Love Letters | Healing Lost Faith – Part 1 of 4

The topic that my guides have asked me to cover this time in particular is: losing faith. What to do when you feel like you are losing faith.

Now, I want to be clear, I am not a business coach, I'm not a marketing guru, I'm not your run-of-the-mill reiki master, and I'm not even a massage therapist or any of that. I'm not any of those things. I'm a Business Reiki Master. So what does that mean? That means I help empathic entrepreneurs and their teams, burnt out business owners, uncertain CEO’s, C-Level executives and their teams to get and stay balanced and clear in mind, body and business. So, although I am not the person who's going to tell you how to write a business plan or how to get your first client, I *am* the person that's going to support you with the energy *behind* doing those tasks - making sure that your vibration, emotion, and your energy is balanced and managed well. That's when these people call me in, specifically during times of transition, when they're losing faith.

In the coming posts we're going to be talking more about the experience of losing faith in yourself, losing faith in your business or the economy, and losing faith in your mission and purpose on Earth, and we will be covering what to do in each and every situation.So, if you haven't yet, make sure that you subscribe on YouTube so that you get these Love Letters first every single week, and also make sure that you take my quiz so that you have an opportunity to self-assess around where are you at, so you can jumpstart your unique healing journey.

Without further ado, let's get a little bit more into this. Why are we talking about losing faith in particular? Here’s why: my guides have magnetized to me so many people who are brilliant experts who are talented, generous, loving givers, givers, givers. We’ve been taught that “givers gain.” If you know what I'm talking about send me an email back, comment below wherever you're seeing this, type it in, givers gain, if that's something that you live by.

But here's the thing: eventually, if you are not giving andreceiving - or if you're not receiving asyou give - you will dry out.Think of it this way - think of yourself as an oil lamp. If you've ever seen an oil lamp, it's this beautiful glass receptacle which has a cotton wick that runs through it, and it's bound at the top so that the wick doesn't fall in, and that receptacle is full of oil, an incendiary flammable substance, but when it's wicked up, or absorbed up the wick, it then becomes fuel for our burning fire. If you light that wick the fire will continue to burn in the oil lamp for as long as there is oil in there.

So for us as empathic entrepreneurs, as spiritual business owners and conscious CEOs, we're giving, giving, giving. We want to take excellent care of our people. Being in charge means taking care of the people who are in our charge. You know this already. And what can happen along the way is that you give to the point where your oil lamp, so-to-speak, is running out, and your light begins to dim.

My guides are asking me to urge you, this week in particular, to ask yourself: “where is my light dimming? Where have I begun to lose faith?”

Are you losing faith in yourself? Are you losing faith in your business or the economy, or your ability to receive and pay out money? Or are you losing faith in your mission, your purpose here on Earth? Those symptoms usually are accompanied by feelings of exhaustion, crankiness, resentment, smiling but behind your smile there's like a sense of “I can't stand this anymore, I don't know how much more I can take,” or feelings of avoidance, procrastination.

Click to share the Tweet of the Week: Know this: Don't forget to refill your oil lamp so that you can continue to shine your light! @SenseiWhitfield #womeninbusiness #worklifebalance #entrepreneur

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Be kind to yourself if this is what you are going through, this month in particular.I don't know when you'll be watching or reading this. Maybe you're watching and reading it when we first debut these love letters, maybe you'll happen upon this in YouTube or wherever, or someone shared it with you because they love you, but regardless of the time of year you've landed on this video series please know that it's time for you to refill your oil lamp, it's time for you to feed your faith.

We want to honor you wherever you're at if you happen to be losing faith. No judgement here; all love. Perhaps you're watching and reading this because someone that you know and love, or who you work with that who you care about and have seen as a powerhouse before - they've been amazing, but their light is starting to dim. If that’s the case, lets begin to send some healing to them, ok? Let's surround you and your loved ones, your dear coworkers and colleagues in healing white light and positivity, this week, this day in particular.

And without further ado let's get to the oracle cards of the week from Healing with the Angels, the very first oracle deck that Doreen Virtue ever made.Okay, Angels, what do we need to know right now about this topic of losing faith? Is it okay? What do we need to know in order to begin to restore it? “Nature.” Gorgeous. I'm going to read to you:

“Spending time alone in nature is important for you, even five minutes in a garden would be healing for you right now. By drawing this card the angels ask you to interact with nature more often, every day if possible. This card also signifies that you may be happier living in a more rural setting. If you have thought about moving away from city life consider this card as additional validation. Also, this card may be encouraging you to choose an occupation involving plants or animals. For instance, you may enjoy gardening, nursery or veterinary work, pet sitting, or delving into the world of animal communication. Your angels and the nature elements are helping you discover and give your gifts to the world. Help them to help you by spending more time in nature.”

And here's where we're going to leave off for this week. As we enter into this more vulnerable topic of losing faith, one way that you can begin to rebuild already before we start talking about more specific ways, is by reconnecting to nature.Reconnecting to nature. Nature is so healing, right? Maybe you lost a loved one, or maybe a major client fell through. But one simple way that you can begin to restore your faith in yourself, in life, or in business is to step back and appreciate nature. The beautiful thing about plants is that they continue growing. And how animals, they have this beautiful wonder and awe for life, they have this essential beauty and innocence to them. Mountainsides, forests, the beach and the water are all so healing - connect to the beauty of nature and allow it to begin to replenish and refill your soul.

So if this topic is on time for you, if it's speaking to you, make sure that you comment below, send me an email back at and subscribe on YouTube so that you get these Love Letters first every single week.

And by the way, if this is really resonating and you're thinking of someone in particular, will you please send them this video?Let them know that they're not alone. And if you are new to the Love Letters because you received this and someone shared it for you, I want you to know you're not alone in what you’re going through. Faith can be restored. Connect to nature this week, go for a walk, soak it up, be gentle with yourself, and I'll see you next week so that we can continue this conversation. Mwah! Sending you so much love.


Just for today...

Be kind to yourself and notice where the inner light of your faith and drive may be dimming.

Instead of avoiding or glazing over the truth, pause for a moment and acknowledge where you feel drained or dismayed.

Notice how you feel in that moment - you're already healing!


Hello there. I am Sensei Victoria Whitfield, your business reiki master. And it's my joy to get to support empathic entrepreneurs and business owners like you in getting and staying grounded and clear in mind, body and business.

Welcome back to another installment of your weekly love letter from the dojo at and, my blog. These are your sources for channeled holistic stress management techniques and guidance for developing your natural intuition. Whether you're looking to improve the quality of your personal and professional life, let this love letter be your reminder that you are not alone and that together we can make that happen.

Let's schedule a chat, and see how I can help you...