet of the Week: Know this: Your role is to be a light and a guide, yourself, in this lifetime. You were meant to shine bright that light of who you are, so that others can see it and be inspired to do the same. #inspire #entrepreneur #positivevibesonly @SenseiWhitfield

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The vision that I get for this in particular on how we do that, how we know our role and how we bring it into us in a really powerful way, is an image of the lighthouse. Here's a flagpole, as an example, again this is a monument to where George Washington stood to watch the opposing armies in American history. But a monument, or a lighthouse, stays stationary. It stands firm. It has a firm base. It's very powerfully connected to the earth. Knows its roots, right? And does not move from them. Yet, at the same time, stands head and shoulders above. Sticks out on purpose, to be a marker for what is possible.

Now, be kind to yourself if you, like I in my own humanity, have found yourself maybe in your business throwing away responsibility or trying to throw money at whoever can figure out your problems or who looks like or talks like they've figured out your problems. First, be kind to yourself. That's not your role.

Your role is not to give away your power. But, instead, it's to stand firm in it and deal, find a way to deal, with remaining visible as the lighthouse that you are. You are not just a monument, but you're a lighthouse. Lighthouses shine. And they shine for a reason, constantly, to help others who are trying to find their way. Do you see? It's just being who you are. You don't do it because others are lost and finding their way. But you do it because of who you are. You shine your light because of that.

With that, I'm hearing the Oracle Card calling in the week. Calling in the energy. Again, for these five weeks, we're journeying with Isis Oracle Cards by Alana Fairchild to really help us continue to open up to that powerful transformative energy of which the Goddess Isis is an archetype. And the Oracle Card of the week is, ooh, Chariots of Ascension. It's gorgeous. A beautiful purple Merkabah. “Chariot of Ascension. Spiritual work of the higher initiate.” Here's where we're going to leave off this week.

You're called to ascend. This is not a descent.What you're being called into is not you coming down or lowering yourself for anyone else to make them feel comfortable or acceptable, or for you to appear acceptable to them. No, you're being called to ascend, become even more of who you are. And because of that, like the Merkabah, you become a chariot, a vehicle. A vehicle for others to do the same.

Now, I know we're talking about all these wonderful, high-spiritual concepts. But you and I own businesses. So, I'm curious: how are you going to increase or turn up the volume on your light, your passion, your purpose, and who you really are in your business this week? Or what areas in your business are you going to stop turning down, coming down, and diminishing yourself in?

Send me an email back, comment below, email me at so that I can see what you have to say.By the way, make sure you subscribe on YouTube, so that you get these Love Letters first every single week. And I'll see you next time.

May you feel loved and safe at work this week. And, please: Enjoy the journey.


Just for today...

Remember that you are called to ascend in this life; you are not called to shrink down or diminish yourself for others.

Decide that when you choose to stand up for something and shine your light bright, you lift all of us higher, whether you do it at home or at work.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!


Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business.

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